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60-501 Scope. - 60-501. Scope. The provisions of this article govern the limitation...
60-503 Adverse possession. - 60-503. Adverse possession. No action shall be maintained against any...
60-504 Execution sale. - 60-504. Execution sale. No action shall be maintained for the...
60-505 Sales by executors, administrators or conservators. - 60-505. Sales by executors, administrators or conservators. No action shall...
60-506 Forcible entry and detention. - 60-506. Forcible entry and detention. No action shall be maintained...
60-507 Unspecified real property actions. - 60-507. Unspecified real property actions. No action shall be maintained...
60-508 Persons under legal disabilities. - 60-508. Persons under legal disabilities. (a) Effect. If any person...
60-509 Real property actions excepted. - 60-509. Real property actions excepted. Nothing contained in any statutes...
60-510 Effect of limitations prescribed. - 60-510. Effect of limitations prescribed. Civil actions, other than for...
60-511 Actions limited to five years. - 60-511. Actions limited to five years. The following actions shall...
60-512 Actions limited to three years. - 60-512. Actions limited to three years. The following actions shall...
60-513 Actions limited to two years. - 60-513. Actions limited to two years. (a) The following actions...
60-513a Ionizing radiation defined. - 60-513a. Ionizing radiation defined. For purposes of this act, "ionizing...
60-513b Limitations on actions for ionizing radiation injury. - 60-513b. Limitations on actions for ionizing radiation injury. No action...
60-513c Action for latent ionizing radiation damage not barred by prior action; exception. - 60-513c. Action for latent ionizing radiation damage not barred by...
60-513d "Health care provider" defined. - 60-513d. "Health care provider" defined. As used in K.S.A. 60-513...
60-514 Actions limited to one year. - 60-514. Actions limited to one year. The following actions shall...
60-515 Persons under legal disability. - 60-515. Persons under legal disability. (a) Effect. Except as provided...
60-516 Actions originating in another state. - 60-516. Actions originating in another state. Where the cause of...
60-517 When defendant out of state. - 60-517. When defendant out of state. If when a cause...
60-518 New action, when. - 60-518. New action, when. If any action be commenced within...
60-519 Suits stayed by injunction. - 60-519. Suits stayed by injunction. Whenever the commencement of any...
60-520 Part payment or acknowledgment of liability. - 60-520. Part payment or acknowledgment of liability. (a) Effect. In...
60-521 Limitations applicable to public bodies. - 60-521. Limitations applicable to public bodies. As to any cause...
60-522 Limitations on actions brought by or on behalf of the Kansas public employees retirement system; retroactive application. - 60-522. Limitations on actions brought by or on behalf of...
60-523 Limitations on actions for recovery of damages suffered as a result of childhood sexual abuse. - 60-523. Limitations on actions for recovery of damages suffered as...
60-524 Limitations on actions for recovery of damages by Dalkon Shield victims. - 60-524. Limitations on actions for recovery of damages by Dalkon...