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58-20a01 Kansas coordinate system of 1983. - 58-20a01. Kansas coordinate system of 1983. The system of plane...
58-20a02 Same; use in land descriptions. - 58-20a02. Same; use in land descriptions. As established for use...
58-20a03 Same; plane coordinate values. - 58-20a03. Same; plane coordinate values. The plane coordinate values for...
58-20a04 Same; describing land tracts, use of coordinate system. - 58-20a04. Same; describing land tracts, use of coordinate system. Descriptions...
58-20a05 Same; tracts in more than one zone. - 58-20a05. Same; tracts in more than one zone. When any...
58-20a06 Same; coordinate system, defined. - 58-20a06. Same; coordinate system, defined. For purposes of more precisely...
58-20a07 Same; limitation. - 58-20a07. Same; limitation. The use of the term "Kansas coordinate...