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58-2001 Monumentation of exterior corners, type; definitions. - 58-2001. Monumentation of exterior corners, type; definitions. (a) All exterior...
58-2002 Same; corners used in control establishing boundaries. - 58-2002. Same; corners used in control establishing boundaries. Where any...
58-2003 Same; recording measurements from visible objects; description. - 58-2003. Same; recording measurements from visible objects; description. When any...
58-2004 Survey plats; information required for county surveyor review. - 58-2004. Survey plats; information required for county surveyor review. The...
58-2005 Review of survey plats; requirements; procedure; costs; recording of plat, when; waiver. - 58-2005. Review of survey plats; requirements; procedure; costs; recording of...
58-2006 "Person" defined. - 58-2006. "Person" defined. As used in this act, "person" means...
58-2009 Rules and regulations; fees; existing rules and regulations continued in effect. - 58-2009. Rules and regulations; fees; existing rules and regulations continued...
58-2010 Public agencies to provide information upon request; payment of cost. - 58-2010. Public agencies to provide information upon request; payment of...
58-2011 Report of survey, filing; filing of reports relating to altered or destroyed markers; reproduction of survey records; fees; land survey fee fund created. - 58-2011. Report of survey, filing; filing of reports relating to...