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15-11b01 City and surrounding area; organization; purposes. - 15-11b01. City and surrounding area; organization; purposes. Any city of...
15-11b02 Community building district; petition; order; public corporation. - 15-11b02. Community building district; petition; order; public corporation. Upon the...
15-11b03 Same; meeting; notice; chairman; election of directors; terms; powers and duties. - 15-11b03. Same; meeting; notice; chairman; election of directors; terms; powers...
15-11b04 Same; acceptance of existing building; equipping and operation. - 15-11b04. Same; acceptance of existing building; equipping and operation. A...
15-11b05 Same; annual meeting; notice; posting; special meetings. - 15-11b05. Same; annual meeting; notice; posting; special meetings. The annual...
15-11b06 Same; persons entitled to vote at meetings. - 15-11b06. Same; persons entitled to vote at meetings. Any person...
15-11b07 Same; board of directors; terms; vacancies. - 15-11b07. Same; board of directors; terms; vacancies. Each community building...
15-11b08 Same; organization; powers; bond of treasurer; expenditures. - 15-11b08. Same; organization; powers; bond of treasurer; expenditures. Immediately following...
15-11b09 Same; powers and duties of board. - 15-11b09. Same; powers and duties of board. The board of...
15-11b10 Same; tax levies. - 15-11b10. Same; tax levies. The board of directors is authorized...
15-11b11 Attachment of territory outside county; petition; order; notice; tax levies. - 15-11b11. Attachment of territory outside county; petition; order; notice; tax...
15-11b12 Same; budget; filing with county clerks; tax levies; certification. - 15-11b12. Same; budget; filing with county clerks; tax levies; certification....
15-11b13 Same; payment of tax moneys to treasurer of district. - 15-11b13. Same; payment of tax moneys to treasurer of district....
15-11b14 Same; act supplemental to 15-11b01 to 15-11b10. - 15-11b14. Same; act supplemental to 15-11b01 to 15-11b10. This act...