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15-1117 Natural gas production and sale; acquisition of drilling site; contracts. - 15-1117. Natural gas production and sale; acquisition of drilling site;...
15-1118 Same; conditions. - 15-1118. Same; conditions. The drilling of a well as authorized...
15-1119 Same; acreage within or without city limits. - 15-1119. Same; acreage within or without city limits. If there...
15-1120 Same; contracts for consolidation or unitization of land. - 15-1120. Same; contracts for consolidation or unitization of land. If...
15-1121 Same; election; resolution and order of governing body. - 15-1121. Same; election; resolution and order of governing body. No...
15-1122 Same; effect of resolution, order and election; landowner may petition court; proceedings. - 15-1122. Same; effect of resolution, order and election; landowner may...
15-1123 Leasing of municipal auditorium to patriotic organization; term. - 15-1123. Leasing of municipal auditorium to patriotic organization; term. The...
15-1126 Sewage disposal plants in certain cities; special assessments; limitations. - 15-1126. Sewage disposal plants in certain cities; special assessments; limitations....
15-1127 Sewage disposal plants in certain cities; assessment of other taxing units; bonds and notes of other taxing units; terms. - 15-1127. Sewage disposal plants in certain cities; assessment of other...
15-1128 Same; bond and tax limitations inapplicable. - 15-1128. Same; bond and tax limitations inapplicable. Bonds issued under...
15-1146 Validation of sale and conveyance of land in city inundated by construction of reservoir. - 15-1146. Validation of sale and conveyance of land in city...