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12-4401 Matters before trial. - 12-4401. Matters before trial. Every person charged with violation of...
12-4402 Appearance of accused person; action by counsel or by mail. - 12-4402. Appearance of accused person; action by counsel or by...
12-4403 Time of arraignment. - 12-4403. Time of arraignment. Accused persons shall be arraigned: (a)...
12-4404 Arraignment. - 12-4404. Arraignment. Arraignment shall be conducted in open court by...
12-4405 Appointment of counsel, when. - 12-4405. Appointment of counsel, when. If the municipal judge has...
12-4406 Pleas; failure to appear. - 12-4406. Pleas; failure to appear. (a) A plea of guilty...
12-4407 Procedure upon plea of guilty. - 12-4407. Procedure upon plea of guilty. If the accused person...
12-4408 Motions. - 12-4408. Motions. The Kansas code of criminal procedure shall govern,...
12-4409 Continuances. - 12-4409. Continuances. The municipal judge may grant a continuance of...
12-4410 Discovery, depositions. - 12-4410. Discovery, depositions. The accused person shall be permitted to...
12-4411 Subpoenas; witnesses' expenses; abuse of subpoenas, costs. - 12-4411. Subpoenas; witnesses' expenses; abuse of subpoenas, costs. All parties...
12-4412 Municipal diversion agreements; contents; copy to K.B.I., when; availability to prosecuting attorney. - 12-4412. Municipal diversion agreements; contents; copy to K.B.I., when; availability...
12-4413 Municipal court diversion; definitions. - 12-4413. Municipal court diversion; definitions. As used in K.S.A. 8-1009...
12-4414 Same; when agreements to be offered; written policies; information to be furnished; right to counsel. - 12-4414. Same; when agreements to be offered; written policies; information...
12-4415 Same; factors to consider; when prohibited. - 12-4415. Same; factors to consider; when prohibited. (a) In determining...
12-4416 Same; provisions of diversion agreement; waiver of certain rights; effect of failure to fulfill or accept agreement; duties of city attorney and division of vehicles. - 12-4416. Same; provisions of diversion agreement; waiver of certain rights;...
12-4417 Same; condition diversion on plea prohibited; nonadmissible evidence. - 12-4417. Same; condition diversion on plea prohibited; nonadmissible evidence. No...
12-4418 Failure to fulfill diversion agreement; satisfactory fulfillment; records. - 12-4418. Failure to fulfill diversion agreement; satisfactory fulfillment; records. (a)...
12-4419 Defendants under 21 years, drug and alcohol evaluations. - 12-4419. Defendants under 21 years, drug and alcohol evaluations. (a)...