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12-4301 Appearance bonds; methods of securing appearance; driver's license as security, penalty. - 12-4301. Appearance bonds; methods of securing appearance; driver's license as...
12-4302 Personal recognizance. - 12-4302. Personal recognizance. Notwithstanding the provisions of K.S.A. 12-4301, a...
12-4303 Failure to appear. - 12-4303. Failure to appear. In the event the accused person...
12-4304 Appearance bond; posting; form. - 12-4304. Appearance bond; posting; form. An appearance bond shall be...
12-4305 Schedule of fines for municipal ordinance traffic infractions and certain other ordinances; violations excluded from schedule; fines upon plea of guilty or no contest; procedure. - 12-4305. Schedule of fines for municipal ordinance traffic infractions and...
12-4306 Traffic violations; failure to appear, service of warrant and collection of bond. - 12-4306. Traffic violations; failure to appear, service of warrant and...