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12-2901 Purpose of act. - 12-2901. Purpose of act. It is the purpose of this...
12-2902 Short title. - 12-2902. Short title. This act may be cited as the...
12-2903 Definitions. - 12-2903. Definitions. As used in the interlocal cooperation act: (a)...
12-2904 Interlocal agreements by public agencies; specifications; approval of attorney general, exceptions. - 12-2904. Interlocal agreements by public agencies; specifications; approval of attorney...
12-2904a Same; powers and duration of separate legal entities created thereby; certain functions prohibited. - 12-2904a. Same; powers and duration of separate legal entities created...
12-2905 Same; filing; status; damage or liability actions. - 12-2905. Same; filing; status; damage or liability actions. Prior to...
12-2906 Same; additional approval of certain agreements; insurance-pooling agreements. - 12-2906. Same; additional approval of certain agreements; insurance-pooling agreements. In...
12-2907 Same; funds; property, personnel and service. - 12-2907. Same; funds; property, personnel and service. Any public agency...
12-2908 Contracts between certain municipalities. - 12-2908. Contracts between certain municipalities. (a) When used in this...
12-2909 Same; enforcement of city ordinances by sheriff; sheriff's approval. - 12-2909. Same; enforcement of city ordinances by sheriff; sheriff's approval....
12-2910 Interlocal agreements; community colleges; validation of agreements. - 12-2910. Interlocal agreements; community colleges; validation of agreements. Any interlocal...