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12-2801 Name and citation of act. - 12-2801. Name and citation of act. This act shall be...
12-2802 Definitions. - 12-2802. Definitions. When used in this act: (a) "Transportation system"...
12-2803 Actions by or against; seal. - 12-2803. Actions by or against; seal. The authority may sue...
12-2804 General powers. - 12-2804. General powers. The authority shall have power to acquire,...
12-2805 Acquisition of properties and rights. - 12-2805. Acquisition of properties and rights. The authority shall have...
12-2806 Same; sale, lease or exchange. - 12-2806. Same; sale, lease or exchange. The authority shall have...
12-2807 Use of street or public way; ordinance. - 12-2807. Use of street or public way; ordinance. The authority...
12-2808 Borrowing money; revenue bonds or certificates; sources of payment; conditions; trust agreements; nonliability of state or political subdivision; sale of bonds or certificates. - 12-2808. Borrowing money; revenue bonds or certificates; sources of payment;...
12-2809 Purchase of equipment; trust certificates; payment; leases. - 12-2809. Purchase of equipment; trust certificates; payment; leases. The authority...
12-2810 Investment in bonds or certificates by certain public and private bodies. - 12-2810. Investment in bonds or certificates by certain public and...
12-2811 Federal grants and loans. - 12-2811. Federal grants and loans. The authority shall have power...
12-2812 Investment of authority reserve or sinking funds. - 12-2812. Investment of authority reserve or sinking funds. The authority...
12-2813 Insurance or indemnity contracts. - 12-2813. Insurance or indemnity contracts. The authority shall have power...
12-2814 Tax levies; validation of election and proceedings prior to January 1, 1974; purpose of levy. - 12-2814. Tax levies; validation of election and proceedings prior to...
12-2815 Transit board; qualifications of members; salary; expenses. - 12-2815. Transit board; qualifications of members; salary; expenses. The governing...
12-2816 Transit board; appointment of board; terms. - 12-2816. Transit board; appointment of board; terms. Members of the...
12-2817 Same; resignations; removals; vacancies. - 12-2817. Same; resignations; removals; vacancies. Any member may resign from...
12-2818 Same; chairman and temporary secretary; qualification and salary of chairman. - 12-2818. Same; chairman and temporary secretary; qualification and salary of...
12-2819 Same; meetings; action by resolution; public records. - 12-2819. Same; meetings; action by resolution; public records. (a) Regular...
12-2820 Same; secretary; treasurer; compensation; oaths; bond of treasurer. - 12-2820. Same; secretary; treasurer; compensation; oaths; bond of treasurer. The...
12-2821 Funds of authority; deposits and expenditures. - 12-2821. Funds of authority; deposits and expenditures. All funds deposited...
12-2822 Signatures of officers valid. - 12-2822. Signatures of officers valid. In case any officer whose...
12-2823 Appointment of manager, attorney, engineer and other officers; duties; bonds; compensation. - 12-2823. Appointment of manager, attorney, engineer and other officers; duties;...
12-2824 Employment classification and regulation. - 12-2824. Employment classification and regulation. The board shall classify all...
12-2825 Contracts with labor organizations. - 12-2825. Contracts with labor organizations. The board may deal with...
12-2826 Rules and regulations; rates, fares and charges; free transportation, certain. - 12-2826. Rules and regulations; rates, fares and charges; free transportation,...
12-2827 Property and facilities, regulations. - 12-2827. Property and facilities, regulations. The board shall have power...
12-2828 Letting of certain contracts; bids; exceptions. - 12-2828. Letting of certain contracts; bids; exceptions. All contracts for...
12-2829 Advertisements for bids; awarding of contracts. - 12-2829. Advertisements for bids; awarding of contracts. Advertisements for bids...
12-2830 Fiscal year; budget. - 12-2830. Fiscal year; budget. The board shall establish a fiscal...
12-2831 Same; financial statements. - 12-2831. Same; financial statements. As soon after the end of...
12-2832 Modernization of system; fund; loans. - 12-2832. Modernization of system; fund; loans. It shall be the...
12-2833 Same; depreciation policy. - 12-2833. Same; depreciation policy. To assure modern, attractive transportation service...
12-2834 Operating expenses; damage reserve fund; liability insurance. - 12-2834. Operating expenses; damage reserve fund; liability insurance. The board...
12-2835 Special funds; creation; use. - 12-2835. Special funds; creation; use. The authority pursuant to resolutions...
12-2836 Limitation of actions for injuries; time for filing notice. - 12-2836. Limitation of actions for injuries; time for filing notice....
12-2837 Investigations by transit board; testimony. - 12-2837. Investigations by transit board; testimony. The board may investigate...
12-2838 Invalidity of part. - 12-2838. Invalidity of part. If any provision of this act...
12-2839 Adoption of ordinance; election required. - 12-2839. Adoption of ordinance; election required. The provisions of this...
12-2840 Reimbursement of motor-fuel and special fuel taxes paid, when; ordinance; payment from street fund. - 12-2840. Reimbursement of motor-fuel and special fuel taxes paid, when;...