Kansas Statutes
Article 11 - Banking Code; Powers
9-1124 Same; investment by banks; limitations.

9-1124. Same; investment by banks; limitations. No limitation or prohibition otherwise imposed by any provision of state law exclusively relating to banks shall prevent any state bank or banks from investing not more than 10% of the paid-in and unimpaired capital and unimpaired surplus in a bank service company. No bank shall invest more than 5% of the bank's total assets in bank service companies.
History: L. 1963, ch. 64, § 2; L. 1984, ch. 48, § 11; L. 2015, ch. 38, § 57; L. 2016, ch. 54, § 28; July 1.

Structure Kansas Statutes

Kansas Statutes

Chapter 9 - Banks And Banking; Trust Companies

Article 11 - Banking Code; Powers

9-1101 General powers.

9-1101a Issuance of capital notes or debentures, when; limitations.

9-1102 Holding of real estate; limitations.

9-1104 Limitation on loans and borrowing; determination of limits; compliance with section; definitions.

9-1107 Temporary borrowing by bank; limitation; exceptions.

9-1111 Branch banking; remote service units.

9-1111b Applications for branch banks; examinations and investigation fee; disposition and use of fees.

9-1112 Unlawful transactions.

9-1114 Board of directors of bank or trust company; rules and requirements.

9-1115 Officers of bank or trust company; election; term; bond; forfeiture of office.

9-1116 Meetings of board; examination of records, funds and securities; minutes.

9-1119 Certified checks, drafts or orders.

9-1121 Reproduction of records and papers; evidence.

9-1122 Closing of banks; business hours; emergencies.

9-1123 Bank service corporations; definitions.

9-1124 Same; investment by banks; limitations.

9-1125 Same; unreasonable discrimination in providing services prohibited; exceptions.

9-1127a Same; services which may be performed for depository institutions.

9-1127b Same; services which may be provided by corporations; restrictions.

9-1127c Same; investments in corporations performing certain services under 9-1127b; approval required.

9-1127d Same; services performed for bank or subsidiary or affiliate; regulation and examination by commissioner; rules and regulations.

9-1127e Same; investments by savings and loan associations and savings banks.

9-1127f Same; new activities with savings and loan associations; prior approval required.

9-1127g Same; permitted activities.

9-1127h Savings and loan service corporations; definitions.

9-1128 Deposits by banks or trust companies acting as fiduciaries or custodians for fiduciaries of certain securities guaranteed by the United States or agencies thereof; rules and regulations; records of ownership; certifications of deposit.

9-1129 Same; application of act.

9-1130 Retention of books and records; rules and regulations; destruction; photographic reproduction; electronic recordation; confidentiality of records unaffected.

9-1131 Repurchase agreements with pooled money investment board.

9-1132 Personal liability of officers and directors, exceptions.

9-1133 Liability of officers and directors; actions; certain provisions applicable.

9-1134 Liability of officers and directors; severability.

9-1136 Powers; authority to lease certain personal property; definitions.

9-1137 Compliance review committees; functions; confidentiality of certain documents; definitions; exceptions.

9-1138 School savings deposit program; requirements; definitions.

9-1140 Prohibiting branch banks in certain locations.

9-1141 Securing deposits for federally recognized Indian tribe.

9-1142 Savings promotion; requirements; rules and regulations.