Kansas Statutes
Article 14 - Weather Modification
82a-1405 Same; licenses for weather modification activities; issuance and limitations; permit for weather modification projects; studies, hearings and investigations; research and development programs; expenditure of funds; representation of state in...

82a-1405. Same; licenses for weather modification activities; issuance and limitations; permit for weather modification projects; studies, hearings and investigations; research and development programs; expenditure of funds; representation of state in weather modification matters. (a) At the direction of the authority, the director may issue licenses for weather modification activities, as provided for in this act, but any licensee shall be limited in the exercise of activities under the license to the specified method or methods of weather modification activity within the area of expertise of the licensee.
(b) At the direction of the authority, the director may issue a permit for each specific weather modification project or program, which may be comprised of one or more weather modification activities. Every such permit shall describe:
(1) The geographic area within which such activities are to be carried out;
(2) the geographic area to be affected; and
(3) the duration of the weather modification activities of the project or program, which period may be noncontinuous but which may not have a total duration exceeding one calendar year from the day of its issuance.
The director shall issue a permit only after it has been established that the project or program, as conceived, will provide substantial benefits or that it will advance scientific knowledge.
(c) The director shall make any studies or investigations, obtain any information and hold any hearings that the director considers necessary or proper to assist in exercising the powers or administering or enforcing the provisions of this act.
The hearings shall be conducted under the provisions and within any limitations of rules and regulations adopted by the authority.
(d) In order to assist in expanding the theoretical and practical knowledge of weather modification, the authority, to the extent that funds are available therefor, may cooperate with, support, participate in and promote research, development and operational programs in:
(1) The theory and development of weather modification, including those aspects relating to procedures, materials, ecological effects and the attendant legal and social problems;
(2) the utilization of weather modification for domestic, municipal, agricultural, industrial, recreational and other beneficial purposes; and
(3) the protection of life, health, property and the general environment.
(e) Subject to any limitations imposed by law, to further the purposes of this act, the authority may utilize available funds from the state and may accept federal grants, private gifts and donations from any source. Except as otherwise provided by law, the authority may use any such moneys:
(1) For the administration of this act;
(2) to encourage research and development projects by public or private agencies through grants, contracts or cooperative arrangements;
(3) to contract for and support local efforts in weather modification activities to seek relief from or to avoid droughts, hail, storms, fires, fog or other naturally undesirable conditions.
(f) Under the direction of the authority, the director shall represent the state in matters pertaining to plans, procedures, or negotiations for cooperative agreements, or intergovernmental arrangements relating to weather modification.
History: L. 1974, ch. 321, § 5; L. 1984, ch. 1, § 4; L. 1995, ch. 138, § 3; L. 2004, ch. 145, § 45; July 1, 2005.

Structure Kansas Statutes

Kansas Statutes

Chapter 82a - Waters And Watercourses

Article 14 - Weather Modification

82a-1401 Citation of act.

82a-1402 Kansas weather modification act; definitions.

82a-1403 Same; administration of act; rules and regulations; powers of board and director.

82a-1405 Same; licenses for weather modification activities; issuance and limitations; permit for weather modification projects; studies, hearings and investigations; research and development programs; expenditure of funds; representation of state in...

82a-1406 Same; license and permit required; violation of license or permit; fee exemptions.

82a-1407 Same; license; requirements.

82a-1408 Same; license fees; license term.

82a-1409 Suspension or revocation of license; grounds; hearing.

82a-1410 Appeals to district court.

82a-1411 Same; weather modification permit; requirements.

82a-1412 Same; conduct of operations under permit under supervision of licensee.

82a-1413 Same; permit fees.

82a-1414 Same; permit term; emergency.

82a-1415 Weather modification; permit; revision, suspension or modification of terms and conditions; procedure; licensee to notify director of emergencies.

82a-1416 Same; compliance with permit terms and conditions.

82a-1417 Same; reports of activities; form and content.

82a-1418 Same; suspension, revocation or denial of permit.

82a-1419 Same; suspension or revocation of license or permit; notice and hearing.

82a-1420 Same; state and local officers immune from liability; issuance of permit not state endorsement.

82a-1421 Same; operation without license or permit; order to cease; enforcement.

82a-1422 Same; license or permit no defense in action for damages or injunctive relief.

82a-1423 Same; violations of act; misdemeanor.

82a-1424 Severability of act.

82a-1425 Weather modification programs; tax levy, use of proceeds; protest petition and election.