Kansas Statutes
Article 15 - Uniform Act Regulating Traffic; Rules Of The Road
8-1567 Driving under the influence; penalties.

8-1567. Driving under the influence; penalties. (a) Driving under the influence is operating or attempting to operate any vehicle within this state while:
(1) The alcohol concentration in the person's blood or breath as shown by any competent evidence, including other competent evidence, as defined in K.S.A. 8-1013(f)(1), and amendments thereto, is 0.08 or more;
(2) the alcohol concentration in the person's blood or breath, as measured within three hours of the time of operating or attempting to operate a vehicle, is 0.08 or more;
(3) under the influence of alcohol to a degree that renders the person incapable of safely driving a vehicle;
(4) under the influence of any drug or combination of drugs to a degree that renders the person incapable of safely driving a vehicle; or
(5) under the influence of a combination of alcohol and any drug or drugs to a degree that renders the person incapable of safely driving a vehicle.
(b) (1) Driving under the influence is:
(A) On a first conviction a class B, nonperson misdemeanor. The person convicted shall be sentenced to not less than 48 consecutive hours nor more than six months' imprisonment, or in the court's discretion 100 hours of public service, and fined not less than $750 nor more than $1,000. The person convicted shall serve at least 48 consecutive hours' imprisonment or 100 hours of public service either before or as a condition of any grant of probation or suspension, reduction of sentence or parole. The court may place the person convicted under a house arrest program pursuant to K.S.A. 2021 Supp. 21-6609, and amendments thereto, to serve the remainder of the sentence only after such person has served 48 consecutive hours' imprisonment;
(B) on a second conviction a class A, nonperson misdemeanor. The person convicted shall be sentenced to not less than 90 days nor more than one year's imprisonment and fined not less than $1,250 nor more than $1,750. The person convicted shall serve at least five consecutive days' imprisonment before the person is granted probation, suspension or reduction of sentence or parole or is otherwise released. The five days' imprisonment mandated by this subsection may be served in a work release program only after such person has served 48 consecutive hours' imprisonment, provided such work release program requires such person to return to confinement at the end of each day in the work release program. The person convicted, if placed into a work release program, shall serve a minimum of 120 hours of confinement. Such 120 hours of confinement shall be a period of at least 48 consecutive hours of imprisonment followed by confinement hours at the end of and continuing to the beginning of the offender's work day. The court may place the person convicted under a house arrest program pursuant to K.S.A. 2021 Supp. 21-6609, and amendments thereto, to serve the five days' imprisonment mandated by this subsection only after such person has served 48 consecutive hours' imprisonment. The person convicted, if placed under house arrest, shall be monitored by an electronic monitoring device, which verifies the offender's location. The offender shall serve a minimum of 120 hours of confinement within the boundaries of the offender's residence. Any exceptions to remaining within the boundaries of the offender's residence provided for in the house arrest agreement shall not be counted as part of the 120 hours;
(C) on a third conviction a class A, nonperson misdemeanor, except as provided in subsection (b)(1)(D). The person convicted shall be sentenced to not less than 90 days nor more than one year's imprisonment and fined not less than $1,750 nor more than $2,500. The person convicted shall not be eligible for release on probation, suspension or reduction of sentence or parole until the person has served at least 90 days' imprisonment. The 90 days' imprisonment mandated by this subsection may be served in a work release program only after such person has served 48 consecutive hours' imprisonment, provided such work release program requires such person to return to confinement at the end of each day in the work release program. The person convicted, if placed into a work release program, shall serve a minimum of 2,160 hours of confinement. Such 2,160 hours of confinement shall be a period of at least 48 consecutive hours of imprisonment followed by confinement hours at the end of and continuing to the beginning of the offender's work day. The court may place the person convicted under a house arrest program pursuant to K.S.A. 2021 Supp. 21-6609, and amendments thereto, to serve the 90 days' imprisonment mandated by this subsection only after such person has served 48 consecutive hours' imprisonment. The person convicted, if placed under house arrest, shall be monitored by an electronic monitoring device, which verifies the offender's location. The offender shall serve a minimum of 2,160 hours of confinement within the boundaries of the offender's residence. Any exceptions to remaining within the boundaries of the offender's residence provided for in the house arrest agreement shall not be counted as part of the 2,160 hours;
(D) on a third conviction a nonperson felony if the person has a prior conviction which occurred within the preceding 10 years, not including any period of incarceration. The person convicted shall be sentenced to not less than 90 days nor more than one year's imprisonment and fined not less than $1,750 nor more than $2,500. The person convicted shall not be eligible for release on probation, suspension or reduction of sentence or parole until the person has served at least 90 days' imprisonment. The 90 days' imprisonment mandated by this subsection may be served in a work release program only after such person has served 48 consecutive hours' imprisonment, provided such work release program requires such person to return to confinement at the end of each day in the work release program. The person convicted, if placed into a work release program, shall serve a minimum of 2,160 hours of confinement. Such 2,160 hours of confinement shall be a period of at least 48 consecutive hours of imprisonment followed by confinement hours at the end of and continuing to the beginning of the offender's work day. The court may place the person convicted under a house arrest program pursuant to K.S.A. 2021 Supp. 21-6609, and amendments thereto, to serve the 90 days' imprisonment mandated by this subsection only after such person has served 48 consecutive hours' imprisonment. The person convicted, if placed under house arrest, shall be monitored by an electronic monitoring device, which verifies the offender's location. The offender shall serve a minimum of 2,160 hours of confinement within the boundaries of the offender's residence. Any exceptions to remaining within the boundaries of the offender's residence provided for in the house arrest agreement shall not be counted as part of the 2,160 hours; and
(E) on a fourth or subsequent conviction a nonperson felony. The person convicted shall be sentenced to not less than 90 days nor more than one year's imprisonment and fined $2,500. The person convicted shall not be eligible for release on probation, suspension or reduction of sentence or parole until the person has served at least 90 days' imprisonment. The 90 days' imprisonment mandated by this subsection may be served in a work release program only after such person has served 72 consecutive hours' imprisonment, provided such work release program requires such person to return to confinement at the end of each day in the work release program. The person convicted, if placed into a work release program, shall serve a minimum of 2,160 hours of confinement. Such 2,160 hours of confinement shall be a period of at least 72 consecutive hours of imprisonment followed by confinement hours at the end of and continuing to the beginning of the offender's work day. The court may place the person convicted under a house arrest program pursuant to K.S.A. 2021 Supp. 21-6609, and amendments thereto, to serve the 90 days' imprisonment mandated by this subsection only after such person has served 72 consecutive hours' imprisonment. The person convicted, if placed under house arrest, shall be monitored by an electronic monitoring device, which verifies the offender's location. The offender shall serve a minimum of 2,160 hours of confinement within the boundaries of the offender's residence. Any exceptions to remaining within the boundaries of the offender's residence provided for in the house arrest agreement shall not be counted as part of the 2,160 hours.
(2) The court may order that the term of imprisonment imposed pursuant to subsection (b)(1)(D) or (b)(1)(E) be served in a state facility in the custody of the secretary of corrections in a facility designated by the secretary for the provision of substance abuse treatment pursuant to the provisions of K.S.A. 2021 Supp. 21-6804, and amendments thereto. The person shall remain imprisoned at the state facility only while participating in the substance abuse treatment program designated by the secretary and shall be returned to the custody of the sheriff for execution of the balance of the term of imprisonment upon completion of or the person's discharge from the substance abuse treatment program. Custody of the person shall be returned to the sheriff for execution of the sentence imposed in the event the secretary of corrections determines: (A) That substance abuse treatment resources or the capacity of the facility designated by the secretary for the incarceration and treatment of the person is not available; (B) the person fails to meaningfully participate in the treatment program of the designated facility; (C) the person is disruptive to the security or operation of the designated facility; or (D) the medical or mental health condition of the person renders the person unsuitable for confinement at the designated facility. The determination by the secretary that the person either is not to be admitted into the designated facility or is to be transferred from the designated facility is not subject to review. The sheriff shall be responsible for all transportation expenses to and from the state correctional facility.
(3) In addition, for any conviction pursuant to subsection (b)(1)(C), (b)(1)(D) or (b)(1)(E), at the time of the filing of the judgment form or journal entry as required by K.S.A. 22-3426 or K.S.A. 2021 Supp. 21-6711, and amendments thereto, the court shall cause a certified copy to be sent to the officer having the offender in charge. The court shall determine whether the offender, upon release from imprisonment, shall be supervised by community correctional services or court services based upon the risk and needs of the offender. The risk and needs of the offender shall be determined by use of a risk assessment tool specified by the Kansas sentencing commission. The law enforcement agency maintaining custody and control of a defendant for imprisonment shall cause a certified copy of the judgment form or journal entry to be sent to the supervision office designated by the court and upon expiration of the term of imprisonment shall deliver the defendant to a location designated by the supervision office designated by the court. After the term of imprisonment imposed by the court, the person shall be placed on supervision to community correctional services or court services, as determined by the court, for a mandatory one-year period of supervision, which such period of supervision shall not be reduced. During such supervision, the person shall be required to participate in a multidisciplinary model of services for substance use disorders facilitated by a Kansas department for aging and disability services designated care coordination agency to include assessment and, if appropriate, referral to a community based substance use disorder treatment including recovery management and mental health counseling as needed. The multidisciplinary team shall include the designated care coordination agency, the supervision officer, the Kansas department for aging and disability services designated treatment provider and the offender. An offender for whom a warrant has been issued by the court alleging a violation of this supervision shall be considered a fugitive from justice if it is found that the warrant cannot be served. If it is found the offender has violated the provisions of this supervision, the court shall determine whether the time from the issuing of the warrant to the date of the court's determination of an alleged violation, or any part of it, shall be counted as time served on supervision. Any violation of the conditions of such supervision may subject such person to revocation of supervision and imprisonment in jail for the remainder of the period of imprisonment, the remainder of the supervision period, or any combination or portion thereof. The term of supervision may be extended at the court's discretion beyond one year, and any violation of the conditions of such extended term of supervision may subject such person to the revocation of supervision and imprisonment in jail of up to the remainder of the original sentence, not the term of the extended supervision.
(4) In addition, prior to sentencing for any conviction pursuant to subsection (b)(1)(A) or (b)(1)(B), the court shall order the person to participate in an alcohol and drug evaluation conducted by a provider in accordance with K.S.A. 8-1008, and amendments thereto. The person shall be required to follow any recommendation made by the provider after such evaluation, unless otherwise ordered by the court.
(c) Any person 18 years of age or older convicted of violating this section or an ordinance which prohibits the acts that this section prohibits who had one or more children under the age of 18 years in the vehicle at the time of the offense shall have such person's punishment enhanced by one month of imprisonment. This imprisonment must be served consecutively to any other minimum mandatory penalty imposed for a violation of this section or an ordinance which prohibits the acts that this section prohibits. Any enhanced penalty imposed shall not exceed the maximum sentence allowable by law. During the service of the enhanced penalty, the judge may order the person on house arrest, work release or other conditional release.
(d) If a person is charged with a violation of subsection (a)(4) or (a)(5), the fact that the person is or has been entitled to use the drug under the laws of this state shall not constitute a defense against the charge.
(e) The court may establish the terms and time for payment of any fines, fees, assessments and costs imposed pursuant to this section. Any assessment and costs shall be required to be paid not later than 90 days after imposed, and any remainder of the fine shall be paid prior to the final release of the defendant by the court.
(f) In lieu of payment of a fine imposed pursuant to this section, the court may order that the person perform community service specified by the court. The person shall receive a credit on the fine imposed in an amount equal to $5 for each full hour spent by the person in the specified community service. The community service ordered by the court shall be required to be performed not later than one year after the fine is imposed or by an earlier date specified by the court. If by the required date the person performs an insufficient amount of community service to reduce to zero the portion of the fine required to be paid by the person, the remaining balance of the fine shall become due on that date.
(g) Prior to filing a complaint alleging a violation of this section, a prosecutor shall request and shall receive from the:
(1) Division a record of all prior convictions obtained against such person for any violations of any of the motor vehicle laws of this state; and
(2) Kansas bureau of investigation central repository all criminal history record information concerning such person.
(h) The court shall electronically report every conviction of a violation of this section and every diversion agreement entered into in lieu of further criminal proceedings on a complaint alleging a violation of this section to the division including any finding regarding the alcohol concentration in the offender's blood or breath. Prior to sentencing under the provisions of this section, the court shall request and shall receive from the division a record of all prior convictions obtained against such person for any violations of any of the motor vehicle laws of this state.
(i) For the purpose of determining whether a conviction is a first, second, third, fourth or subsequent conviction in sentencing under this section:
(1) Convictions for a violation of this section, or a violation of an ordinance of any city or resolution of any county that prohibits the acts that this section prohibits, or entering into a diversion agreement in lieu of further criminal proceedings on a complaint alleging any such violations, shall be taken into account, but only convictions or diversions occurring on or after July 1, 2001. Nothing in this provision shall be construed as preventing any court from considering any convictions or diversions occurring during the person's lifetime in determining the sentence to be imposed within the limits provided for a first, second, third, fourth or subsequent offense;
(2) any convictions for a violation of the following sections occurring during a person's lifetime shall be taken into account: (A) Driving a commercial motor vehicle under the influence, K.S.A. 8-2,144, and amendments thereto; (B) operating a vessel under the influence of alcohol or drugs, K.S.A. 32-1131, and amendments thereto; (C) involuntary manslaughter while driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, K.S.A. 21-3442, prior to its repeal, or K.S.A. 2021 Supp. 21-5405(a)(3) or (a)(5), and amendments thereto; (D) aggravated battery as described in K.S.A. 2021 Supp. 21-5413(b)(3) or (b)(4), and amendments thereto; and (E) aggravated vehicular homicide, K.S.A. 21-3405a, prior to its repeal, or vehicular battery, K.S.A. 21-3405b, prior to its repeal, if the crime was committed while committing a violation of K.S.A. 8-1567, and amendments thereto;
(3) "conviction" includes: (A) Entering into a diversion agreement in lieu of further criminal proceedings on a complaint alleging an offense described in subsection (i)(2); and (B) conviction of a violation of an ordinance of a city in this state, a resolution of a county in this state or any law of another jurisdiction that would constitute an offense that is comparable to the offense described in subsection (i)(1) or (i)(2);
(4) multiple convictions of any crime described in subsection (i)(1) or (i)(2) arising from the same arrest shall only be counted as one conviction;
(5) it is irrelevant whether an offense occurred before or after conviction for a previous offense; and
(6) a person may enter into a diversion agreement in lieu of further criminal proceedings for a violation of this section, and amendments thereto, or an ordinance which prohibits the acts of this section, and amendments thereto, only once during the person's lifetime.
(j) For the purposes of determining whether an offense is comparable, the following shall be considered:
(1) The name of the out-of-jurisdiction offense;
(2) the elements of the out-of-jurisdiction offense; and
(3) whether the out-of-jurisdiction offense prohibits similar conduct to the conduct prohibited by the closest approximate Kansas offense.
(k) Upon conviction of a person of a violation of this section or a violation of a city ordinance or county resolution prohibiting the acts prohibited by this section, the division, upon receiving a report of conviction, shall suspend, restrict or suspend and restrict the person's driving privileges as provided by K.S.A. 8-1014, and amendments thereto.
(l) (1) Nothing contained in this section shall be construed as preventing any city from enacting ordinances, or any county from adopting resolutions, declaring acts prohibited or made unlawful by this act as unlawful or prohibited in such city or county and prescribing penalties for violation thereof.
(2) The minimum penalty prescribed by any such ordinance or resolution shall not be less than the minimum penalty prescribed by this section for the same violation, and the maximum penalty in any such ordinance or resolution shall not exceed the maximum penalty prescribed for the same violation.
(3) On and after July 1, 2007, and retroactive for ordinance violations committed on or after July 1, 2006, an ordinance may grant to a municipal court jurisdiction over a violation of such ordinance which is concurrent with the jurisdiction of the district court over a violation of this section, notwithstanding that the elements of such ordinance violation are the same as the elements of a violation of this section that would constitute, and be punished as, a felony.
(4) Any such ordinance or resolution shall authorize the court to order that the convicted person pay restitution to any victim who suffered loss due to the violation for which the person was convicted.
(m) (1) Upon the filing of a complaint, citation or notice to appear alleging a person has violated a city ordinance prohibiting the acts prohibited by this section, and prior to conviction thereof, a city attorney shall request and shall receive from the:
(A) Division a record of all prior convictions obtained against such person for any violations of any of the motor vehicle laws of this state; and
(B) Kansas bureau of investigation central repository all criminal history record information concerning such person.
(2) If the elements of such ordinance violation are the same as the elements of a violation of this section that would constitute, and be punished as, a felony, the city attorney shall refer the violation to the appropriate county or district attorney for prosecution.
(n) No plea bargaining agreement shall be entered into nor shall any judge approve a plea bargaining agreement entered into for the purpose of permitting a person charged with a violation of this section, or a violation of any ordinance of a city or resolution of any county in this state which prohibits the acts prohibited by this section, to avoid the mandatory penalties established by this section or by the ordinance. For the purpose of this subsection, entering into a diversion agreement pursuant to K.S.A. 12-4413 et seq. or 22-2906 et seq., and amendments thereto, shall not constitute plea bargaining.
(o) The alternatives set out in subsection (a) may be pleaded in the alternative, and the state, city or county may, but shall not be required to, elect one or more of such alternatives prior to submission of the case to the fact finder.
(p) As used in this section: (1) "Alcohol concentration" means the number of grams of alcohol per 100 milliliters of blood or per 210 liters of breath;
(2) "imprisonment" shall include any restrained environment in which the court and law enforcement agency intend to retain custody and control of a defendant and such environment has been approved by the board of county commissioners or the governing body of a city; and
(3) "drug" includes toxic vapors as such term is defined in K.S.A. 2021 Supp. 21-5712, and amendments thereto.
(q) (1) The amount of the increase in fines as specified in this section shall be remitted by the clerk of the district court to the state treasurer in accordance with the provisions of K.S.A. 75-4215, and amendments thereto. Upon receipt of remittance of the increase provided in this act, the state treasurer shall deposit the entire amount in the state treasury and the state treasurer shall credit 50% to the community alcoholism and intoxication programs fund and 50% to the department of corrections alcohol and drug abuse treatment fund, which is hereby created in the state treasury.
(2) On and after July 1, 2011, the amount of $250 from each fine imposed pursuant to this section shall be remitted by the clerk of the district court to the state treasurer in accordance with the provisions of K.S.A. 75-4215, and amendments thereto. Upon receipt of each such remittance, the state treasurer shall credit the entire amount to the community corrections supervision fund established by K.S.A. 75-52,113, and amendments thereto.
History: L. 1974, ch. 33, § 8-1567; L. 1976, ch. 50, § 1; L. 1982, ch. 144, § 5; L. 1983, ch. 37, § 2; L. 1984, ch. 37, § 4; L. 1984, ch. 39, § 9; L. 1985, ch. 48, § 9; L. 1985, ch. 50, § 5; L. 1988, ch. 48, § 6; L. 1988, ch. 47, § 17; L. 1989, ch. 92, § 16; L. 1990, ch. 44, § 6; L. 1990, ch. 47, § 3; L. 1991, ch. 36, § 20; L. 1992, ch. 298, § 1; L. 1993, ch. 259, § 8; L. 1993, ch. 291, § 270; L. 1994, ch. 291, § 2; L. 2001, ch. 200, § 14; L. 2002, ch. 50, § 1; L. 2002, ch. 166, § 2; L. 2003, ch. 100, § 1; L. 2007, ch. 181, § 9; L. 2008, ch. 170, § 4; L. 2009, ch. 107, § 5; L. 2009, ch. 143, § 3; L. 2010, ch. 153, § 3; L. 2011, ch. 105, § 19; L. 2012, ch. 172, § 20; L. 2013, ch. 122, § 6; L. 2014, ch. 115, § 3; L. 2018, ch. 7, § 7; L. 2018, ch. 106, § 13; July 1.
Revisor's Note:
Section was amended twice in the 2007 session, see also 8-1567b.
Section was also amended by L. 2009, ch. 32, § 19, but that version was repealed by L. 2009, ch. 143, § 37.
Section was also amended by L. 2009, ch. 107, § 6, but that version was repealed by L. 2010, ch. 154, § 4.
Section was also amended by L. 2011, ch. 30, § 95, but that version was repealed by L. 2011, ch. 105, § 36.

Structure Kansas Statutes

Kansas Statutes

Chapter 8 - Automobiles And Other Vehicles

Article 15 - Uniform Act Regulating Traffic; Rules Of The Road

8-1501 Application of sections in article 15.

8-1503 Required obedience to lawful order of police officer or fireman; misdemeanor.

8-1504 Rights and duties of person riding animal or driving animal-drawn vehicle.

8-1505 Application of traffic laws to highway construction or maintenance operations.

8-1506 Authorized emergency vehicles; rights, duties and liability of drivers thereof.

8-1507 Official traffic-control devices; required obedience; placement; presumptions.

8-1508 Traffic-control signal legend.

8-1509 Pedestrian control signals.

8-1510 Flashing traffic signals.

8-1511 Lane-direction-control signals.

8-1512 Placement, maintenance or display of unauthorized signs, signals, markings or devices.

8-1513 Interference with official traffic-control devices or railroad signs or signals; misdemeanor.

8-1514 Driving on right side of roadway required; exceptions.

8-1515 Overtaking and passing; vehicles proceeding in opposite directions.

8-1516 Same; vehicles and bicycles proceeding in same direction.

8-1517 Same; when passing on the right permitted; transit bus authorized on right shoulder.

8-1518 Same; limitations on passing on the left.

8-1519 Driving on left side of roadway prohibited; exceptions.

8-1520 No-passing zones; designation by secretary of transportation or local authorities; duties of drivers.

8-1520a Unlawful passing of stopped emergency vehicle or authorized vehicle engaged in highway construction.

8-1521 One-way highways, roadways or traffic lanes; designation by secretary of transportation or local authorities; duties of drivers; rotary traffic islands.

8-1522 Driving on roadways laned for traffic; driving in right lane required; exceptions.

8-1523 Following another vehicle too closely.

8-1524 Driving limitations on divided highways and controlled-access highways; certain turns prohibited; parking prohibited, when.

8-1525 Regulation and restrictions on use of controlled-access highways and facilities; misdemeanor.

8-1526 Right-of-way; approaching or entering intersection.

8-1527 Same; turning left.

8-1528 Stop signs and yield signs; duties of drivers.

8-1529 Vehicle entering or crossing roadway.

8-1530 Duty of driver upon approach of authorized emergency vehicle.

8-1531 Highway construction or maintenance operations; duty of driver.

8-1531a Road construction zone, failing to comply with traffic regulations in.

8-1532 Pedestrians; obedience to official traffic-control devices required.

8-1533 Same; right-of-way at crosswalks; interference with vehicular traffic; duties of drivers.

8-1534 Same; crossing roadway at location other than crosswalk.

8-1535 Same; drivers to exercise due care.

8-1536 Same; movement in crosswalk.

8-1537 Same; use of roadways.

8-1538 Soliciting rides, business or contributions; exception.

8-1539 Driving through safety zone prohibited.

8-1540 Pedestrians' right-of-way on sidewalks.

8-1541 Pedestrians must yield right-of-way to authorized emergency vehicle.

8-1542 Blind pedestrian's right-of-way.

8-1543 Pedestrians under influence of alcohol or drugs; misdemeanor.

8-1544 Obedience of pedestrian to bridge and railroad signals required.

8-1545 Required position and method of turning vehicles.

8-1546 Limitations on "U" turns.

8-1547 Starting parked vehicle.

8-1548 Turning movements and required signals.

8-1549 Methods of giving notice of intention to turn.

8-1550 Same; hand and arm signals.

8-1551 Obedience to signal indicating approach of train or other on-track equipment.

8-1552 Designation of dangerous railroad grade crossings; vehicles required to stop, when.

8-1553 Certain vehicles required to stop at railroad grade crossings; exceptions.

8-1554 Moving heavy equipment at railroad grade crossings; notice to railroad's station agent.

8-1555 Vehicle emerging from alley, building, private road or driveway.

8-1556 Overtaking and passing school bus; actuation of visual signals by driver of bus, when; required school bus markings.

8-1556a Passing church and day care program buses; use of signals.

8-1557 Basic rule governing speed of vehicles.

8-1558 Maximum speed limits.

8-1559 Alteration of maximum speed limits; establishing speed limits in road construction zones; powers of secretary of transportation.

8-1560 Alteration of maximum speed limits; powers of local authorities, limitations and restrictions; establishing speed limits in road construction zones.

8-1560a Wabaunsee county improvement district speed limits; how fixed; local authority status.

8-1560b Maximum and minimum speed limits fixed by Kansas turnpike authority.

8-1560c Certain violations of maximum speed limits not construed as moving traffic violations.

8-1560d Certain violations of maximum speed limits not public record; not to be considered for liability insurance.

8-1560e Rural school zone speed limits.

8-1561 Minimum speed regulation.

8-1562 Special speed limitation on motor-driven cycles.

8-1563 Special speed limitations applicable to certain vehicles and portions of highways; powers of secretary and local authorities; violations, evidence of safe speed.

8-1564 Violations of speed limits; requirements for complaint, summons and notice to appear; effect of maximum speed limits in civil action.

8-1565 Racing on highways; misdemeanor.

8-1566 Reckless driving, penalties.

8-1567 Driving under the influence; penalties.

8-1567a Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs by any person less than 21 years of age; blood alcohol concentration; penalties.

8-1568 Fleeing or attempting to elude a police officer; penalties.

8-1569 Stopping, standing or parking outside of business or residence district.

8-1570 Authority of police officer to remove vehicle in violation of 8-1569 from highway.

8-1571 Stopping, standing or parking prohibited in specified places.

8-1572 Additional parking regulations; powers of secretary and local authorities.

8-1573 Unattended motor vehicle.

8-1574 Limitations on backing vehicle.

8-1575 Driving upon sidewalk.

8-1576 Driving vehicle prohibited when driver's view or driving mechanism obstructed.

8-1577 Opening and closing vehicle doors.

8-1578 Riding in house trailer or mobile or manufactured home prohibited.

8-1578a Riding on vehicle prohibited, when; exceptions.

8-1579 Driving in defiles or canyons or on steep grades.

8-1580 Coasting prohibited.

8-1581 Following fire apparatus prohibited.

8-1582 Driving over fire hose prohibited.

8-1583 Putting glass, etc., on highway prohibited.

8-1584 Restrictions on driving into intersection or crosswalk or onto railroad grade crossing.

8-1585 Limitations on operation of snowmobile.

8-1586 Unlawful acts; application of regulations.

8-1587 Traffic laws apply to persons riding bicycles.

8-1588 Riding on bicycles.

8-1589 Same; clinging to other vehicles prohibited.

8-1590 Riding on bicycles or mopeds; riding on roadways and bicycle paths.

8-1591 Same; carrying articles.

8-1592 Lamps, brakes and other equipment on bicycles.

8-1592a Application of 8-1586 to 8-1592 to motorized bicycles.

8-1592b Electric-assisted bicycles; traffic law application; no registration or driver's license required.

8-1593 Rights and duties of persons riding motorcycles.

8-1594 Operation of motorcycles.

8-1595 Same; roadways laned for traffic.

8-1596 Same; clinging to other vehicles prohibited.

8-1597 Same; equipment on motorcycles for passengers.

8-1598 Operation of motorcycles; equipment required for operators and riders.

8-1599 Transportation of liquor in opened containers unlawful; exceptions; penalty; report of prior convictions; city or county not prohibited from enacting comparable ordinance or resolution, requirements.

8-15,100 Operation of all-terrain vehicles; where; when; exceptions.

8-15,101 Unlawful operation of low-speed vehicle.

8-15,102 Littering.

8-15,103 Failure to obey school crossing guard.

8-15,104 School crossing guards; appointment; training; limitations.

8-15,106 Operation of micro utility trucks; where; when.

8-15,107 Removal of vehicles obstructing traffic; requirements.

8-15,108 Operation of golf cart; where; when.

8-15,109 Operation of work-site utility vehicle; where; when; exceptions.

8-15,110 Covering license plate with plastic-like material.

8-15,111 Text messaging, prohibited; exceptions.

8-15,112 Unlawful passing of a waste collection vehicle.

8-15,113 Operation of electric-assisted scooter; where; exceptions.

8-15,114 Unlawful passing of an authorized utility or telecommunications vehicle.