Kansas Statutes
Article 3 - University Of Kansas
76-336 Purchase of certain real estate in Kansas City, Kansas, authorized.

76-336. Purchase of certain real estate in Kansas City, Kansas, authorized. The state board of regents is hereby authorized and directed to acquire by purchase or condemnation, certain real estate, known as the Maccochaque school property, in the city of Kansas City, Kansas, consisting of more than two (2) acres, which is described as follows:
All of lots 157, 158 and 159 in Muehlebach place, an addition in Kansas City, Kansas, as the same is marked and designated on the recorded plat thereof, except the west 10 feet of said lot 157 condemned for street purposes; also
All of lots 1, 2 and 31 Hanover heights No. 2, an addition in Kansas City, Wyandotte county, Kansas, except the east 6.24 feet of said lot 2 and except the west 13 feet of said lot 31 condemned for street purposes. Also a tract of land 5 feet in width, east and west and 158 feet in depth, north and south adjoining said lot 1 on the west; also
Beginning at a point seven chains and sixty links (more or less) south of northwest corner of the south half of the northwest fractional quarter of section thirty-five, township eleven, range twenty-five east of the sixth principal meridian in the state of Kansas, said beginning point being the southwest corner of Muehlebach place as shown by the recorded plat thereof; thence east, along the south line of said Muehlebach place, 220 feet more or less, to a point 5 feet west of the northwest corner of lot 1 Hanover heights No. 2; thence south on a line 5 feet west of and parallel to the west line of lot 1 Hanover heights No. 2; 198 feet more or less to the north line of lot 26 Hanover heights No. 2; thence west on the north line of lots 26 and 31, Hanover heights No. 2, and said line extended west, a distance of 220 feet, more or less to a point on the west line of said south half of the northwest fractional quarter of section 35, township 11, range 25; thence north 198 feet more or less to the point of beginning, except the west 35 feet thereof which is city street.
all for the sum of two hundred seventy thousand dollars ($270,000), subject to the conditions hereinafter provided.
History: L. 1957, ch. 482, ยง 1; April 4.

Structure Kansas Statutes

Kansas Statutes

Chapter 76 - State Institutions And Agencies; Historical Property

Article 3 - University Of Kansas

76-308 Permanent university fund; original principal; earnings.

76-312 Sale of university lands.

76-315 Clinical work in medical course.

76-316 Bureau of child research.

76-317 Bureau of child research; location of administrative offices; cooperation and aid of schools, hospitals and institutions; assistance in administration and operation of certain institutions.

76-318 Same; director, appointment and qualifications; personnel and equipment.

76-319 State information and publicity bureau.

76-320 Same; classification and distribution of information.

76-321 Same; employees and supplies.

76-322 State geological survey.

76-323 State geological survey; chancellor ex officio director; state geologist, appointment, unclassified.

76-323a Annual mining production reports to state geologist, exceptions.

76-323b State mineral lease production information reports to geological survey.

76-326 Geological survey with reference to natural products of economic importance.

76-326a Geological survey; tax levy, use of proceeds.

76-326b Geological survey fund established; expenditures from fund for benefit of state geological survey.

76-327 Training of firefighters; fire service training program; traveling instructors; federal aid.

76-327a Same; Kansas fire service training commission; membership; qualifications; terms.

76-327b Same; acceptance of gifts, grants and contributions authorized; receipt and expenditure of moneys.

76-327c Fire service training program fund established; expenditures.

76-327d Kansas fire service training commission; powers; reporting requirements.

76-327e Same; duties.

76-327f Transfers to fire service training fund authorized.

76-328 Hospitals building fund.

76-329 Lease of certain real estate to city of Lawrence for airport purposes.

76-329a Lease of certain property for airport purposes; approval of attorney general.

76-333 Sale of tract of land in Douglas county authorized; use of proceeds.

76-336 Purchase of certain real estate in Kansas City, Kansas, authorized.

76-337 Same; use of property.

76-338 State biological survey; purpose; reports; powers.

76-339 Same; appointment of state biologist; chancellor ex officio administrator.

76-341 Conveyance of land to Kansas City urban renewal agency.

76-342 Same; disposition of sale proceeds; use thereof.

76-343 Purchase of land for medical center.

76-344 Same; eminent domain.

76-345 Exchange of land between board of regents and Kansas university endowment association; definitions.

76-346 Same; procedure for conveyance.

76-348 Same; land sale authorized.

76-350 Same; trust fund; approval by attorney general.

76-351 State board of regents authorized to execute "mutual quitclaim deeds and releases of covenants, restrictions, rights-of-way, and easements"; subsidiary documents.

76-352 Same; contents and provisions; exchange of land between Jayhawker Investments Incorporated and state of Kansas.

76-353 Conveyance of certain property in Jackson county, Missouri, by board of regents; termination of trust; use of proceeds.

76-354 Instruction of medical students, nurses and other students at Kansas school of medicine and medical center hospital; maintenance of records.

76-355 Same; records, reports, movies and other teaching devices maintained solely for instructional purposes; permission of patient; teaching devices not subject to discovery or admitted into evidence.

76-356 Act does not affect discovery of actual medical records.

76-357 Act does not affect admissibility in evidence of actual medical records.

76-358 Act does not exclude evidence relevant in criminal action.

76-359 Disclosure of information by teaching device does not unprivilege status of information.

76-361 Same; land sale authorized.

76-363 Same; agreements approved by attorney general; trust funds.

76-364 State board of regents authorized to grant right-of-way easement to city of Lawrence over certain lands.

76-365 Museum of art; gift by endowment association to university; acceptance; agreement between endowment association and university to govern location, planning, designing, engineering and construction of building; contracts to supplement cost of c...

76-366 Affiliated family practice residency training program; policy.

76-367 Same; definitions.

76-368 Same; university authorized to select affiliates; limitations.

76-369 Same; affiliation agreements; terms.

76-370 Affiliated family practice residency training program; reimbursement of affiliate, limitations.

76-372 Same; no limitation on authority of the university to establish health education centers.

76-375 Medically underserved areas, list of; preparation by secretary of health and environment.

76-378 Prohibition on certain inpatient care or research at E. B. Allen hospital.

76-379 Satisfaction of primary care postgraduate residency training program under medical student loan agreement; application of section.

76-380 Short title.

76-381 Definitions.

76-381b Medically underserved areas, determination of; report to legislature.

76-382 Medical student loans; tuition and living expenses stipend; agreements; priority to Kansas residents.

76-383 Medical student loan agreements; terms and conditions.

76-384 Same; satisfaction of service obligation; selection of service commitment area; alternative service.

76-385 Same; failure to satisfy service obligation; repayment requirements; special circumstances, exceptions; disposition of repayments; medical loan repayment fund; psychiatry medical loan repayment fund.

76-386 Same; postponement and satisfaction of service obligation, when.

76-386a Retroactivity of loan.

76-387 Residency bridging loan agreements; qualifications, terms and conditions; service obligation, postponement and satisfaction; practice service agreement defined; rural health bridging psychiatry fund.

76-389 Telemedicine communications system; contracts; fees for services; advisory committee.

76-390 Exchange of real estate in Lawrence, Kansas, between board of regents and Kansas university endowment association.

76-391 Purchase of insurance for aircraft owned and operated by university of Kansas or the university of Kansas medical center; coverages.

76-393 Transfers to press publications account of restricted fees fund.

76-394 University press of Kansas; insurance against loss or damage to book inventory.

76-395 State board of regents authorized to convey certain property in Wichita; procedure; use of proceeds.

76-396 Nursing positions at medical center; unclassified services, rights and benefits.

76-397 State board of regents authorized to sell certain property in Maryland; procedure; use of proceeds.

76-398 State board of regents authorized to convey certain property in city of Wichita to Sedgwick county; procedure.

76-399 University of Kansas medical center; procedures for acquisition of certain goods and services; exemptions.

76-3,100 Same; procedures for acquisition of data processing hardware and software for university hospital information systems; reports.

76-3,101 Same; procedures for affiliations, joint ventures, partnerships and equity ownerships to provide medical services or participate in medical networks; exemptions.

76-3,102 Same; contracts for lease and operation of off-campus medical care facilities; exemptions; reports.

76-3,103 State board of regents authorized to exchange and convey certain property in Douglas county to the Kansas university endowment association.

76-3,104 Sale of certain real property in Douglas county by board of regents; use of proceeds; approval by attorney general.

76-3,105 State board of regents authorized to sell certain property in Douglas county, Kansas; procedure, use of proceeds.

76-3,106 Sale of interest in certain real estate by board of regents authorized; disposition of proceeds.

76-3,107 School of engineering capital improvement project; issuance of bonds by Kansas development finance authority, limitation; debt service.

76-3,108 Conveyance of certain real estate in Douglas county by board of regents authorized; procedure.