Kansas Statutes
Article 4 - Memorials, Monuments And Grave Markers
73-404 Same; bond issue; tax levy.

73-404. Same; bond issue; tax levy. In the event such proposition so submitted shall receive a majority of the votes cast therein, the proposition shall be declared carried and the bonds shall be issued or tax levied in accordance with the provisions of this act.
History: L. 1921, ch. 256, ยง 4; Feb. 22; R.S. 1923, 73-404.

Structure Kansas Statutes

Kansas Statutes

Chapter 73 - Soldiers, Sailors And Patriotic Emblems

Article 4 - Memorials, Monuments And Grave Markers

73-401 Memorials by counties and cities; bonds.

73-402 Same; petition and election; tax levy, use of proceeds.

73-403 Same; conduct of election.

73-404 Same; bond issue; tax levy.

73-405 Same; bonds; terms; limitations.

73-406 Same; tax levy without issuance of bonds, use of proceeds.

73-407 Same; trustees; special fund for maintenance of memorial; tax levy, use of proceeds; lease of building.

73-408 Same; specific authorization of bonds or tax levies.

73-409 Same; eminent domain.

73-411 Township memorials.

73-412 Same; procedure.

73-413 Validating bond issue under acts of 1919 and 1920.

73-414 Validating bond issue, consolidated cities first and second class.

73-415 Increased bond issue authorized.

73-416 Validating bond issue, cities second class.

73-417 Monuments by counties and cities for certain veterans.

73-418 Same; location.

73-419 Same; lots for monuments.

73-420 Same; county and city may join.

73-421 Same; bond issues.

73-422 Soldiers' monument in Sedgwick county.

73-423 Soldiers' monument at Winfield.

73-425 Memorial and monument in counties over 70,000.

73-426 Same; duty of county commissioners.

73-427 County memorials and monuments; tax levy, use of proceeds.

73-427a Same; location and care of monument.

73-429 County memorials and monuments; location and care of monuments.

73-431 County memorials and monuments; placing of markers.

73-432 Same; payment by county.

73-433 Additional bonds when memorial erected under provisions of 73-401 to 73-410.

73-434 Same; expenditures.

73-435 Same; terms.

73-436 Additional bonds for memorial building; tax levy for sinking fund; investment.

73-437 Same; specific authorization.

73-444 Additional bonds in first-class cities for monuments erected under 73-401 to 73-410; federal aid.

73-445 Certain second-class cities authorized to transfer certain funds to complete and equip memorial armory buildings.

73-446 Disposal of memorial building and land or diversion of use of building, when; publication of resolution; petition for election; disposition of moneys.

73-447 Auditorium in certain second-class cities.

73-448 Same; bonds for repair, reconstruction, equipment or demolition; election.

73-449 Improving and repairing military memorial buildings in certain cities of second class; bonds; election.

73-450 Certain counties under 3,000; use of tax proceeds for different type building, when.

73-451 Same; resolution; publication; protest petition; election.

73-452 Same; sale or lease of memorial building and land to certain hospital districts.