Kansas Statutes
Article 2 - Veterans' Preference
73-220 Application of certain act [*].

73-220. Application of certain act [*]. The provisions of this act [*] shall apply to all persons who served overseas during world war II and to all persons who served overseas with the armed forces of the United States during the military, naval and air operations in Korea or other places under the flag of the United States and the United Nations or under the flag of the United States alone, as members of the American red cross nurse corps.
History: L. 1945, ch. 301, § 11; L. 1951, ch. 429, § 3; June 30.
* "Provisions of this act," see, also, 73-201, 73-202, 73-207, 73-304, 73-307, 73-401, 73-417, 73-430, 75-2955.

Structure Kansas Statutes

Kansas Statutes

Chapter 73 - Soldiers, Sailors And Patriotic Emblems

Article 2 - Veterans' Preference

73-201 Preference in governmental employment and promotion; notice when veteran not hired; notice of job openings, information regarding preference; remedy when preference not provided.

73-201a Same; preference not applicable to certain positions.

73-201b Same; operation in conjunction with federal law or limitations on federal grants.

73-201c Same; audit of veterans preference laws.

73-202 Same; penalties for violations.

73-203 Ex-servicemen or their widows and orphans to be retained in making reduction in employees.

73-204 Same; penalty for violations.

73-205 Statutes applicable to world war veterans.

73-206 Same; act supplemental.

73-206b Waiver of pension or annuity payments.

73-209 Adjutant general; certificate of military service; transfer to state historical society.

73-210 Charges for copies.

73-210a Free recording by register of deeds; copies.

73-213 Definitions.

73-214 Vacancies that do not create forfeiture or vacancy; references in laws construed.

73-215 Temporary appointments; military service.

73-216 Powers and duties; compensation.

73-217 Qualifications.

73-218 Officer absent while in military service is not entitled to compensation; status upon return.

73-219 Severability clause for 2021 House Bill No. 2332, chapter 97 of the 2021 Session Laws of Kansas.

73-220 Application of certain act [*].

73-230 Preference in awarding certain contracts by secretary of administration; disabled veteran businesses in Kansas; report.

73-231 Permissive preference in private employment.