Kansas Statutes
Article 11 - School District Board Of Education Powers And Duties
72-1144 Acquisition of real property under eminent domain power; conditions; procedures.

72-1144. Acquisition of real property under eminent domain power; conditions; procedures. (a) A unified school district may acquire by condemnation, for school purposes, any interest in real property, including fee simple title. If, within 10 years after entry of final judgment under K.S.A. 26-511, and amendments thereto, the school district fails to construct substantial buildings or improvements that are used for school purposes on any real property acquired under this subsection, the school district shall notify the original owners or their heirs or assigns that they have an option to purchase the property from the school district for an amount equal to the compensation awarded for the property under the eminent domain procedures act. Such option shall expire if not exercised within a period of six months after the date of the expiration of the 10-year period.
(b) A unified school district may acquire by condemnation, for any purpose whatsoever, any reversionary interest held by others in real property which the school district has previously acquired by condemnation, deed or contract if:
(1) The district, or its predecessor districts, has constructed substantial improvements on the property; and
(2) the school district, or its predecessor districts, has held an interest in the property for at least 20 years.
(c) When the board of education of a unified school district considers it necessary to condemn a property interest pursuant to this section, the board shall declare the necessity by resolution and shall authorize a licensed land surveyor or a professional engineer who is competent to conduct a land survey to make a survey and description of the property and the interest to be condemned and to file them with the clerk of the board. The resolution shall be published once in a newspaper having general circulation in the school district. Upon the filing of the survey and description, the board of education shall provide by resolution for the acquisition of the property interest by condemnation. The resolution shall set forth a description of the property, the interest to be condemned and the purpose for which the property is and will be used. The board of education, as soon as practicable after the passage of the resolution, shall proceed to exercise the power of eminent domain in the manner provided by the eminent domain procedure act.
History: L. 1982, ch. 301, § 1; L. 2006, ch. 192, § 11; July 1.

Structure Kansas Statutes

Kansas Statutes

Chapter 72 - Schools

Article 11 - School District Board Of Education Powers And Duties

72-1131 Unified school districts; style, designation and powers; delegation of contractual power to superintendent, limitation.

72-1132 Name and style of unified districts.

72-1133 Boards of education; president and vice-president; election; terms of office; duties.

72-1134 Superintendent of schools; assistant superintendents; supervisors; principals; appointment and powers.

72-1135 Clerk; appointment and duties.

72-1136 Treasurer; appointment and duties; surety bond required.

72-1137 School district officers and employees; appointment; board members to receive no compensation.

72-1138 Boards of education; meeting times; quorum; abstention from voting; general powers; legal counsel for officers and employees.

72-1139 Same; state board definition.

72-1140 Expenses of board of education members.

72-1141 Judgments against school districts; tax levy, use of proceeds.

72-1142 Legal successor of rights and powers; bequests and donations.

72-1143 Teacherages.

72-1144 Acquisition of real property under eminent domain power; conditions; procedures.

72-1145 Dues payments to Kansas association of school boards authorized.

72-1146 Contracts; indemnification or hold harmless provisions, void.

72-1147 Contracts; governed by Kansas law.

72-1148 Contracts; mandatory provisions.

72-1149 Leases and lease-purchase agreements; terms and conditions; cash basis and budget laws not applicable.

72-1150 Lease of equipment, land, improvements by certain school districts; disposition of proceeds; terms; limitations; cash basis and budget laws exception; election.

72-1151 School district expenditures over $20,000; requirements relating to bids and bidders; exemptions.

72-1152 Kansas unified school district alternative project delivery building construction procurement act.

72-1153 Same; definitions.

72-1154 Criteria for use; alternative project delivery.

72-1155 Procedures; construction management at-risk projects.

72-1156 Bid proposals, other; open for public inspection.

72-1157 Parking lots excluded.

72-1161 Fiscal year of school districts.

72-1162 Annual budget and tax levy; certification.

72-1163 Budget and summary of proposed budget; notice of availability; needs assessment of attendance centers.

72-1164 Profile of school district; contents; notice of availability.

72-1165 School district internet-based data reporting system.

72-1166 Compilation and report of expenditures; verification by department.

72-1167 Kansas uniform financial accounting and reporting act.

72-1168 School district funds; temporary cash deficits; limited authority for issuance of temporary notes and tax levies.

72-1169 Payments required to be paid by districts; insufficient revenues.

72-1170 Transfer of funds when school district in more than one county.

72-1172 Payment of tuition by secretary for children and families for attendance of certain children at school; disposition of tuition payments.

72-1173 Educational services for pupils at Flint Hills job corps center or psychiatric residential treatment facilities; grants of state moneys.

72-1174 Moneys derived from gifts or donations; transfers to community foundations.

72-1175 Credit cards, policies on acquisition and use; public record; cash basis and budget laws not applicable.

72-1176 Tuition, fees, charges; policy providing for payment by credit or debit cards; internet usage authorized.

72-1177 Petty cash funds.

72-1178 School activity funds.

72-1179 Special liability expense fund; uses of money.

72-1180 Special reserve fund; uses of money.

72-1181 Publication of certain financial and accountability reports; requirements.