Kansas Statutes
Article 1 - General Provisions
68-131 Township sidewalks and crossings; petition; special assessments.

68-131. Township sidewalks and crossings; petition; special assessments. (a) It shall be lawful for the township board of any township to establish and maintain a sidewalk not more than five feet in width in and along the outer edge of any highway or across the same whenever a petition for such sidewalk or crossing is signed by the resident owners representing 51% or more of the property abutting upon the improvement sought to be made, and when such petition is filed with the clerk of the township board, the township board shall cause such improvement to be made and shall contract therefor and shall levy a tax for the actual cost of such improvement against the lots, parcels or pieces of land abutting upon such improvement on the front-foot basis, and the clerk of the township board shall certify the amount so levied against each lot, parcel or piece of land for such improvement to the county clerk, who shall place the same upon the assessment rolls and such tax shall be collected in the same manner as other taxes. The owner of any lot, parcel or piece of land liable to any such special assessment may redeem such owner's property from such liability by paying the entire amount chargeable against such owner's property at the time the amount of such tax is ascertained or after the issuance of the sidewalk scrip by paying the full amount of such special assessment represented by such scrip, together with the accrued interest.
(b) The owners shall designate in their petitions the width and kind of sidewalks, and the board shall determine the plans and specifications and material for such improvement in accordance with such petitions, and shall issue scrip to contractors for the payment of the same for five years with interest at the rate of not to exceed 5%, 1/5 of such scrip and interest payable each year. Resident owners in this act shall be considered residents of the township wherein the improvement is sought to be made.
History: L. 1919, ch. 313, § 1; L. 2011, ch. 49, § 26; July 1.

Structure Kansas Statutes

Kansas Statutes

Chapter 68 - Roads And Bridges

Article 1 - General Provisions

68-101 Definitions.

68-102 Laying out, altering or vacating roads.

68-102a Same; notice.

68-103 Petition, contents.

68-104 Viewers; notice of view; duties of county surveyor.

68-105 Notice by petitioner; affidavits of service; filing.

68-106 Viewing, surveying, laying out, altering or vacating road; assessment of damages; application for damages, when; filing, survey and plat.

68-107 Separate certificates of damages assessed; appeal from award; benefit district assessment in counties between 30,000 and 90,000; notice and hearing; appeal.

68-109 Road on county or city line; petition; viewers; filing survey and plat.

68-110 Compensation of commissioners; viewers, chainmen, flagmen and markers; payment of costs and expenses.

68-113 State-line roads; establishment; width limitation.

68-114 Proceedings for change in roads; eminent domain.

68-115 Opening and repair of roads by county engineer or township trustee; drains and ditches; penalty for obstruction; compensation for road building material taken; appeal.

68-115a Township minimum maintenance roads.

68-116 Prescribed width of county roads; hedges; increase of width, when.

68-117 Access to public highway, when; petition; width of road and plat; payment of expenses.

68-117a Counties having a township of 10,000 or over with no city or town; petition for laying out, viewing or altering roads; bond.

68-117b Same; benefit district; damages; abandonment of proceedings, when; assessment of benefits.

68-117c Same; hearing; publication of notice; copy of proceedings to owners; limitation on time for appeal.

68-117d Same; appeal from award; appraisers; report; exceptions to report; notice of hearing; copy of judgment to county clerk.

68-118 Informational signs at intersections on township roads.

68-124 Private roads as public highways, maintenance.

68-126 Fences across public highways; gates; county commissioners' powers and duties.

68-127 Same; penalty.

68-128a Highways through pastures; maintenance, auto gates and passes; cost; liability for damages to livestock.

68-131 Township sidewalks and crossings; petition; special assessments.

68-132 Same; contracts; specifications and bids; publication notice; bond of contractor; inspector.

68-133 Same; time for action to set aside or enjoin.

68-134 Same; penalty for removal or injury.

68-141a Renting or hiring of machinery and equipment prohibited; exceptions.

68-141b Supervision by experienced operator; times for renting; charges.

68-141c Revenue to road fund.

68-141f Setting aside portions of road and bridge or street funds; definitions.

68-141g Same; resolution of governing body; procedure; retransfer, when.

68-151 Vacating road in Labette county.

68-151a Roads within boundary of federal flood control projects; vacating, laying out or altering; notice.

68-151g Counties with assessed valuation under $50,000,000; bonds for constructing or improving county roads and bridges; election; tax levy.

68-151h Same; how money expended.

68-151i Same; bond limitations inapplicable.

68-151j Same; federal or state aid.

68-151m Issuance of no-fund warrants for certain purposes by certain counties; definition.

68-151n Same; purposes; amount; conditions; tax levies to pay.

68-151o Certain counties authorized to expend moneys received as reimbursement for expenditures without regard to certain budget limitations.

68-151p Acceptance of retrocession of exclusive jurisdiction over certain state highways bordering federal reservation and penitentiary.

68-161 Authority of county commissioners.

68-162 Same; contracts.

68-164 Same; approval of certain plans and specifications by secretary of transportation.

68-165 Same; secretary of transportation not liable.

68-167 Signs, lights and reflectors near federal, state, or federal and state highways and turnpike projects; unlawful acts.

68-168 Same; penalties.

68-169 Joint agreements between secretary of transportation and local units and between local units.

68-170 Construction and improvement of roads and bridges on state owned lands; definitions.

68-171 Same; agreements between secretary of transportation and state agencies.

68-172 Same; agencies authorized to use funds.

68-173 Same; disposition of moneys.

68-182 Direct payment to seller of certain lands or interests therein acquired for highway, road or street purposes.

68-183 Same; limitations on meaning of term "by purchase."

68-184 Sprinkling irrigation water on highways declared a public nuisance; injunction.

68-185 Joint legislative transportation vision task force; membership; meetings; mission; report to legislature; compensation; sunset.