Kansas Statutes
Article 13 - Motor Carriers
66-1302 Rules and regulations of superintendent of the highway patrol; appeals by aggrieved agencies; hearing and determination by governor.

66-1302. Rules and regulations of superintendent of the highway patrol; appeals by aggrieved agencies; hearing and determination by governor. The superintendent of the Kansas highway patrol may adopt rules and regulations to secure proper and efficient enforcement of the laws of the state in relation to motor carriers of passengers and property for hire, not inconsistent with or in derogation of the powers, duties, and responsibilities placed by existing statutes upon the corporation commission. It is declared necessary for the corporation commission, the department of transportation, the department of revenue, and the Kansas highway patrol to cooperate and to coordinate their actions and effort for the proper and efficient enforcement of laws relating to motor carriers of passengers and property for compensation.
If the corporation commission, department of transportation or department of revenue shall feel aggrieved by any order, rule, or regulation adopted by the superintendent of the Kansas highway patrol and shall desire to resist the same, it shall serve, within 30 days after its adoption, written notice upon the superintendent that it appeals from the order, rule or regulation to the governor, and the superintendent shall forthwith certify to the governor the order, rule or regulation so appealed from, and the governor shall fix a time and place for a hearing thereon. The superintendent shall cause all interested parties to be notified of such time and place of such hearing, and at the hearing, all persons interested shall be given opportunity to be fully heard, and the governor shall thereupon decide the appeal, and the decision of the governor shall be final, conclusive and binding.
History: L. 1933, ch. 89, § 2 (Special Session); L. 1972, ch. 342, § 62; L. 1977, ch. 304, § 22; L. 1988, ch. 266, § 6; July 1.

Structure Kansas Statutes

Kansas Statutes

Chapter 66 - Public Utilities

Article 13 - Motor Carriers

66-1302 Rules and regulations of superintendent of the highway patrol; appeals by aggrieved agencies; hearing and determination by governor.

66-1313a Inspection of motor carrier equipment; inspection stations; certificates; rules and regulations; fees.

66-1314 Liability insurance requirements for vehicles not having Kansas motor carrier permits.

66-1315 Penalties for violation of certain motor carrier statutes.

66-1318 Motor carrier inspection stations; control by superintendent of the highway patrol; locations authorized; law enforcement purposes.

66-1319 Powers granted to members of highway patrol; inspection and registration of vehicles; cooperation of state agencies.

66-1320 Transfer of certain employees to highway patrol; rights preserved; application of civil service laws.

66-1321 Rights saved in legal actions and proceedings.

66-1322 Custody of property and records; resolution of conflicts by governor.

66-1323 Resolution of conflicts concerning disposition of powers, duties and functions by governor.

66-1324 Motor carriers required to stop at inspection stations, when; certificates of law compliance; penalty for violation.

66-1326 Contracts between state agencies; centralized issuance of permits.

66-1327 Fees of issuing agents; disposition; revolving funds; bonds.

66-1328 Liquid-fuel-carriers; rules and regulations of secretary of revenue governing emergency or special trips; licenses; fees.

66-1329 Definitions.

66-1330 Wrecker or towing service; certificate of public service.

66-1344 Conditions for motor carriers transporting hay or feedstuffs to areas declared to be in a state of drought.