Kansas Statutes
Article 1 - General Provisions And Definitions
58a-113 Insurable interest of trustee.

58a-113. Insurable interest of trustee. (a) In this section, "settlor" means a person that executes a trust instrument. The term includes a person for which a fiduciary or agent is acting.
(b) A trustee of a trust has an insurable interest in the life of an individual insured under a life insurance policy that is owned by the trustee of the trust acting in a fiduciary capacity or that designates the trust itself as the owner if, on the date the policy is issued:
(1) The insured is:
(A) A settlor of the trust; or
(B) an individual in whom a settlor of the trust has, or would have had if living at the time the policy was issued, an insurable interest; and
(2) the life insurance proceeds are primarily for the benefit of one or more trust beneficiaries that have:
(A) An insurable interest in the life of the insured; or
(B) a substantial interest engendered by love and affection in the continuation of the life of the insured and, if not already included under subparagraph (A), who are:
(i) Related within a third degree or closer, as measured by the civil law system of determining degrees of relation, either by blood or law, to the insured; or
(ii) stepchildren of the insured, or children of the insured's stepchild, either by blood or law.
(c) This section shall be part of the [and] supplemental to the Kansas uniform trust code.
History: L. 2011, ch. 31, ยง 1; July 1.