58-4212. Same; state manufactured home construction and safety standards identical to federal standards, exception. Whenever a federal manufactured home construction and safety standard established pursuant to 42 U.S.C. § 5401 et seq., is in effect, no state agency or political subdivision shall have any authority either to establish, or to continue in effect, with respect to any manufactured home covered, any standard regarding construction or safety applicable to the same aspect of performance of such manufactured home which is not identical to the federal manufactured home construction and safety standard. Nothing in this section shall prohibit the adoption or enforcement of a construction or safety standard by a state agency or political subdivision applicable to a building which is open to the public for the purpose of providing services or products to the public.
History: L. 1991, ch. 33, § 12; July 1.
Structure Kansas Statutes
Chapter 58 - Personal And Real Property
Article 42 - Manufactured Housing
58-4201 Manufactured housing act; citation.
58-4204a Electronic certificates of title.
58-4206 Same; compliance with law required to engage in the business of manufactured home dealer.
58-4209 Same; manufactured home sales agreements, required contents.
58-4210 Same; dealer's license requirements.
58-4211 Same; denial, suspension and revocation of licenses, when; procedure; civil penalties.
58-4213 Valueless mobile home; notice; new title; liability.
58-4214 Manufactured housing; elimination of certificate of title; requirements; real property.
58-4215 Elimination of certificate of title; forms; rules and regulations.
58-4216 Certain sections part of Kansas manufactured housing act.
58-4217 Regulation of manufactured home installation; purposes; legislative intent.
58-4220 Same; municipalities; inspections, fee.
58-4221 Same; unlawful acts of licensees or applicants for licenses; penalties.
58-4222 Same; unlawful acts of unlicensed persons; penalties.
58-4225 Same; rules and regulations.
58-4226 Same; remittance and deposit of civil penalties and fees in state housing trust fund.
58-4227 Same; certain sections part of Kansas manufactured housing act.