Kansas Statutes
Article 30 - Real Estate Brokers And Salespersons
58-30,106 Minimum requirements of seller's or landlord's agent.

58-30,106. Minimum requirements of seller's or landlord's agent. (a) A seller's agent or a landlord's agent shall be a statutory agent with the duty and obligation to:
(1) Perform the terms of the written agreement made with the client;
(2) promote the interests of the client with the utmost good faith, loyalty and fidelity, including:
(A) presenting in a timely manner all offers to and from the client, when such offer is received prior to the closing of the sale unless the seller instructs the broker in the agency agreement not to submit offers after an offer has been accepted by the seller;
(B) disclosing to the client all adverse material facts actually known by the licensee about the buyer or tenant; and
(C) advising the client to obtain expert advice as to material matters about which the licensee knows but the specifics of which are beyond the expertise of the licensee;
(3) account in a timely manner for all money and property received;
(4) comply with all requirements of this act and rules and regulations adopted hereunder; and
(5) comply with any applicable federal, state and local laws, rules and regulations and ordinances, including fair housing and civil rights statutes and rules and regulations.
(b) If pursuant to subsection (a)(2)(C), the licensee advised the client to obtain expert advice as to material matters about which the licensee knows but the specifics of which are beyond the expertise of the licensee, no cause of action for any person shall arise against the licensee pertaining to such material matters.
(c) A seller's or landlord's agent shall not disclose any confidential information about the client unless disclosure is required by statute or rule and regulation or failure to disclose the information would constitute fraudulent misrepresentation. No cause of action for any person shall arise against a licensee acting as a seller's or landlord's agent for making any required or permitted disclosure.
(d) (1) A seller's or landlord's agent owes no duty or obligation to a customer, except that a licensee shall disclose to any customer all adverse material facts actually known by the licensee, including, but not limited to:
(A) Any environmental hazards affecting the property which are required by law to be disclosed;
(B) the physical condition of the property;
(C) any material defects in the property;
(D) any material defects in the title to the property; or
(E) any material limitation on the client's ability to perform under the terms of the contract.
(2) A seller's or landlord's agent owes no duty to conduct an independent inspection of the property for the benefit of the customer and owes no duty to independently verify the accuracy or completeness of any statement made by the client or any qualified third party.
(3) Except as provided in subsection (d)(4), a seller's or landlord's agent is not required to disclose to a client or customer information relating to the physical condition of the property if a written report regarding the physical condition of the property has been prepared by a qualified third party and provided to the client or customer.
(4) A seller's or landlord's agent shall disclose to the client or customer any facts actually known by the licensee that were omitted from or contradict any information included in a written report described in subsection (d)(3).
(5) In performing an investigation or inspection and in making a disclosure in connection with a real estate transaction, a licensee shall exercise the degree of care expected to be exercised by a reasonably prudent person who has the knowledge, skills and training required for licensure as a broker or salesperson.
(e) A seller's or landlord's agent may provide assistance to the customer by performing ministerial acts. Performing ministerial acts for the customer shall not be construed as violating the brokerage firm's agency with the seller or landlord and shall not be construed as forming an agency with the customer.
(f) A seller's or landlord's agent may show alternative properties not owned by the client to prospective buyers or tenants and may list competing properties for sale or lease without breaching any duty or obligation to the client.
(g) A seller or landlord may agree in writing with a seller's or landlord's agent that the broker may offer subagency and pay compensation to other brokers.
(h) A seller or landlord may agree in writing with a seller's or landlord's agent that the broker may offer to cooperate with a buyer's or tenant's agent or to cooperate with and pay compensation to a buyer's or tenant's agent.
(i) A seller or landlord may agree in writing with a seller's or landlord's agent that the broker may offer to cooperate with a transaction broker or to cooperate with and pay compensation to a transaction broker.
(j) If the seller or landlord has authorized the broker to offer cooperation with other licensees pursuant to subsection (g), (h) or (i) the broker shall not refuse permission to another licensee to show a listed property or refuse to receive and transmit to the seller or landlord a written offer on a listed property from another licensee unless specifically instructed by the seller in writing. The broker shall provide a copy of the written instructions to another licensee upon request.
(k) A seller's or landlord's agent shall not be liable for punitive or exemplary damages for the licensee's failure to perform any of the duties set forth in this section, unless such failure is shown by clear and convincing evidence that the licensee acted toward the plaintiff with willful conduct, wanton conduct, fraud or malice.
History: L. 1995, ch. 252, § 6; Revived, L. 1997, ch. 65, § 32; L. 1997, ch. 65, § 33; L. 2015, ch. 21, § 5; July 1.

Structure Kansas Statutes

Kansas Statutes

Chapter 58 - Personal And Real Property

Article 30 - Real Estate Brokers And Salespersons

58-3034 Title of act.

58-3035 Definitions.

58-3036 Licensure required.

58-3037 Exemptions.

58-3038 Licensure required for recovery of compensation for services; exceptions.

58-3039 Licensure; application; criminal history record check; qualifications; examination.

58-3040 Nonresident license.

58-3041 Restricted or conditioned license.

58-3042 License nontransferable; only individuals licensed; primary office; supervising broker.

58-3043 Granting or renewal of license; considerations of the commission; conviction of crime; effect of.

58-3044 Denial of license; hearing; incomplete applications.

58-3045 Expiration of license; renewal, fee; reinstatement and renewal of expired license, late fee.

58-3046a Licensure; educational requirements.

58-3046b Same; act supplemental to license act.

58-3047 Issuance of license; deactivation and reinstatement; termination of salesperson or associate broker, effect on license; duties of supervising broker and branch broker; effect of deactivation.

58-3048 Commission powers and duties.

58-3050 Refusal to grant or renew; revocation, suspension or restriction of license; censure of licensee; disciplinary actions; civil fines; aggravating circumstances; procedures; recovery of actual costs and attorney fees.

58-3056 Costs of hearing; assessment; itemization.

58-3058 Appeal of commission orders.

58-3060 Brokers; primary office and branch offices, requirements, notices to commission of certain changes or office closure; effect of office closure on affiliated licenses.

58-3061 Trust accounts.

58-3062 Prohibited acts.

58-3063 Fees.

58-3064 Injunction to enforce law.

58-3065 Penalties for violations; reporting of minor violations for prosecution not required.

58-3066 Recovery revolving fund; assessment of fees to maintain balance; payments; interest.

58-3067 Same; recovery from; limitations.

58-3068 Recovery revolving fund; use of moneys, limitations.

58-3069 Same; court order directing payment from, when; hearing; recovery limitation; attorney fees.

58-3070 Same; duties of commission in recovery actions; fees and expenses of counsel.

58-3071 Same; conditions on court order of directing payment.

58-3072 Same; payment from in settlement of claim; revocation of license until reimbursement of amount paid.

58-3073 Same; unlawful acts; penalty.

58-3074 Disposition of moneys received by commission; real estate fee fund.

58-3075 Severability clause.

58-3076 Referral fees, solicitation of; relocation benefits, threats to reduce or withhold; terminating or amending agency agreements.

58-3077 Commercial real estate; sharing commissions with unlicensed persons, when authorized.

58-3078 Residential real estate sales contract; required language; information regarding registration of persons convicted of crimes.

58-3078a Same; information regarding radon.

58-3079 Supervising broker; use of trade name.

58-3080 Licenses of certain licensees placed on inactive status, when, pending transactions.

58-3081 Suspension or revocation of certain licenses; effect on associated or employed licensees, pending transactions.

58-3082 Suspended, deactivated or revoked license; effect on commissions.

58-3083 Expiration or deactivation of certain licenses; notifications required, when.

58-3084 Expiration, suspension, deactivation or revocation of certain licenses; effect on pending closings.

58-3085 Limitations on advertising, when.

58-3086 Advertising; prohibitions; requirements of; information disclosed; filing of agreements.

58-30,101 Title of act; compliance.

58-30,102 Definitions.

58-30,103 Written agency agreements; written transaction brokerage agreements.

58-30,104 Termination of relationships.

58-30,105 Compensation.

58-30,106 Minimum requirements of seller's or landlord's agent.

58-30,107 Minimum requirements of buyer's or tenant's agent.

58-30,109 Brokerage firm acting as a transaction broker; affiliated licensees; designated agents; rules and regulations.

58-30,110 Real estate brokerage relationships.

58-30,111 Imputed knowledge.

58-30,112 Forms; rules and regulations.

58-30,113 Transaction broker; obligations of; disclosure of information.