Kansas Statutes
Article 26 - Townsites, Lots And Platted Lands
58-2616 Vacation of Orsemus townsite in Kingman county.

58-2616. Vacation of Orsemus townsite in Kingman county. The original townsite of Orsemus, being all that part of the NW1/4 of section 25, township 29, range 6 west, lying south of the Missouri Pacific railway company right of way in Kingman county, Kansas, and the streets and alleys thereof, be, and the same are hereby vacated; and the land upon which said townsite and streets and alleys thereof were located, is hereby restored to its original description of the survey of the United States government for all purposes the same as if it had never been platted for a townsite.
History: L. 1953, ch. 166, ยง 1; June 30.