Kansas Statutes
Article 12 - Legislative Coordinating Council
46-1210 Legislative research department; director of legislative research; assistants and employees; duties and functions of department.

46-1210. Legislative research department; director of legislative research; assistants and employees; duties and functions of department. (a) There is hereby established the legislative research department whose head shall be the director of legislative research and who shall be appointed by the legislative coordinating council to serve under its direction. The director of legislative research may be removed from office by a vote of five (5) members of the legislative coordinating council taken at any regular meeting of such council. The director of legislative research shall receive such compensation as is determined by the legislative coordinating council. Such director, and any of his or her assistants specified by the legislative coordinating council, shall receive expenses and allowances for in-state and out-of-state travel as is provided by law for members of the legislature. Such director shall appoint such assistants and employees of the legislative research department as are authorized by the legislative coordinating council and shall set their compensation subject to the approval of such council. Such director and all assistants and employees of the legislative research department shall be in the unclassified service.
(b) The legislative research department shall perform legislative research functions and such other duties as are directed by the legislative coordinating council.
(c) The legislative research department shall provide staff services to all special committees, select committees and standing committees meeting when the legislature is not in session, and to the extent possible, accomplish the following:
(1) Assist each committee chairman in planning the work of the committee, and in accordance with the chairman's instructions prepare an agenda for each meeting.
(2) Appropriately notify committee members, staff and other interested persons of meeting times and other information as directed by the committee chairman.
(3) Prepare minutes of each committee meeting to show attendance, disposition of agenda items, tentative and final committee decisions and staff instructions, and such other matters as may be helpful to the work of the committee.
(4) Prepare and present research information in accordance with committee instructions or instructions of the committee chairman.
(5) Obtain attendance of persons for committee presentations or testimony. In cases of compulsory process, work with the office of revisor of statutes and office of attorney general to obtain satisfactory results.
(6) Prepare interim reports of committee work when the same is requested of a committee by the legislative coordinating council. Any such report shall have committee approval before transmission.
(7) Prepare final committee report in accordance with committee instructions; the same to include relevant information, committee policy recommendations, and to the extent possible, appropriate bill drafts prepared by the office of revisor of statutes.
(8) Receive and analyze agency requests for appropriations and prepare fiscal information for appropriate legislative committees.
(d) Special committees, select committees and standing committees are expected to utilize the foregoing staff services to the extent the same are available in making all studies.
History: L. 1971, ch. 184, § 10; L. 1975, ch. 277, § 1; July 1.

Structure Kansas Statutes

Kansas Statutes

Chapter 46 - Legislature

Article 12 - Legislative Coordinating Council

46-1201 Legislative coordinating council; membership; officers; meetings; notice of meetings to members of legislature and certain legislative officials; copies of minutes.

46-1202 Legislative coordinating council; general powers and functions; rules; majority vote of five members required, exceptions.

46-1204 Authority to contract for personal property or services; delegation; limitations; employment of attorneys.

46-1205 Legislative study committees; special, select and standing committees; advisory committees; minority party representation on committees.

46-1206 Legislative studies; initiation by resolution or by council; statutory committee authorization retained; inherent powers recognized.

46-1207 Reports of legislative studies; call of committee meetings; publication of annual report on studies.

46-1207a Sale and disposition of legislative publications, documents, information or records; fees, charges and other proceeds, disposition; deposit of legislative documents with secretary of state; legislative stationery and printed material supplie...

46-1208 Legislative budget committee.

46-1209 Expenses and compensation of members of committees and council; place of meetings; travel authorizations; expenses and allowances of officers and employees of legislature.

46-1210 Legislative research department; director of legislative research; assistants and employees; duties and functions of department.

46-1211 Office of revisor of statutes; revisor of statutes; assistants and employees; duties and functions of office.

46-1211a Authority to authorize travel by officers and employees; delegation.

46-1212 Library services for legislative branch of government; state librarian to acquire and maintain books and materials determined essential by legislative coordinating council at approved location; loan of materials by state law librarian; exchan...

46-1212a Division of legislative administrative services established; director and assistants; compensation and expenses; duties.

46-1212b Transfers relating to the joint committee on legislative services and facilities.

46-1212c State agency publications; duties of director of legislative administrative services.

46-1213 Employment of certain legislative employees.

46-1214 Annual budget requests; estimate of general legislative expense; appropriations.

46-1216 Approval of vouchers and payrolls of office of revisor of statutes and legislative research department; other vouchers and payrolls of council.

46-1217 Transition; transfer of officers and employees.

46-1218 Same; transfer and continuation of revisor of statutes; transfer not to affect rules and regulations.

46-1219 Same; abolition and transfers relating to Kansas legislative council.

46-1220 Same; transfer of records and property of Kansas legislative council.

46-1221 Nonapplication of act in certain cases.

46-1222a Legislative counsel; duties.

46-1226 Studies commissioned by legislature; not binding; may be rejected.