44-1603. Records, maintenance. The owner of an amusement ride, antique amusement ride, limited-use amusement ride or registered agritourism activity shall retain at all times current records relating to the construction, repair and maintenance of its operation, including safety, inspection, maintenance records and ride operator training activities for such ride. Such records shall be available to any person contracting with the owner for the operation of such ride, and shall be made available to the department at reasonable times, including during an inspection upon the department's request. Records of daily inspections must be available for inspection at the location where the ride or device is operated. All records must be maintained for a period of three years.
History: L. 2008, ch. 142, § 3; L. 2017, ch. 103, § 8; L. 2018, ch. 84, § 6; May 17.
Structure Kansas Statutes
Chapter 44 - Labor And Industries
44-1602 Inspections; issuance of certificates; compliance audits.
44-1604 Compliance with ASTM standards; testing of amusement rides.
44-1605 Required training for operators, certification.
44-1606 Posting of safety instructions.
44-1607 Patrons of amusement rides, acceptance of risk, duties.
44-1608 Contracting for operation of amusement ride, requirements.
44-1609 Occurrence of serious injury.
44-1610 Penalties for violation of act.
44-1611 Same; action to enjoin operation of ride.
44-1612 Local regulation of amusement rides.
44-1613 Kansas amusement ride act; citation of act.
44-1614 Same; rules and regulations.
44-1616 Permit for operation; application; owner registration; fees.
44-1617 Amusement ride safety fund.
44-1618 Injury reports; notice of injury to department; suspension of operation; investigations.
44-1619 Enforcement of act; opportunity to comply with act.
44-1620 Permit for operation of certain rides; application; owner registration; fees.