Kansas Statutes
Article 15 - Athlete Agents
44-1518 Service of process; subpoenas.

44-1518. Service of process; subpoenas. (a) By acting as an athlete agent in this state, a nonresident individual appoints the secretary of state as the individual's agent for service of process in any civil action in this state related to the individual's acting as an athlete agent in this state. Service on the secretary of state of any process, notice or demand against the athlete agent shall be made by delivering to the secretary of state by personal service or by certified mail, the original and two copies of the process and two copies of the petition, notice or demand, or the clerk of the court may send the original process and two copies of both the process and the petition, notice or demand directly to the secretary of state by certified mail. In the event that any such process, notice or demand is served on the secretary of state, the secretary shall immediately cause a copy of such process, notice or demand to be forwarded by certified mail, addressed to the athlete agent at such athlete agent's address as it appears in the records of the secretary of state. The secretary of state shall keep a record of all such processes, notices and demands served upon the secretary under this subsection, and shall record in the record the time of the service and the action of the secretary with reference to it. A fee of $40 shall be paid to the secretary of state by the party requesting the service of process, to cover the cost of such service of process, except the secretary of state may waive the fee for state agencies. That fee shall not be included within or paid from any deposit as security for any costs or docket fee required by K.S.A. 60-2001 or 61-4001, and amendments thereto.
(b) The secretary of state may issue subpoenas for any material that is relevant to the administration of this act. Any such information or material received by the secretary shall be treated as confidential by the secretary and shall not be open to public inspection except by court order.
History: L. 2003, ch. 109, ยง 3; July 1.