Kansas Statutes
Article 32 - Health Maintenance Organizations And Medicare Provider Organizations
40-3209 Certificates of coverage, contracts and other marketing documents, contents, form, filing; continuation and conversion requirements; enrollee not liable to provider for amount owed; application of 40-2209 and 40-2215.

40-3209. Certificates of coverage, contracts and other marketing documents, contents, form, filing; continuation and conversion requirements; enrollee not liable to provider for amount owed; application of 40-2209 and 40-2215. (a) All forms of group and individual certificates of coverage and contracts issued by the organization to enrollees or other marketing documents purporting to describe the organization's health care services shall contain as a minimum:
(1) A complete description of the health care services and other benefits to which the enrollee is entitled;
(2) The locations of all facilities, the hours of operation and the services which are provided in each facility in the case of individual practice associations or medical staff and group practices, and, in all other cases, a list of providers by specialty with a list of addresses and telephone numbers;
(3) the financial responsibilities of the enrollee and the amount of any deductible, copayment or coinsurance required;
(4) all exclusions and limitations on services or any other benefits to be provided including any deductible or copayment feature and all restrictions relating to pre-existing conditions;
(5) all criteria by which an enrollee may be disenrolled or denied reenrollment;
(6) service priorities in case of epidemic, or other emergency conditions affecting demand for medical services;
(7) in the case of a health maintenance organization, a provision that an enrollee or a covered dependent of an enrollee whose coverage under a health maintenance organization group contract has been terminated for any reason but who remains in the service area and who has been continuously covered by the health maintenance organization or under any group policy providing similar benefits which it replaces for at least three months immediately prior to termination shall be entitled to obtain a converted contract or have such coverage continued under the group contract for a period of 18 months following which such enrollee or dependent shall be entitled to obtain a converted contract in accordance with the provisions of this section. The employer shall give the employee and such employee's dependents reasonable notice of the right to continuation of coverage. The terminated employee shall pay the insurance carrier the premium for the continuation of coverage and such premium shall be the same as that applicable to members or employees remaining in the group. The converted contract shall provide coverage at least equal to the conversion coverage options generally available from insurers or mutual nonprofit hospital and medical service corporations in the service area at the applicable premium cost. The group enrollee or enrollees shall be solely responsible for paying the premiums for the alternative coverage. The frequency of premium payment shall be the frequency customarily required by the health maintenance organization, mutual nonprofit hospital and medical service corporation or insurer for the policy form and plan selected, except that the insurer, mutual nonprofit hospital and medical service corporation or health maintenance organization shall require premium payments at least quarterly. The coverage shall be available to all enrollees of any group without medical underwriting. The requirement imposed by this subsection shall not apply to a contract which provides benefits for specific diseases or for accidental injuries only, nor shall it apply to any employee or member or such employee's or member's covered dependents when:
(A) Such person was terminated for cause as permitted by the group contract approved by the commissioner;
(B) any discontinued group coverage was replaced by similar group coverage within 31 days; or
(C) the employee or member is or could be covered by any other insured or noninsured arrangement which provides expense incurred hospital, surgical or medical coverage and benefits for individuals in a group under which the person was not covered prior to such termination. Written application for the converted contract shall be made and the first premium paid not later than 31 days after termination of the group coverage or receipt of notice of conversion rights from the health maintenance organization, whichever is later, and shall become effective the day following the termination of coverage under the group contract. The health maintenance organization shall give the employee or member and such employee's or member's covered dependents reasonable notice of the right to convert at least once within 30 days of termination of coverage under the group contract. The group contract and certificates may include provisions necessary to identify or obtain identification of persons and notification of events that would activate the notice requirements and conversion rights created by this section but such requirements and rights shall not be invalidated by failure of persons other than the employee or member entitled to conversion to comply with any such provisions. In addition, the converted contract shall be subject to the provisions contained in paragraphs (2), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (13), (14), (15), (16), (17) and (19) of subsection (j) of K.S.A. 40-2209, and amendments thereto;
(8) (A) group contracts shall contain a provision extending payment of such benefits until discharged or for a period not less than 31 days following the expiration date of the contract, whichever is earlier, for covered enrollees and dependents confined in a hospital on the date of termination;
(B) a provision that coverage under any subsequent replacement contract that is intended to afford continuous coverage will commence immediately following expiration of any prior contract with respect to covered services not provided pursuant to subparagraph (8)(A); and
(9) an individual contract shall provide for a 10-day period for the enrollee to examine and return the contract and have the premium refunded, but if services were received by the enrollee during the 10-day period, and the enrollee returns the contract to receive a refund of the premium paid, the enrollee must pay for such services.
(b) No health maintenance organization or medicare provider organization authorized under this act shall contract with any provider under provisions which require enrollees to guarantee payment, other than copayments and deductibles, to such provider in the event of nonpayment by the health maintenance organization or medicare provider organization for any services which have been performed under contracts between such enrollees and the health maintenance organization or medicare provider organization. Further, any contract between a health maintenance organization or medicare provider organization and a provider shall provide that if the health maintenance organization or medicare provider organization fails to pay for covered health care services as set forth in the contract between the health maintenance organization or medicare provider organization and its enrollee, the enrollee or covered dependents shall not be liable to any provider for any amounts owed by the health maintenance organization or medicare provider organization. If there is no written contract between the health maintenance organization or medicare provider organization and the provider or if the written contract fails to include the above provision, the enrollee and dependents are not liable to any provider for any amounts owed by the health maintenance organization or medicare provider organization. Any action by a provider to collect or attempt to collect from a subscriber or enrollee any sum owed by the health maintenance organization to a provider shall be deemed to be an unconscionable act within the meaning of K.S.A. 50-627, and amendments thereto.
(c) No group or individual certificate of coverage or contract form or amendment to an approved certificate of coverage or contract form shall be issued unless it is filed with the commissioner. Such contract form or amendment shall become effective within 30 days of such filing unless the commissioner finds that such contract form or amendment does not comply with the requirements of this section.
(d) Every contract shall include a clear and understandable description of the health maintenance organization's or medicare provider organization's method for resolving enrollee grievances.
(e) The provisions of subsections (A), (B), (C), (D) and (E) of K.S.A. 40-2209 and 40-2215, and amendments thereto, shall apply to all contracts issued under this section, and the provisions of such sections shall apply to health maintenance organizations.
(f) In lieu of any of the requirements of subsection (a), the commissioner may accept certificates of coverage issued by a medicare provider organization in conformity with requirements imposed by any appropriate federal regulatory agency.
History: L. 1974, ch. 181, § 9; L. 1988, ch. 163, § 1; L. 1990, ch. 172, § 1; L. 1991, ch. 137, § 1; L. 1991, ch. 134, § 10; L. 1992, ch. 196, § 3; L. 1993, ch. 231, § 3; L. 1996, ch. 169, § 9; L. 1997, ch. 190, § 4; L. 1998, ch. 174, § 18; L. 2000, ch. 147, § 38; L. 2006, ch. 124, § 9; L. 2008, ch. 164, § 7; L. 2009, ch. 136, § 11; July 1.

Structure Kansas Statutes

Kansas Statutes

Chapter 40 - Insurance

Article 32 - Health Maintenance Organizations And Medicare Provider Organizations

40-3201 Title.

40-3202 Definitions.

40-3203 Certificate of authority required; application; contents; rules and regulations governing modifications and amendments; approval of commissioner.

40-3204 Notice that application incomplete, insufficient or unsatisfactory; issuance of certificate, when.

40-3207 Denial, suspension or revocation of certificate; administrative penalty; notice; hearing.

40-3208 Powers.

40-3209 Certificates of coverage, contracts and other marketing documents, contents, form, filing; continuation and conversion requirements; enrollee not liable to provider for amount owed; application of 40-2209 and 40-2215.

40-3210 Prepaid per capita or aggregate fixed sum contracts authorized.

40-3211 Examination of organizations and providers.

40-3212 Filings and reports as public documents.

40-3213 Fees; disposition of moneys; reporting requirements; payment of estimated fees owed; reconciliation of actual fees owed.

40-3214 Construction and relationship to other laws.

40-3215 Rules and regulations.

40-3216 Penalty.

40-3217 Operational health maintenance organizations; issuance of certificate.

40-3218 Contractual designation of persons to make recommended findings to commissioner.

40-3219 Effect of act on federal assistance.

40-3220 Annual report.

40-3221 Liability of officers.

40-3222 Use of certain words and initials prohibited.

40-3223 Open enrollment.

40-3224 Investments.

40-3225 Fiduciary responsibilities; fidelity bond or insurance.

40-3226 Confidentiality of medical information.

40-3227 Deposit requirements; waiver of deposit; plan for continuation of benefits following insolvency.

40-3228 Grievance procedures; minimum requirements.

40-3229 Prior authorization requirements for emergency medical treatment; duties and responsibilities of organization, enrollees and participating providers; resolution of disputes.

40-3230 Continuity of treatment upon termination of provider from plan.

40-3231 Uncovered expenditure deposit; amount; withdrawal, when; commissioner's duties; rules and regulations.

40-3232 Insolvent health maintenance organization; allocation of insureds to other health maintenance organizations, when; eligibility for Kansas uninsurable health insurance plan act, when.

40-3233 Rehabilitation, liquidation or conservation of health maintenance organization; commissioner's powers; priority of enrollee; distribution of assets.

40-3234 Health maintenance organization; financial condition; hearing; commissioner's powers.

40-3235 Health maintenance organization act; provisions supplemental to.

40-3236 Medical assistance fee fund; use and disposition of moneys credited to fund; reporting requirements.