Kansas Statutes
Article 9 - Adult Care Homes
39-936 Statement on admission; qualified personnel; education and training of unlicensed personnel; examination and fees; state registry established; refresher course required; supplier of medication; limitations on involuntary transfer or discharge...

39-936. Statement on admission; qualified personnel; education and training of unlicensed personnel; examination and fees; state registry established; refresher course required; supplier of medication; limitations on involuntary transfer or discharge of resident; effect of reliance upon spiritual means or prayer for healing by resident. (a) The presence of each resident in an adult care home shall be covered by a statement provided at the time of admission, or prior thereto, setting forth the general responsibilities and services and daily or monthly charges for such responsibilities and services. Each resident shall be provided with a copy of such statement, with a copy going to any individual responsible for payment of such services and the adult care home shall keep a copy of such statement in the resident's file. No such statement shall be construed to relieve any adult care home of any requirement or obligation imposed upon it by law or by any requirement, standard or rule and regulation adopted pursuant thereto.
(b) A qualified person or persons shall be in attendance at all times upon residents receiving accommodation, board, care, training or treatment in adult care homes. The licensing agency may establish necessary standards and rules and regulations prescribing the number, qualifications, training, standards of conduct and integrity for such qualified person or persons attendant upon the residents.
(c) (1) The licensing agency shall require unlicensed employees of an adult care home, except an adult care home licensed for the provision of services to people with intellectual disability that has been granted an exception by the secretary for aging and disability services upon a finding by the licensing agency that an appropriate training program for unlicensed employees is in place for such adult care home, employed on and after the effective date of this act who provide direct, individual care to residents and who do not administer medications to residents and who have not completed a course of education and training relating to resident care and treatment approved by the secretary for aging and disability services or are not participating in such a course on the effective date of this act to complete successfully 40 hours of training in basic resident care skills. Any unlicensed person who has not completed 40 hours of training relating to resident care and treatment approved by the secretary for aging and disability services shall not provide direct, individual care to residents. The 40 hours of training shall be supervised by a registered professional nurse and the content and administration thereof shall comply with rules and regulations adopted by the secretary for aging and disability services. The 40 hours of training may be prepared and administered by an adult care home or by any other qualified person and may be conducted on the premises of the adult care home. The 40 hours of training required in this section shall be a part of any course of education and training required by the secretary for aging and disability services under subsection (c)(2). Training for paid nutrition assistants shall consist of at least eight hours of instruction, at a minimum, that meets the requirements of 42 C.F.R. § 483.160.
(2) The licensing agency may require unlicensed employees of an adult care home, except an adult care home licensed for the provision of services to people with intellectual disability that has been granted an exception by the secretary for aging and disability services upon a finding by the licensing agency that an appropriate training program for unlicensed employees is in place for such adult care home, who provide direct, individual care to residents and who do not administer medications to residents and who do not meet the definition of paid nutrition assistant under K.S.A. 39-923(a)(27), and amendments thereto, after 90 days of employment to successfully complete an approved course of instruction and an examination relating to resident care and treatment as a condition to continued employment by an adult care home. A course of instruction may be prepared and administered by any adult care home or by any other qualified person. A course of instruction prepared and administered by an adult care home may be conducted on the premises of the adult care home that prepared and that will administer the course of instruction. The licensing agency shall not require unlicensed employees of an adult care home who provide direct, individual care to residents and who do not administer medications to residents to enroll in any particular approved course of instruction as a condition to the taking of an examination, but the secretary for aging and disability services shall prepare guidelines for the preparation and administration of courses of instruction and shall approve or disapprove courses of instruction. Unlicensed employees of adult care homes who provide direct, individual care to residents and who do not administer medications to residents may enroll in any approved course of instruction and upon completion of the approved course of instruction shall be eligible to take an examination. The examination shall be prescribed by the secretary for aging and disability services, shall be reasonably related to the duties performed by unlicensed employees of adult care homes who provide direct, individual care to residents and who do not administer medications to residents and shall be the same examination given by the secretary for aging and disability services to all unlicensed employees of adult care homes who provide direct, individual care to residents and who do not administer medications.
(3) The secretary for aging and disability services shall fix, charge and collect a fee to cover all or any part of the costs of the licensing agency under this subsection. The fee shall be fixed by rules and regulations of the secretary for aging and disability services. The fee shall be remitted to the state treasurer in accordance with the provisions of K.S.A. 75-4215, and amendments thereto. Upon receipt of each such remittance, the state treasurer shall deposit the entire amount in the state treasury to the credit of the health occupations credentialing fee fund created by K.S.A. 39-979, and amendments thereto.
(4) The secretary for aging and disability services shall establish a state registry containing information about unlicensed employees of adult care homes who provide direct, individual care to residents and who do not administer medications in compliance with the requirements pursuant to PL 100-203, subtitle C, as amended November 5, 1990.
(5) No adult care home shall use an individual as an unlicensed employee of the adult care home who provides direct, individual care to residents and who does not administer medications unless the facility has inquired of the state registry as to information contained in the registry concerning the individual.
(6) Beginning July 1, 1993, the adult care home must require any unlicensed employee of the adult care home who provides direct, individual care to residents and who does not administer medications and who since passing the examination required under paragraph (2) of this subsection has had a continuous period of 24 consecutive months during none of which the unlicensed employee provided direct, individual care to residents to complete an approved refresher course. The secretary for aging and disability services shall prepare guidelines for the preparation and administration of refresher courses and shall approve or disapprove courses.
(d) Any person who has been employed as an unlicensed employee of an adult care home in another state may be so employed in this state without an examination if the secretary for aging and disability services determines that such other state requires training or examination, or both, for such employees at least equal to that required by this state.
(e) All medical care and treatment shall be given under the direction of a physician authorized to practice under the laws of this state and shall be provided promptly as needed.
(f) No adult care home shall require as a condition of admission to or as a condition to continued residence in the adult care home that a person change from a supplier of medication needs of their choice to a supplier of medication selected by the adult care home. Nothing in this subsection (f) shall be construed to abrogate or affect any agreements entered into prior to the effective date of this act between the adult care home and any person seeking admission to or resident of the adult care home.
(g) Except in emergencies as defined by rules and regulations of the licensing agency and except as otherwise authorized under federal law, no resident may be transferred from or discharged from an adult care home involuntarily unless the resident or legal guardian of the resident has been notified in writing at least 30 days in advance of a transfer or discharge of the resident.
(h) No resident who relies in good faith upon spiritual means or prayer for healing shall, if such resident objects thereto, be required to undergo medical care or treatment.
History: L. 1961, ch. 231, § 14; L. 1972, ch. 171, § 11; L. 1977, ch. 152, § 2; L. 1978, ch. 162, § 14; L. 1979, ch. 131, § 1; L. 1983, ch. 148, § 1; L. 1983, ch. 286, § 10; L. 1989, ch. 126, § 3; L. 1992, ch. 250, § 1; L. 1994, ch. 3, § 1; L. 2001, ch. 5, § 111; L. 2003, ch. 149, § 7; L. 2004, ch. 146, § 4; L. 2012, ch. 91, § 19; L. 2014, ch. 115, § 130; L. 2018, ch. 32, § 1; July 1.

Structure Kansas Statutes

Kansas Statutes

Chapter 39 - Mentally Ill, Incapacitated And Dependent Persons; Social Welfare

Article 9 - Adult Care Homes

39-923 Definitions.

39-924 Purpose of act.

39-925 Administration of act; transfer of administration to secretary for aging and disability services; appointment of officer to administer the act; contracts.

39-926 License required to operate home; compliance with regulations.

39-926a Limitation on number of persons licensed to operate adult care home; application of section; section supplemental to adult care home licensure act.

39-927 Application for license; contents; application for license to operate new intermediate nursing care home for people with intellectual disability; limitations.

39-928 Issuance of license, when; inspections and investigations; reports; time license effective; nontransferable; display; contents of license.

39-929 Provisional license, approval; terms; extension.

39-930 License fee; disposition.

39-931 Denial, suspension or revocation of license; emergency orders; settlement agreements; certain licensure limitations.

39-931a Same; grounds; person defined.

39-932 Adoption and enforcement of rules, regulations and standards.

39-932a Adult care homes in less than an entire building.

39-933 Inspections and investigations; regulations for changes in facilities.

39-934 Certain information confidential.

39-935 Inspections; reporting; access to premises; exit interviews; unannounced inspections; inspection reports, posting and access; risk management program, when required; admissibility of reports.

39-936 Statement on admission; qualified personnel; education and training of unlicensed personnel; examination and fees; state registry established; refresher course required; supplier of medication; limitations on involuntary transfer or discharge...

39-937 Compliance with other laws and regulations.

39-938 Compliance with requirements and rules and regulations; exceptions.

39-939 Unlawful acts.

39-940 Forms for application, reports, records and inspections; records open to inspection; unlawful acts.

39-941 Adult care homes; license and regulation; certain organizations exempt.

39-942 License in effect on effective date of act continued in effect; exceptions.

39-943 Penalties.

39-944 Injunctions and other process.

39-945 Correction orders; issuance; contents.

39-946 Civil penalty; issuance; notice of assessment; factors in determining amount of civil penalty; enforcement.

39-947 Appeals to secretary; hearing; disposition of civil penalties.

39-947a Informal dispute resolution; written request; procedure.

39-948 Appeals to district court; disposition of civil penalties.

39-949 Disposition of moneys.

39-950 Rules and regulations.

39-951 Authority granted under act additional and not limiting.

39-952 Correction order not issued, when.

39-953 Citation of act.

39-953a Order prohibiting new admissions to adult care home; when issued; proceedings; remedy not limiting.

39-953b Annual report of violations resulting in issuance of correction orders and civil penalties.

39-954 Application for receiver; order appointing; qualifications of persons designated and method of selection, rules and regulations.

39-955 Filing application for receivership; contents.

39-956 Service of copies of application for receivership; posting in adult care home.

39-957 Answer to application for receivership.

39-958 Priority of application for receivership in district court; evidence; appointment of receiver; certain statutes inapplicable to license granted receiver; length of license.

39-959 Powers and duties of receiver.

39-960 Expenditures from moneys appropriated for purposes of act; when authorized; repayment.

39-961 Kansas department for aging and disability services to assist receiver; expenses of department; repayment.

39-962 Supervision of district court; final accounting; removal.

39-963 Termination of receivership; circumstances; accounting and disposition of money; court orders for recovery of certain expenses and costs.

39-964 Procedures for and review and enforcement of administrative actions.

39-965 Penalties for violations posing serious physical harm to resident.

39-967 Skilled nursing home or intermediate nursing care home means nursing facility.

39-968 Client assessment, referral and evaluation program; definitions; implementation; data entry form; requirements; duties of secretary for aging and disability services; long-term care resource information; rules and regulations; voluntary oversi...

39-969 Criminal history record information.

39-970 Adult care home; definitions; operation; precluded, when; access of secretary of health and environment to certain records; background check of employees, civil liability, fee for information request; provision of criminal history record infor...

39-971 Quality enhancement wage pass-through program; eligible employees; quarterly wage audits; limitations on use of pass-through moneys; "nursing facilities" defined.

39-972 Residents receiving long-term care in medicaid approved institution; personal needs fund; supplemental income.

39-973 Operator registration act.

39-974 Same; definitions.

39-975 Same; registration of operators; rules and regulations.

39-976 Same; operator registration on adult care home administrator license required.

39-977 Same; waiver of registration requirements, when.

39-978 Same; registration renewal.

39-979 Same; fees; health occupations credentialing fee fund.

39-980 Same; suspension, denial of, revocation of or refusal to renew registration; hearing; powers of secretary.

39-981 Authorized electronic monitoring; reasonable accommodations; notice; consent; use as evidence; prohibitions.

39-982 Requirements of Kansas department for aging and disability services; COVID-19 public health emergency; infection control inspections; provision of personal protective equipment, sanitizing supplies and tests; adoption of best practices.