Kansas Statutes
Article 14 - Reporting Abuse, Neglect Or Exploitation Of Certain Persons
39-1433 Same; duties of Kansas department for children and families; face-to-face visit; investigation and evaluation; findings referred to appropriate regulating authority, when; information provided to certain persons.

39-1433. Same; duties of Kansas department for children and families; face-to-face visit; investigation and evaluation; findings referred to appropriate regulating authority, when; information provided to certain persons. (a) The Kansas department for children and families, upon receiving a report that an adult is being or has been harmed as a result of abuse, neglect or financial exploitation, shall:
(1) Immediately notify, in writing, the appropriate law enforcement agency when a criminal act has occurred or appears to have occurred;
(2) make a face-to-face visit with the involved adult:
(A) Within 24 hours when the information from the reporter indicates imminent danger to the health or welfare of the involved adult;
(B) within three working days for all reports of suspected abuse, when the information from the reporter indicates no imminent danger; and
(C) within five working days for all reports of neglect or financial exploitation when the information from the reporter indicates no imminent danger;
(3) complete, within 30 working days of receiving a report of abuse or neglect and 60 working days of receiving a report of financial exploitation, a thorough investigation and evaluation to determine the situation relative to the condition of the involved adult and what action and services, if any, are required. The evaluation shall include, but not be limited to, consultation with those individuals having knowledge of the facts of the particular case. If conducting the investigation within the corresponding 30 or 60 working days would interfere with an ongoing criminal investigation, the time period for the investigation shall be extended, but the investigation and evaluation shall be completed within 90 working days. If a finding is made prior to the conclusion of the criminal investigation, the investigation and evaluation may be reopened and a new finding made based on any additional evidence provided as a result of the criminal investigation. If the alleged perpetrator is licensed, registered or otherwise regulated by a state agency, such state agency shall be notified upon completion of the investigation or sooner if such notification does not compromise the investigation; and
(4) prepare, upon completion of the investigation of each case, a written assessment that shall include an analysis of whether there is or has been abuse, neglect or financial exploitation, recommended action, a determination of whether protective services are needed and any follow-up.
(b) The secretary for children and families shall forward any finding of abuse, neglect or financial exploitation alleged to have been committed by a provider of services licensed, registered or otherwise authorized to provide services in this state to the appropriate state regulatory authority that regulates such provider.
(c) The secretary for children and families shall forward any substantiated finding of abuse, neglect or financial exploitation alleged to have been committed by a provider of services licensed, registered or otherwise authorized to provide services in this state to the appropriate state regulatory authority, and such authority may consider the finding in any disciplinary action taken with respect to such provider under the jurisdiction of such authority.
(d) The Kansas department for children and families shall inform the complainant, upon request of the complainant, that an investigation has been initiated.
(e) The Kansas department for children and families shall inform the chief administrative officers of community facilities licensed pursuant to K.S.A. 39-2001 et seq., and amendments thereto, and nursing facilities, nursing facilities for mental health, intermediate care facilities for people with intellectual disability, assisted living facilities, residential healthcare facilities and home plus as defined in K.S.A. 39-923, and amendments thereto, of substantiated findings of resident abuse, neglect or financial exploitation.
History: L. 1989, ch. 129, § 4; L. 1998, ch. 200, § 10; L. 2003, ch. 91, § 14; L. 2005, ch. 30, § 1; L. 2014, ch. 115, § 170; L. 2018, ch. 71, § 9; L. 2021, ch. 81, § 5; July 1.

Structure Kansas Statutes

Kansas Statutes

Chapter 39 - Mentally Ill, Incapacitated And Dependent Persons; Social Welfare

Article 14 - Reporting Abuse, Neglect Or Exploitation Of Certain Persons

39-1401 Abuse, neglect or exploitation of residents; definitions.

39-1402 Abuse, neglect or exploitation of residents; reporting abuse, neglect or exploitation or need of protective services; persons required to report; contents of report; posting notice of requirements of act; penalty for failure to report.

39-1403 Same; immunity from liability of certain persons; employer prohibited from imposing sanctions on employee making report.

39-1404 Same; duties of Kansas department for aging and disability services and department of health and environment; personal visit; investigation and evaluation; information provided to certain persons.

39-1405 Same; protective services; injunction.

39-1406 Same; persons authorized access to relevant records; authority to take actions to assist residents.

39-1407 Consent of resident to protective services; court authorization.

39-1408 Same; petition for appointment of guardian or conservator; appointment of attorney to represent resident, when.

39-1409 Same; assistance of appropriate public or private agencies, groups or individuals.

39-1410 Review subsequent to authorization of protective services; continuation of protective services; reevaluations.

39-1411 Register of reports; findings forwarded to certain state regulatory authorities; consideration of findings; certain information confidential and not subject to open records act; disclosure of certain individuals prohibited.

39-1412 Transfer of certain powers, duties and functions of secretary of health and environment to secretary of aging; preservation of certain actions.

39-1430 Abuse, neglect or financial exploitation of certain adults; definitions.

39-1431 Same; reporting abuse, neglect or financial exploitation or need of protective services; persons required to report; penalty for failure to report; posting notice of requirements of act.

39-1432 Same; immunity from liability of certain persons; employer prohibited from imposing sanctions on employee making report; attorney fees awarded, when.

39-1433 Same; duties of Kansas department for children and families; face-to-face visit; investigation and evaluation; findings referred to appropriate regulating authority, when; information provided to certain persons.

39-1434 Statewide register; report, assessment or written evaluation not public record; disclosure of certain individuals prohibited.

39-1435 Same; assistance of state departments and agencies and other public and private agencies; law enforcement assistance.

39-1436 Same; access to relevant records; confidentiality requirements.

39-1437 Same; protective services; duties of secretary of social and rehabilitation services; injunction.

39-1438 Same; when protective services accepted or declined.

39-1439 Same; district court appointment of attorney to represent involved adult, when.

39-1440 Same; review subsequent to authorization of protective services; continuation of protective services; reevaluations.

39-1441 Same; authority of secretary for children and families; toll-free telephone number.

39-1442 Same; least restrictive actions to be taken.

39-1443 Same; investigation of reports; coordination and cooperation between agencies.