38-606. Work permits, requirements before issuance. The superintendent of schools or his or her duly authorized representative, or the judge of the district court, shall issue a work permit only after he or she has received, examined, approved, and filed the following papers duly executed, namely:
First. A written statement signed by the person for whom the child expects to work, or by some one duly authorized by such person, stating the occupation at which he or she intends to employ such child.
Second. The school record of such child properly filled out and signed by the principal of the school last attended, setting forth that such child has completed the course of study prescribed for elementary schools by the state board of education. In case such school record is not available then the official issuing the permit shall cause such child to be examined to determine whether or not such child has the educational qualifications equivalent to a completion of the elementary course of study prescribed by the state board of education, and shall file in the office a statement setting forth the result of such examination: Provided, That a permit may be issued to allow a child who has not completed the course of study provided for herein to work when school is not in session in the district in which such child resides, subject to all the other limitations of this act.
Third. Evidence of age of the child, showing that the child is fourteen years of age; and that the state labor commissioner shall be, and hereby is authorized, empowered, and directed to make and prescribe, and from time to time to change and amend such rules and regulations, not in conflict with this act, as he or she may deem necessary and proper to secure satisfactory evidence of the age of the child applying for a work permit: Provided, however, That the evidence of age, and the manner of preparing and producing such evidence, required under such rules and regulations, shall comply substantially with the requirements as to proof of age prescribed by any rules and regulations made pursuant to the act of congress entitled, "An act to prevent interstate commerce in the products of child labor, and for other purposes, approved September 1, 1916," and any amendments thereto hereafter made.
History: L. 1917, ch. 227, § 6; R.S. 1923, 38-606; L. 1976, ch. 145, § 183; Jan. 10, 1977.
Structure Kansas Statutes
38-601 Children under 14, employment.
38-602 Children under 18, employment; rules and regulations.
38-603 Children under 16, employment.
38-604 Work permit required; exception.
38-605 Notice of hours of labor.
38-606 Work permits, requirements before issuance.
38-608 Blanks for permits; duplicates; permit as evidence of age.
38-609 Return of permit on termination of employment.
38-611 Duties of inspector and county attorney.
38-612 Penalty for unlawful employment.
38-613 Federal aid, labor commissioner authorized to receive.
38-614 Activities not considered employment; performance prohibited, when.
38-615 Employment of minor child entertainers; definitions.
38-616 Same; infants, requirements; violations, penalty.
38-617 Same; earnings sole property of minor child.
38-618 Same; contracts affected.
38-619 Same; disaffirmance precluded upon judicial approval of contract; approval procedure.