38-335. Interstate compact; declaration of need and policy. (a) It is hereby found and declared that: (1) Adoptive families of special needs children who move to other states often have difficulty in obtaining medical services due to reluctance by medical providers to accept Kansas medical cards; (2) as a consequence, adoptive placements for special needs children have been disrupted in the past due to the inability to receive medical services in the state of residence; and (3) the best interests of special needs children and their adoptive families who move to other states would be served by assuring a continuation of adoption assistance as long as there is a need and by providing a mechanism through which medical services can be provided in the state of residence.
(b) It shall, therefore, be the policy of this state, in adopting the interstate compact on adoption and medical assistance, to cooperate fully with other states in providing for continuing adoption assistance and medical services for special needs children who move.
History: L. 1985, ch. 141, ยง 1; July 1.
Structure Kansas Statutes
Article 3 - Dependent Or Neglected Children
38-306 Institution to have custody and control of child.
38-315 Unlawful placing or receiving of child from another state; penalty.
38-321 Administration of program of adoption support; rules and regulations.
38-322 Eligibility of child for adoption support.
38-323 Termination of adoption support.
38-324 Adoption support; eligibility of prospective parent; amount of payments.
38-325 Acceptance and use of funds by director for purposes of act; payments.
38-326 Limitation on amount of adoption support.
38-327 Recommendations by child placing agency; preplacement study or supervision of home.
38-335 Interstate compact; declaration of need and policy.
38-337 Compact administrator; appointment; duties.
38-338 Supplementary agreements.