Kansas Statutes
Article 2 - Liens Of Hotel And Lodginghouse Keepers
36-202 Detention of baggage and property; priority of liens.

36-202. Detention of baggage and property; priority of liens. That said innkeeper, hotelkeeper, boardinghouse keeper, apartment-house keeper, or rooming-house keeper shall have the right to detain such baggage and other property until the amount of such charges is paid, and such baggage and other property shall be exempt from attachment or execution until such innkeeper, hotelkeeper, boardinghouse keeper, apartment-house keeper, or rooming-house keeper's lien and the cost of satisfying it are paid: Provided, Such lien shall not supersede a valid existing lien of record.
History: L. 1913, ch. 205, § 2; L. 1923, ch. 149, § 2; June 9; R.S. 1923, 36-202.