Kansas Statutes
Article 20 - School District Elections
25-2022a Change of member district boundary, change of residence of board member within school district, no vacancy; change of residence of board member outside school district, vacancy.

25-2022a. Change of member district boundary, change of residence of board member within school district, no vacancy; change of residence of board member outside school district, vacancy. Whenever a school district has a voting plan or method of election which provides for member districts, persons elected or appointed to be a member of the board of education of such school district shall reside in the member district corresponding to the member position to which such person is elected or appointed unless such person is a member at-large of the board of education. The member at-large may reside anywhere within the school district. Changes of member district territory and boundaries such that a member of a board of education no longer resides in the member district from which elected or appointed shall not shorten the term of such member. In the event a member of a board of education elected or appointed from a member district changes residence from one place to another within a school district, such that he or she no longer resides in the member district from which elected or appointed, such member shall nevertheless continue the term to its conclusion without such term being shortened. In the event a member of a board of education establishes residence outside the school district in which such member resided at the time of election, a vacancy in the membership of the board shall exist as of the date upon which the determination is made by the county election officer of the home county of such school district that a change of residence has occurred, and such member shall no longer be eligible to serve on the board of education of such school district.
History: L. 1970, ch. 140, § 4; L. 1974, ch. 163, § 2; L. 1976, ch. 185, § 4; April 13.

Structure Kansas Statutes

Kansas Statutes

Chapter 25 - Elections

Article 20 - School District Elections

25-2001 Citation of school election act.

25-2002 Definitions; application.

25-2003 Definitions; relating to board members.

25-2004 Definitions; relating to member districts and method of election.

25-2005 Definitions; plan of change and voting plan.

25-2006 Definitions; primary and general elections.

25-2007 Definitions; miscellaneous.

25-2008 Definitions; school officers and state board.

25-2009 Nonpartisan elections; application of other election laws.

25-2010 School district elections; conduct by county election officer; dates of primary and general elections specified.

25-2011 Correlation with other elections.

25-2012 Canvass of election; certification of results.

25-2012a Same; when no votes cast, determination of person deemed elected.

25-2014 Order of candidates' names on ballots.

25-2014a Ballots in school elections; preparation.

25-2016 Voting machines.

25-2017 Notice of school elections.

25-2017a Certification of school offices to be filled; certification of boundary changes and voting plans.

25-2018 Certification of school offices to be filled; requirements for publication.

25-2019 Bond elections; frequency limitation.

25-2020 Candidate for election; petition; declaration; filing fee; nomination petitions.

25-2021 Primary election, when required; write-in candidates.

25-2022 Vacancies on boards of education filled by appointment; publication of notice; term of appointee.

25-2022a Change of member district boundary, change of residence of board member within school district, no vacancy; change of residence of board member outside school district, vacancy.

25-2022b Excessive vacancies on boards of education; appointments made by governor.

25-2023 Oath of office; commencement of terms; length of terms.

25-2024 Oath, where filed; notices by county election officer when filing is late.