24-659. Same; contents of petition; form; map. Said petition shall set forth: (1) The proposed name of the district, which name shall end with the words "joint drainage district number ______." It shall be the duty of the secretary of state to assign a number to each such district in the order in which petitions for their organization are received in his or her office.
(2) A description of the lands to be included within the proposed district, identified by section numbers and fractions thereof, and other platted areas as appropriate.
(3) A statement of the purposes for which the district is to be organized.
(4) A statement that the board of directors of the district shall consist of not less than three members giving the names and addresses of the persons who will constitute the original steering committee.
(5) Any other matter deemed essential.
(6) A prayer for the organization of the district as a nonprofit corporation.
A map showing the lands to be included in the district, prepared in consultation with the chief engineer, shall be attached to the petition as an exhibit and incorporated therein by reference. The petition shall be in substantially the following form:
In the Matter of ________ Joint Drainage District Number ____, __________ and __________ counties, Kansas.
Come now the undersigned persons and state that they are landowners within the proposed boundaries of the aforenamed drainage district, hereinafter more fully described, and that each signer states that his respective post-office address is set forth beside his name. That the purposes for which this district is organized are (state purposes). That a steering committee for the organization of the district is hereby fixed and constituted with not less than three members; that the names of persons who will serve on the original steering committee, of which the first named shall be acting chairman, and their respective addresses are as follows:
(List names and addresses.)
The governing body of the district shall be constituted in a board of directors composed of not less than three qualified voters.
That attached hereto, marked Exhibit A and made a part hereof as fully as if set forth herein, is a map showing the lands proposed to be included in the district.
That the lands proposed to be included in said district are described as follows:
(Description of lands.)
That the lands proposed to be included in said district do not embrace the territorial limits of any incorporated city, or any part thereof, except those specifically described in the petition.
Wherefore, the undersigned, individually and collectively, pray that a joint drainage district be organized in the manner provided by law, for the purposes set forth herein, and that the secretary of state and the chief engineer of the division of water resources of the Kansas department of agriculture proceed diligently in the performance of their duties so that the organization of this proposed district may be completed and approved at the earliest possible time.
Submitted to the secretary of state this ______ day of ________, ____.
History: L. 1963, ch. 225, § 4; L. 1976, ch. 174, § 2; L. 2004, ch. 101, § 72; July 1.
Structure Kansas Statutes
Chapter 24 - Drainage And Levees
Article 6 - Drainage In One Or More Counties
24-601a Inclusion of land located in other benefit districts.
24-602 Summons to owners of real estate.
24-605 Elections, supervisors and bonds and no-fund warrant issues; vacancies.
24-606a Annual election of supervisors; notice.
24-608 Organization of board of supervisors; district treasurer; county treasurer's duties.
24-610 Drain commissioner; term; duties; bond; oath.
24-611 Annexation of land to district; procedures; limitations.
24-611a Agreements to allow drainage from land located outside district.
24-612 Rights of way and removal of obstructions in streams; eminent domain proceedings.
24-613 Hearing of objections to report of engineer; notice; filing of report.
24-614 Who may file objections to report; adjournments of hearings.
24-616 Hearings to objections to engineer report; costs; fees.
24-617 Appeal from decision of board; bond; transcript; procedure.
24-618 Tax levies; installments; correction of assessments; certification of levies.
24-619 Supplemental assessments.
24-620 Expenses apportioned to street, highway or railroad; collection.
24-621 Issuance of bonds; levy to pay bonds; temporary loan.
24-622 Resolution for bond issue.
24-623 Lien of assessments; sinking fund.
24-624 Sale of bonds; use of proceeds; deposit of money.
24-625 Powers and duties of board; works affecting highway, railroad or state property.
24-628 Outlet or discharge of more than one district into stream; apportionment of cost.
24-629 Outlet for lateral drains.
24-630 Subdistrict where land separated from drainage; petition.
24-633 Compensation and expenses of officers and employees.
24-635 Overseers; appointment; powers and duties.
24-636 Civil liability for obstructing or injuring property; penalty.
24-637 Construction of act; defects in assessments; modification of assessments.
24-638 Contest of assessments.
24-639 District to be body politic and corporate; corporate name; general powers.
24-640 Construction of act; petition required, when.
24-641 Legalizing drainage districts created by district court or board of county commissioners.
24-641a Same; special election of officers, when.
24-642 Same; boundaries legalized.
24-643 Same; bond issues legalized.
24-644 Same; tax levies and assessments legalized.
24-645 Same; acts done in conformity to law legalized.
24-646 Same; application of act.
24-648 Same; duties of trustees.
24-649 Same; how funds secured by trustees; tax levy.
24-650 Same; notice of disorganization; filing of claims.
24-651 Same; funds for payment of claims.
24-652 Same; care and sale of property.
24-653 Same; final report and discharge of trustees.
24-654 Renewal, extension and restoration of articles of incorporation; petition to court; record.
24-655 Same; validation of prior acts; vesting of property rights and credits; liabilities.
24-656 Drainage districts organized with territory in two or more counties; definitions.
24-658 Same; petition by verified landowners; county clerk to furnish record of ownership, when.
24-658a Inclusion of land located in other benefit districts.
24-659 Same; contents of petition; form; map.
24-664 Same; district as body politic and corporate; powers; designation of home office.
24-665a Same; annual meeting; notice; elections.