Kansas Statutes
Article 37 - Release Procedures
22-3710 Kansas prisoner review board; seal, orders, records, reports.

22-3710. Kansas prisoner review board; seal, orders, records, reports. The prisoner review board shall adopt an official seal of which the courts shall take judicial notice. The orders of the board shall not be reviewable except as to compliance with the terms of this act or other applicable laws of this state. The board shall keep a record of its acts and shall notify each institution and the secretary of corrections of its decisions relating to the persons who are or have been confined therein. At the close of each fiscal year, the board shall submit to the governor and to the legislature a report with statistical and other data of its work, including research studies which it may make of probation, sentencing, parole, postrelease supervision or related functions. Such report may be part of the annual report of the department of corrections, so long as such information is presented separately and distinctly.
History: L. 1970, ch. 129, § 22-3710; L. 1972, ch. 317, § 83; L. 1973, ch. 339, § 63; L. 1990, ch. 309, § 16; L. 1992, ch. 239, § 267; L. 2012, ch. 16, § 11; July 1.

Structure Kansas Statutes

Kansas Statutes

Chapter 22 - Criminal Procedure

Article 37 - Release Procedures

22-3701 Pardons and commutations; duties of prisoner review board; notification to victims.

22-3702 Form of pardon.

22-3703 Report of pardons to legislature.

22-3704 Reprieves in capital cases.

22-3705 Commutation of sentence, reduction of penalty; restrictions.

22-3706 Person acting as agent or representative of individual seeking release; contingent fee prohibited; statement and affidavit.

22-3709 Officers of board; panels authorized; vote required to parole certain inmates.

22-3710 Kansas prisoner review board; seal, orders, records, reports.

22-3711 Certain records privileged.

22-3712 Placement in diagnostic or treatment facility as condition of release.

22-3713 Prisoner review board; hearings; personnel and accounting services.

22-3716 Arrest for violating condition of probation, assignment to community corrections, suspension of sentence or nonprison sanction, procedure; time limitation on issuing warrant; limitations on serving sentence in department of corrections' facil...

22-3717 Parole or postrelease supervision; eligibility; interviews, notices and hearings; rules and regulations; conditions of parole or postrelease supervision.

22-3718 Conditional release; notice.

22-3719 Information from correctional institution officials.

22-3720 Subpoena power.

22-3722 Service on parole, conditional release and postrelease supervision; discharge; restoration of civil rights.

22-3723 Transfer of offenders under treaties.

22-3725 Good time credits, crimes committed prior to July 1, 1993.

22-3726 Supervised furlough; crimes committed prior to July 1, 1993.

22-3727 Secretary of corrections; notification to victims prior to release of certain inmates.

22-3727a County or district attorney; notification to victims of the escape or death of certain committed defendants or inmates.

22-3728 Functional incapacitation release; procedures; notice; conditions; supervision upon release.

22-3729 Terminal medical release; procedures; notice; conditions; revocation; supervision upon release.

22-3730 Community parenting release; duties and authority of secretary of corrections.