Kansas Statutes
Article 25 - Kansas Egg Law
2-2503 Violations of act.

2-2503. Violations of act. It shall be a violation of this act for any person, other than those exempted by K.S.A. 2-2508, and amendments thereto, to:
(a) Sell graded eggs below the quality of "Grade B";
(b) sell graded eggs that are not labeled on the container to indicate size and quality thereof in boldface type letters not less than 3/8 inch in height;
(c) sell graded eggs without the name and address of either the packer, last handler, retailer or agent by or for whom the eggs were graded, labeled or packed, indicated on the carton or container;
(d) falsely or deceptively label, advertise or invoice eggs;
(e) advertise graded eggs in a manner which indicates price without also indicating the full, correct and unabbreviated designation of size and quality as provided herein;
(f) hold eggs for human consumption at an ambient temperature higher than 45° Fahrenheit after being received at the point of first purchase or assembly;
(g) sell graded eggs in a container which does not bear an inspection fee stamp showing that the inspection fee has been paid thereon unless the person has been issued a permit to pay the inspection fee on a quarterly basis as required by K.S.A. 2-2507, and amendments thereto;
(h) use an inspection fee stamp more than once, or to use a counterfeit thereof;
(i) grade eggs for size and quality for subsequent resale to food purveyors, retailers or consumers without first acquiring a license issued by the secretary for such person's place of business;
(j) fail or neglect to file the quarterly inspection fee report and pay the inspection fee due, as provided in K.S.A. 2-2507, and amendments thereto, or to file a false quarterly inspection fee report of the quantity of eggs sold during any period;
(k) refuse entry to any authorized inspector or employee of the department for the purpose of making inspections under the provisions of this act;
(l) engage in the business of purchasing eggs unless there is posted in a conspicuous place in such place of business every day that such place of business is open for the purchase of eggs the prices which are being paid for each of the various grades of eggs;
(m) offer eggs for sale that have not been candled and graded;
(n) fail to mark all containers with official United States or Kansas grade AA, A or B identification with label to indicate that refrigeration is required, using "keep refrigerated," or words of similar meaning;
(o) sell, offer or expose for sale or distribute eggs in this state without first acquiring a license issued by the secretary for such person's place of business; or
(p) fail to comply with any other provision of this act or any rule or regulation adopted pursuant to this act.
History: L. 1955, ch. 9, § 3; L. 1971, ch. 7, § 1; L. 2000, ch. 57, § 3; L. 2006, ch. 90, § 3; July 1.