15-731. Bonds for street and highway improvements, bridges and culverts; election. Any city of the third class may issue general obligation bonds payable by the city at large to surface, resurface, pave, repave, curb, recurb, gutter, regutter, or otherwise improve any street or streets, avenue or avenues or other public highway or highways, other than an alley, together with necessary bringing to grade and grading, and with such culverts, drainage facilities and other incidentals as may be necessary, and to build bridges and approaches thereto, any or all of these, when authorized so to do by an election called for any one or more of such purposes and when a majority of those voting on the proposition vote in favor thereof.
The governing body may call an election at any time by passing an ordinance describing the street or streets, avenue or avenues or other public highway or highways or parts thereof to be improved, or the location of the bridge to be constructed, and describing in general terms the improvement or improvements to be made and the maximum amount of bonds to be issued. If the amount of bonds authorized is not sufficient to complete the project or projects as voted upon, such part of the project or projects shall be abandoned as will bring the cost within the maximum amount of bonds authorized. In case any street, avenue or other public highway or part thereof is not improved because of insufficient bond authorization, it may be included in any subsequent election.
For bonded debt purposes such bonds shall be considered the same as bonds issued to pay the cost of improvements of intersections of streets. Bonds issued under this act shall be issued, sold, delivered and retired in accordance with the provisions of the general bond law except as herein otherwise expressly provided. The provisions of this act are supplemental to other statutes relating to similar street improvements and shall not prevent the city from using other available statutes.
History: L. 1951, ch. 194, ยง 1; June 30.
Structure Kansas Statutes
Chapter 15 - Cities Of The Third Class
Article 7 - Public Improvements
15-710 Relevy of special assessments; when.
15-711 Additional system of artificial lights for certain districts.
15-718 Street and alley improvements; cooperation with state and federal government.
15-719 Same; temporary notes and bonds; bond election.
15-720 Improvement or maintenance of certain streets; bonds; election.
15-731 Bonds for street and highway improvements, bridges and culverts; election.
15-731a Bonds for improving streets; election and nonlitigation certificate not required.
15-733 Repair and maintenance of streets; tax levy, use of proceeds.