14-6,100. Certain cities between 4,500 and 6,000; acceptance of gifts; election; site, erection and equipment of hospital. Where in any city of the second class having a population of not less than four thousand five hundred (4,500) and not more than six thousand (6,000), located in a county having five (5) cities of the second class, money has been raised by public subscription or otherwise for the construction of a hospital to serve such city and the surrounding community or where such money so raised for such purpose has been partly or wholly spent for acquiring a site and the partial or complete construction and equipment of a hospital, such city may accept a gift of such money or the money not yet expended for site and hospital and the site and hospital in course of construction or constructed and equipped from the person or persons or corporation having charge or owning such money or site and partly constructed or constructed and equipped hospital.
Before the city accepts such gift the proposition shall be submitted at a regular city election or at an election called for the purpose, and if a majority of the votes cast on the proposition shall be in favor thereof the governing body shall proceed to accept the gift, and shall have power to continue with the construction and equipping of the hospital, or in case the gift is of money only shall have power to acquire a site for and erect and equip a hospital within the amount of money available except as provided in K.S.A. 14-6,101.
History: L. 1953, ch. 113, ยง 1; April 13.
Structure Kansas Statutes
Chapter 14 - Cities Of The Second Class
14-601c Participation in cost of establishing hospital; bond election.
14-602 Hospital site and building; tax levy, use of proceeds; petition and election.
14-604 Board of trustees; membership; term; election.
14-609 Same; use of hospital; fees; regulations.
14-610 Same; rules and regulations.
14-612 Same; physicians; rights of patients.
14-613 Same; training school for nurses.
14-614 Same; fees; account of receipts.
14-618 Government of hospital.
14-634 Same; lease of hospital.
14-640d Hospital maintenance and improvements; tax levy, use of proceeds.
14-646 Same; plans and specifications; bids.
14-647 Same; use of hospital; fees; rules and regulations.
14-648 Same; control of staff, employees, patients and grounds.
14-649 Same; donations to hospital.
14-650 Same; training school for nurses.
14-651 Same; fixing of patients' fees; account of receipts.
14-652 Same; bylaws, rules and regulations.
14-652a Same; existing statutes not affected by act.
14-654 Same; invalidity of part.
14-654a Same; additional bonds for site, building and equipment; election.
14-656 Same; how bonds issued; limitations inapplicable.
14-658 Same; board of trustees; appointment; terms; election; qualifications.
14-660 Same; leases; approval by trustees.
14-661 Same; contracts; federal aid.
14-663 Same; how bonds issued; limitations inapplicable.
14-663a Same; additional bonds; limitation; election.
14-663b Same; how bonds issued; limitations inapplicable.
14-665 Same; board of trustees; appointment; terms; election.
14-667 Same; leases; approval by trustees.
14-668 Same; contracts; federal aid.
14-670 Same; lease or rental by city governing body.
14-673 Same; bond limitations not to apply.
14-675 Same; application of general bond law.
14-680 Same; federal aid and donations or gifts.
14-683 Same; plans and specifications; contracts.
14-684 Same; training school for nurses.
14-685 Hospitals in certain cities under 3,000.
14-686 Same; bonds for acquiring site, building and equipment; limitation; election.
14-688 Same; federal aid and donations or gifts.
14-691 Same; plans and specifications; contracts.
14-692 Same; training school for nurses.
14-693 Extension of territorial limits for hospital purposes in certain cities.
14-696 Same; budget; tax levy; revenues.
14-697 Same; agreements for nurses' training.
14-698 Same; bonds for sites, buildings, equipment and improvements; election; costs.
14-699 Same; election of trustees; nominations; vacancies; expenses.
14-6,101 Same; bonds; limitation; election.
14-6,102 Same; bond limitations inapplicable.
14-6,104 Same; acceptance of gifts.
14-6,107 Same; application of classification under 14-6,100.
14-6,108 Cities located in counties which have issued maximum amount of bonds authorized by 19-1869.
14-6,112 Same; loans exempt from certain statutory provisions.
14-6,114 Anthony, Kansas, hospital district; payment of expenses.