14-10a05. Pension funds; tax levy, use of proceeds; investment. (a) The amount of money derived from taxes levied, except for an amount to pay a portion of the principal and interest on bonds issued by such city under the authority of K.S.A. 12-1774, and amendments thereto, and all money received from assessments, dues and donations for the benefit of such funds shall constitute pension trust funds to be known and designated, respectively, as the policemen's pension fund and the firemen's pension fund. Such pension funds shall be devoted exclusively to and for the purposes enumerated in this section. All moneys derived from the taxes levied and money received from other sources as enumerated in this section shall be paid into the policemen's pension fund or the firemen's pension fund, as the case may be, until the amount in such pension fund equals the total of the actuarially determined liabilities which are attributable to all members in active service and to all persons who are receiving, or who are entitled to receive in the future, pensions and other benefits from such fund. Further tax levies shall be made only for the purpose of maintaining each pension fund at such level.
(b) All moneys accumulated under the provisions of this act shall be deposited by the treasurer in the same manner as other city funds, except that the board of trustees, at their option, may invest any of such reserve funds in: (1) Investments authorized by K.S.A. 12-1675, and amendments thereto, in the manner prescribed therein;
(2) direct obligation bonds of the United States of America maturing, or redeemable at par and accrued interest, within three years from date of purchase; or
(3) bonds of any municipality in the state of Kansas, the total bonded indebtedness of which is less than 15% of the total assessed tangible valuation of such municipality. Such bonds shall mature within five years from the date of purchase.
History: L. 1945, ch. 144, § 5; L. 1976, ch. 89, § 6; L. 1977, ch. 54, § 19; L. 1979, ch. 52, § 77; L. 1998, ch. 64, § 11; July 1.
Structure Kansas Statutes
Chapter 14 - Cities Of The Second Class
Article 10a - Employees' Retirement Systems
14-10a03 Benefit and disability benefit rights under prior laws saved.
14-10a04 Board of trustees for each fund; president and secretary; treasurer.
14-10a05 Pension funds; tax levy, use of proceeds; investment.
14-10a07 Payment to spouses or children of deceased policemen or firemen.
14-10a08 Payments upon retirement or discharge from police or fire department.
14-10a09 Permanent disability benefits.
14-10a10 Certain pension benefits and rights nonassignable and exempt from taxes and legal process.
14-10a12 How pensions and benefits paid; annual report.
14-10a13 Service in military forces may be credited on retirement time.