14-1007a. Acquisition of cemetery and additions or lands therefor; publication of notice; protest petition; election; appeal from condemnation proceeding. Any city of second class may acquire a cemetery for public use or any addition to an existing cemetery, or lands therefor, except that lots owned by private individuals for burial purposes shall only be acquired for the purposes of care and upkeep. Such cemetery, addition or lands may be located either inside or outside the city and may be acquired by purchase or by condemnation proceedings as now provided by law for the appropriation of private land for public use. This act shall not authorize the condemnation or appropriation of cemetery grounds owned or used by any religious body or denomination for burial purposes. Before the governing body of any city takes action to purchase or condemn any cemetery, any addition to an existing cemetery or lands, it shall cause to be published once each week for two consecutive weeks in the official city newspaper a notice of such intention. Such notice shall state that action will be taken to acquire such property upon a certain date, which shall be not less than 10 days from the last publication of the notice, unless on or before such date there is filed with the city clerk a petition signed by at least 10% of the qualified electors of the city protesting such action.
In the event such a petition is filed, the governing body of the city may submit the question of acquiring such property at the next city election. If a majority of those voting upon such proposition vote in the affirmative, the governing body shall proceed to acquire such land. Upon acquisition of any cemetery by the city where funds have been provided either by the owners of such cemetery or by the owners of lots therein for the upkeep of lots in such cemetery, the funds so provided shall pass to such city in trust to be administered by it for the purpose and according to the terms of which such funds were acquired and to carry out the purpose for which such funds were acquired. In any condemnation proceeding an appeal may be had from such proceedings as to the value of the cemetery or lands or any other damages, in the manner as now provided by law in connection with the appropriation of land for public use by the exercise of the right of eminent domain.
History: L. 1925, ch. 117, § 1; L. 1945, ch. 140, § 1; L. 1949, ch. 170, § 1; L. 1981, ch. 173, § 49; July 1.
Structure Kansas Statutes
Chapter 14 - Cities Of The Second Class
Article 10 - Miscellaneous Provisions
14-1007 Lands for and improvement of cemeteries.
14-1007b Same; tax levy, use of proceeds; issuance of bonds.
14-1007c Same; construction of act.
14-1008 Conveyance of cemetery lots; regulations by council.
14-1041 Natural gas production and sale; acquisition of drilling sites; contracts.
14-1043 Same; acreage within or without city limits.
14-1044 Same; contracts for consolidation or unitization of land.
14-1045 Same; election; requirements for approval; resolution and order of governing body.
14-1046 Same; effect of resolution, order and election; landowner may petition court; proceedings.
14-1047 Cemetery property of private association; definitions.
14-1048 Same; transfer to city and dissolution.
14-1049 Same; resolution of associations; publication; void upon protest of lot owners.
14-1051 Same; transfer of property; dissolution of association.
14-1053 Bonds for cemetery improvement in certain cities over 10,000; election.
14-1060 Compromise, abatement or cancellation of certain taxes in certain cities.