Kansas Statutes
Article 52 - Local Residential Housing
12-5250 Same; taxation within district; collection and distribution.

12-5250. Same; taxation within district; collection and distribution. (a) All taxable tangible property located within a district established in accordance with this act shall be assessed and taxed for ad valorem tax purposes pursuant to law in the same manner that such property would be assessed and taxed if located outside such district, and all ad valorem taxes levied on such property shall be paid to and collected by the county treasurer in the same manner as other taxes are paid and collected. Except as otherwise provided in this section, the county treasurer shall distribute such taxes as may be collected in the same manner as if such property were located outside the district. Each district established under the provisions of this act shall constitute a separate taxing unit for the purpose of the computation and levy of taxes.
(b) Beginning with the first payment of taxes that are levied following the date of the approval of any district in accordance with this act, and amendments thereto, real property taxes received by the county treasurer resulting from taxes which are levied subject to the provisions of this act by and for the benefit of a taxing subdivision on property located within such district constituting a separate taxing unit under the provisions of this section, shall be divided as follows:
(1) From the taxes levied each year subject to the provisions of this act by or for each taxing subdivisions upon property located within a district constituting a separate taxing unit under the provisions of this act, the county treasurer first shall allocate and pay to each such taxing subdivision all of the real property taxes collected which are produced from that portion of the current assessed valuation of such real property located within such separate taxing unit which is equal to the total assessed value of such real property on the date of the establishment of the district.
(2) Any real property taxes produced from that portion of the current assessed valuation of real property within a district and constituting a separate taxing unit under the provisions of this section in excess of an amount equal to the total assessed value of such real property on the effective date of the establishment of the district shall be allocated and paid by the county treasurer to the treasurer as follows:
(A) In districts established by a city, the amount shall be paid to the treasurer of the city and deposited in a special fund of the city to pay the cost of housing projects in the district including the payment of principal of and interest on any special obligation bonds issued by such city to finance, in whole or in part, such housing project.
(B) In districts established by a county, the amount shall be deposited by the county treasurer in a special fund of the county to pay the cost of housing projects in the district including the payment of principal of and interest on any special obligation bonds issued by such county to finance, in whole or in part, such housing project. If such special obligation bonds and interest thereon have been paid before the completion of a project, the city or county may continue to use such moneys for any purpose authorized by this act until such time as the project is completed, but for not to exceed 25 years from the date of the establishment of the district. When such special obligation bonds and interest thereon have been paid and the project is completed, all moneys thereafter received from real property taxes within such district shall be allocated and paid to the respective taxing subdivisions in the same manner as are other ad valorem taxes.
(c) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, it is hereby stated that is an object of all ad valorem taxes levied by or for the benefit of any taxing subdivision on taxable tangible real property located within any district created pursuant to this act, that such taxes may be applied and allocated to and when collected paid into a special fund of a city or county pursuant to the procedures and limitations of this act to pay the cost of a project including principal of and interest on special obligation bonds issued by such city or county to finance, in whole or in part, such project.
History: L. 1998, ch. 66, § 10; L. 2019, ch. 60, § 9; July 1.

Structure Kansas Statutes

Kansas Statutes

Chapter 12 - Cities And Municipalities

Article 52 - Local Residential Housing

12-5219 Title of act.

12-5220 Legislative findings; declaration of necessity.

12-5221 Definitions.

12-5222 Powers of cities and counties.

12-5224 Bonds; adoption of ordinance; interest rate; terms and conditions.

12-5225 Ordinance authorizing issuance of bonds; covenants.

12-5226 Bonds; signatures of officers; validity.

12-5227 Pledge of bonds.

12-5228 Payment of bonds; bonded debt limitations inapplicable.

12-5229 Same; no personal liability.

12-5230 Bonds tax exempt.

12-5231 Interlocal cooperation; limitations.

12-5232 Bonds as legal investments.

12-5233 Powers of cities and counties; federally assisted housing.

12-5234 Severability.

12-5235 Act liberally construed.

12-5241 Citation of act.

12-5242 Rural housing incentives; definitions.

12-5243 Same; purpose of act.

12-5244 Same; creation of incentive districts; resolution of required findings; review by secretary of commerce and housing.

12-5245 Same; adoption of development or redevelopment plan; contents; hearing, notice.

12-5246 Same; nullification of plan, when.

12-5247 Same; acquisition of property; sale or lease to developer; relocation assistance.

12-5248 Same; issuance of special obligation bonds; payment; procedure for issuance; tax exempt status; limitations.

12-5249 Same; bond proceeds; limitations on use.

12-5250 Same; taxation within district; collection and distribution.

12-5251 Same; transmission of documents to taxing subdivision officials; certification of increased valuation.

12-5252 Same; exemption from certain requirements for certain cities.

12-5256 Same; disposition of moneys; state housing trust fund; transfers from the state economic development initiatives fund; purposes of loans or grants.