12-2202. Same; acquisition and improvement; payment; bonds; revenues; charges. Any city of the first or second class may acquire by donation, purchase or condemnation real estate for off-street parking stations, and may dispose of improvements thereon not appropriate to parking uses, if there be such, and may improve the site or sites by the necessary facilities, including buildings, for the off-street parking of vehicles to relieve parking congestion on the city streets. The governing body may exercise the authority herein granted if there is money in the current operating fund relating to highways, streets and alleys or in the parking meter fund which will not be necessary for current operations during any budget year. If there is no such money available or if there is not sufficient money available in any funds aforesaid, the governing body may submit the proposition of issuing general obligation bonds for such amount as may be necessary to acquire a site or sites and to make the necessary improvements for off-street parking facilities to an election as provided in K.S.A. 10-120, and any amendment thereto.
Revenue from parking meters, either from the off-street parking facilities or upon the streets, not needed for the purchase and maintenance of parking meters, regulation of parking and the operation of the off-street parking facilities, shall be used to pay on the bonds, but any lack of revenue from this source shall be supplemented by a general bond tax. The bonds shall be issued as provided by law. Off-street parking shall be free or for such charge or charges as shall be determined by the governing body to be collected either by parking meters or by attendants or otherwise and the revenue so derived shall be maintained in a revolving operating fund which need not be budgeted except that there shall be shown in the annual published budget the total amount received from each and all street parking and off-street parking facilities and the amount spent during each budget year and the purposes, including payments on bonds and interest, for which spent. Nothing in this act shall be deemed as affecting or repealing the provisions of K.S.A. 13-1374 to 13-1381, inclusive.
History: L. 1949, ch. 120, ยง 2; June 30.
Structure Kansas Statutes