Kansas Statutes
Article 20 - Franchises
12-2027 Same; severability.

12-2027. Same; severability. If any word, phrase, sentence or provision of this act, K.S.A. 2021 Supp. 12-2021 through 12-2026 and K.S.A. 17-1902, and amendments thereto, or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is determined to be invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the other provisions or applications of this act and they shall be given effect without the invalid provisions or applications, and to this end the provisions of this act are declared to be severable.
History: L. 2006, ch. 93, ยง 8; July 1.

Structure Kansas Statutes

Kansas Statutes

Chapter 12 - Cities And Municipalities

Article 20 - Franchises

12-2001 Granting of franchises; purposes; conditions; limitations; assessment of fees; certain provisions declared void.

12-2002 Same; act not to affect 12-824.

12-2003 Franchise provision for billing and collection of sewer service charges by water corporation; compensation; obligation of company.

12-2004 Same; obligations of city.

12-2005 Same; application of act.

12-2006 Cable television service; regulation.

12-2007 Franchises; installation; term.

12-2008 Rates, charges, delinquency fees.

12-2009 Cables and equipment; map required to be filed.

12-2010 Compensation and levies by cities.

12-2011 Franchise; violations of act; penalty.

12-2012 Existing systems and services.

12-2013 Act does not apply to public utilities.

12-2014 Severability.

12-2015 Telecommunications providers; franchise agreements; restrictions.

12-2016 Franchise fees for electricity or natural gas; effective date in annexed areas.

12-2021 Citation.

12-2022 Definitions.

12-2023 Video service application, authorization; restrictions on municipal requirements; imposition of fees and licensure requirements, limitations; transferability; termination; franchise requirements; state corporation commission authorized to pro...

12-2024 Video service provider; notice; agreement; video service provider fee; percentage of gross revenues determined by municipality, limitation; audit; customer billing.

12-2025 Video competition act; consistent with federal cable act.

12-2026 Video competition act; state corporation commission powers and duties relating to costs and fees.

12-2027 Same; severability.

12-2034 Citation of act.

12-2035 Definitions.

12-2036 Organized collection service establishment; procedure; delayed implementation.

12-2037 Application of act; exclusions.