Iowa Code
Chapter 903 - MISDEMEANORS
Section 903.2 - Reconsideration of misdemeanant’s sentence.

903.2 Reconsideration of misdemeanant’s sentence.
For a period of thirty days from the date when a person convicted of a misdemeanor begins to serve a sentence of confinement, the court may order the person to be returned to the court, at which time the court may review its previous action and reaffirm it or substitute for it any sentence permitted by law. The sentencing court retains jurisdiction for the limited purposes of conducting such review and entering an appropriate order notwithstanding the timely filing of a notice of appeal or an application for discretionary review. The court’s final order in the proceeding shall be delivered to the defendant personally or by regular mail. Such action is discretionary with the court and its decision to take the action or not to take the action is not subject to appeal. The other provisions of this section notwithstanding, for the purposes of appeal a judgment of conviction is a final judgment when pronounced.
[C79, 81, §903.2]
84 Acts, ch 1139, §2; 2003 Acts, ch 151, §60
Referred to in §901.5