Iowa Code
Section 85.71 - Injury outside of state.

85.71 Injury outside of state.
1. If an employee, while working outside the territorial limits of this state, suffers an injury on account of which the employee, or in the event of death, the employee’s dependents, would have been entitled to the benefits provided by this chapter had such injury occurred within this state, such employee, or in the event of death resulting from such injury, the employee’s dependents, shall be entitled to the benefits provided by this chapter, if at the time of such injury any of the following is applicable:
a. The employer has a place of business in this state and the employee regularly works at or from that place of business.
b. The employee is working under a contract of hire made in this state and the employee regularly works in this state.
c. The employee is working under a contract of hire made in this state and sustains an injury for which no remedy is available under the workers’ compensation laws of another state.
d. The employee is working under a contract of hire made in this state for employment outside the United States.
e. The employer has a place of business in Iowa, and the employee is working under a contract of hire which provides that the employee’s workers’ compensation claims be governed by Iowa law.
2. This section shall be construed to confer personal jurisdiction over an employee or employer to whom this section is applicable.
[C75, 77, 79, 81, §85.71]
97 Acts, ch 106, §1; 2005 Acts, ch 168, §12, 23; 2008 Acts, ch 1091, §1; 2009 Acts, ch 179, §109; 2017 Acts, ch 23, §19, 24
2017 amendment to subsection 1, paragraph a, applies to injuries occurring on or after July 1, 2017;
2017 Acts, ch 23, §24

Structure Iowa Code

Iowa Code



Section 85.1 - Inapplicability of chapter.

Section 85.1A - Proprietors, limited liability company members, limited liability partners, and partners.

Section 85.2 - Public employees — chapter compulsory.

Section 85.3 - Acceptance presumed — notice to nonresident employers.

Section 85.16 - Willful injury — intoxication.

Section 85.18 - Contract to relieve not operative.

Section 85.20 - Rights of employee exclusive.

Section 85.21 - Payments concerning liability disputes.

Section 85.22 - Liability of others — subrogation.

Section 85.23 - Notice of injury — failure to give.

Section 85.24 - Form of notice.

Section 85.25 - Service of notice.

Section 85.26 - Limitation of actions — who may maintain action.

Section 85.27 - Services — release of information — charges — payment — debt collection prohibited.

Section 85.28 - Burial expense.

Section 85.29 - Liability in case of no dependents.

Section 85.30 - Maturity date and interest.

Section 85.31 - Death cases — dependents.

Section 85.32 - When compensation begins.

Section 85.33 - Temporary total and temporary partial disability.

Section 85.34 - Permanent disabilities.

Section 85.35 - Settlements.

Section 85.36 - Basis of computation.

Section 85.37 - Compensation schedule.

Section 85.38 - Reduction of obligations of employer.

Section 85.39 - Examination of injured employees.

Section 85.40 - Statement of earnings.

Section 85.41 - Refusal to furnish statement.

Section 85.42 - Conclusively presumed dependent.

Section 85.43 - Payment to spouse.

Section 85.44 - Payment to actual dependents.

Section 85.45 - Commutation.

Section 85.47 - Basis of commutation.

Section 85.48 - Partial commutation.

Section 85.49 - Trustees for minors and dependents.

Section 85.50 - Report of trustee.

Section 85.51 - Alien dependents in foreign country.

Section 85.52 - Consular officer as trustee.

Section 85.53 - Notice to consular officer.

Section 85.54 - Contracts to avoid compensation.

Section 85.55 - Franchisor-franchisee relationship.

Section 85.56 - Employees in interstate commerce.

Section 85.59 - Benefits for inmates and offenders.

Section 85.60 - Injuries while in work-based learning opportunity, employment training, or evaluation.

Section 85.61 - Definitions.

Section 85.62 - Inmates of county jail.

Section 85.63 - Title of Act.

Section 85.64 - Limitation of benefits.

Section 85.65 - Payments to second injury fund.

Section 85.65A - Payments to second injury fund — surcharge on employers.

Section 85.66 - Second injury fund — creation — custodian.

Section 85.67 - Administration of fund — special counsel — payment of award.

Section 85.68 - Actions — collection of payments — subrogation.

Section 85.69 - Federal contributions.

Section 85.70 - Additional payment for attendance — rehabilitation and training — new career vocational training and education program.

Section 85.71 - Injury outside of state.

Section 85.72 - Claims for benefits made outside of state — restrictions — credit.