Iowa Code
Section 636.45 - Federally insured loans.

636.45 Federally insured loans.
1. Insurance companies, savings associations, trustees, guardians, executors, administrators, and other fiduciaries, the state and its political subdivisions, and institutions and agencies thereof, and all other persons, associations, and corporations:
a. May make such loans and advances of credit and purchases of obligations representing loans and advances of credit as are eligible for insurance pursuant to Tit. I, §2, of the National Housing Act (1934), codified at 12 U.S.C. ch. 13, and may obtain such insurance;
b. May make such loans, secured by real property or leasehold, as the federal housing administrator insures or makes a commitment to insure pursuant to Tit. II of the National Housing Act (1934), and may obtain such insurance; and
c. May make real property loans which are guaranteed or insured by the secretary of the United States department of veterans affairs under the provisions of 38 U.S.C. §3701 et seq.
2. It shall be lawful for insurance companies, savings associations, trustees, guardians, executors, administrators, and other fiduciaries, the state and its political subdivisions, and institutions and agencies thereof, and all other persons, associations, and corporations, subject to the laws of this state, to originate real estate loans which are guaranteed or insured by the secretary of the United States department of veterans affairs under the provisions of 38 U.S.C. §3701 et seq., and originate loans secured by real property or leasehold, as the federal housing administrator insures or makes a commitment to insure pursuant to Tit. II of the National Housing Act (1934), and may obtain such insurance and may invest their funds, and the moneys in their custody or possession, eligible for investment, in bonds and notes secured by mortgage or trust deed insured by the federal housing administrator, and in the debentures issued by the federal housing administrator pursuant to Tit. II of the National Housing Act (1934), and in securities issued by national mortgage associations or similar credit institutions now or hereafter organized under Tit. III of the National Housing Act (1934), and in real estate loans which are guaranteed or insured by the secretary of the United States department of veterans affairs under the provisions of 38 U.S.C. §3701 et seq.
[C35, §12786-g1; C39, §12786.1; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §682.45]
C93, §636.45
2009 Acts, ch 26, §24; 2010 Acts, ch 1061, §78; 2011 Acts, ch 34, §142; 2012 Acts, ch 1017, §155, 156
Referred to in §636.46

Structure Iowa Code

Iowa Code



Section 636.1 - Security to be by bond.

Section 636.2 - Payee.

Section 636.3 - Defects rectified.

Section 636.4 - Qualifications of sureties.

Section 636.5 - Attorneys not receivable as surety.

Section 636.6 - New bond required.

Section 636.7 - Surety bound notwithstanding disqualification.

Section 636.8 - Affidavit of sureties — effect of.

Section 636.9 - Effect of affidavit.

Section 636.10 - Appeal bonds — presumption.

Section 636.11 - Authority to act as surety — agent qualifications.

Section 636.12 - Certificate revoked — notice.

Section 636.13 - Record by clerk.

Section 636.14 - Guaranty company as surety.

Section 636.15 - Payment of premiums.

Section 636.16 - Certificate as authority.

Section 636.17 - Limitation on acceptance.

Section 636.18 - Criminal bonds.

Section 636.19 - Release.

Section 636.20 - Suit on bond — service.

Section 636.21 - Commissioner as process agent.

Section 636.22 - Estoppel — stockholders liable.

Section 636.23 - Authorized securities.

Section 636.24 - Population and indebtedness.

Section 636.25 - Existing investments.

Section 636.26 - Security subject to court order.

Section 636.27 - Collection, application of funds, and reinvestment.

Section 636.28 - Annual accounting.

Section 636.29 - Property or funds in litigation — deposit.

Section 636.30 - Enforcement of order.

Section 636.31 - Inability to distribute trust funds — deposit.

Section 636.32 - Receipt taken.

Section 636.33 - Final discharge.

Section 636.34 - Notice of deposit.

Section 636.37 - Duty of clerk.

Section 636.38 - Liability.

Section 636.45 - Federally insured loans.

Section 636.46 - Inapplicable statutes.

Section 636.47 - Deposit and joint control agreements.

Section 636.60 - Powers and duties of trustees not subject to court administration.

Section 636.60A - Validity of voluntary trusts.

Section 636.61 - Adjusted gross estate defined.