Iowa Code
Section 580.1 - Nature of lien — forfeiture.

580.1 Nature of lien — forfeiture.
Except as provided in chapter 579A, the owner or keeper of any stallion, bull or jack kept for public service, or any person, firm, or association which invokes pregnancy of animals for the public by means of artificial insemination shall have a prior lien on the progeny of such stallion, bull, artificial insemination or jack, to secure the amount due such owner, artificial inseminator or keeper for the service resulting in such progeny, but no such lien shall obtain where the owner or keeper misrepresents the animal by a false or spurious pedigree, or fails to substantially comply with the laws of Iowa relating to such animals.
[S13, §2341-s; C24, 27, 31, §2967; C35, §10347-a1; C39, §10347.01; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §580.1]
95 Acts, ch 59, §5