Iowa Code
Section 515.131 - Policy restored.

515.131 Policy restored.
At any time before cancellation of the policy for nonpayment of any premium, assessment, or installment provided for therein, or in any note or contract for the payment thereof, or after action commenced or judgment rendered thereon, the insured may pay to the insurer the full amount due, including court costs if any, and from the date of such payment, or the collection of the judgment, the policy shall revive and be in full force and effect, provided such payment is made during the term of the policy and before a loss occurs.
[C97, §1730; C24, 27, 31, 35, 39, §8962; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §515.83]
2007 Acts, ch 152, §15
CS2007, §515.131

Structure Iowa Code

Iowa Code



Section 515.1 - Applicability.

Section 515.2 - Articles — approval — bylaws.

Section 515.3 - Certificate — recording.

Section 515.4 - Name.

Section 515.5 - Filing with commissioner.

Section 515.7 - Stock and mutual plan distinguished.

Section 515.8 - Paid-up capital and surplus required.

Section 515.9 - Reduction of capital or shares.

Section 515.10 - Subscriptions of stock — applications.

Section 515.11 - Prohibited loans.

Section 515.11A - Transfer of stock.

Section 515.12 - Mutual companies — conditions.

Section 515.12A - Alternative minimum surplus levels.

Section 515.13 - Reservation.

Section 515.14 - Membership in mutuals.

Section 515.15 - Voting power.

Section 515.16 - Maximum premium.

Section 515.17 - Unearned premiums.

Section 515.18 - Assessments.

Section 515.19 - Advancement of funds.

Section 515.20 - Guaranty capital.

Section 515.21 - Additional policy provisions.

Section 515.22 - Countersigning policies.

Section 515.23 - Prohibited loans.

Section 515.24 - Tax — computation.

Section 515.25 - Remote participation in shareholders’, members’, or policyholders’ meetings.

Section 515.26 - Directors.

Section 515.27 - Election.

Section 515.28 - Term of office.

Section 515.29 - Classification of directors.

Section 515.30 - Election of officers.

Section 515.31 - Filling of vacancies.

Section 515.32 - Bylaws.

Section 515.33 - Record and inspection.

Section 515.35 - Investments.

Section 515.36 - Financial statements — mutual companies.

Section 515.37 - Subsidiary companies.

Section 515.38 - Examination — certificate of compliance.

Section 515.39 - Ownership of assets — oath.

Section 515.40 - Form of certificate.

Section 515.41 - Certificate of authority.

Section 515.42 - Tenure of certificate — renewal — evidence.

Section 515.44 - Dividends.

Section 515.45 - Reserve fund required.

Section 515.46 - Forfeiture of certificate of authority.

Section 515.47 - Unearned premium reserve — computation.

Section 515.48 - Kinds of insurance.

Section 515.49 - Limitation on risks.

Section 515.50 - Loans — reinsurance.

Section 515.51 - Policies — execution — requirements.

Section 515.52

Section 515.53

Section 515.54

Section 515.55

Section 515.56

Section 515.57

Section 515.58

Section 515.59

Section 515.60

Section 515.61

Section 515.62 - Transfer of stock.

Section 515.63 - Annual statement.

Section 515.64 - Accident insurance — record.

Section 515.66 - Annual statement of foreign company.

Section 515.67 - Inquiry by commissioner.

Section 515.68 - Changes in forms of statements.

Section 515.68A - Foreign companies — reinsurance.

Section 515.69 - Foreign companies — capital and surplus required.

Section 515.70 - Alien insurer defined.

Section 515.71 - Deposit of securities — amount.

Section 515.72 - Insolvency of company — procedure.

Section 515.73 - Additional statements — impaired capital.

Section 515.74 - Foreign mutual companies — surplus.

Section 515.75 - Certificate to foreign company.

Section 515.76 - Commissioner as process agent.

Section 515.77 - Service of process.

Section 515.78 - Foreign companies may become domestic.

Section 515.79 - Notes taken for insurance.

Section 515.91 - False statement of assets.

Section 515.92 - Statement of capital and surplus.

Section 515.93 - Violations.

Section 515.100 - Nature of organization entered on policy.

Section 515.101 - Conditions and stipulations invalidating policy — avoidance — pleadings — applicability.

Section 515.102 - Forms of policies and endorsements — approval.

Section 515.103 - Use of credit information — personal insurance.

Section 515.104 - Coinsurance or contribution clause.

Section 515.105 - Agency relationship.

Section 515.106 - Limitation on termination of independent producers.

Section 515.107 - Applicability to organizations and individuals.

Section 515.108 - Insurance in unauthorized companies.

Section 515.109 - Fire insurance contract — standard policy provisions — permissible variations.

Section 515.110 - More favorable conditions.

Section 515.111 - Nuclear loss or damage excluded.

Section 515.112 - Violations — status of policy.

Section 515.113 - Existing statutes — waiver.

Section 515.114 - Policy — formal execution.

Section 515.115 - Certificates of insurance — penalty.

Section 515.120 - Business with nonadmitted insurers.

Section 515.121 - Administrative penalty.

Section 515.122 - Banned companies — information required.

Section 515.123

Section 515.124

Section 515.125 - Forfeiture of policies — notice.

Section 515.126 - Cancellation of policy — notice to insured or mortgagee.

Section 515.127 - Cancellation of commercial lines policies or contracts.

Section 515.128 - Nonrenewal of commercial lines policies or contracts.

Section 515.128A - Material changes in commercial lines policies or contracts — notice required.

Section 515.129 - Cancellation or nonrenewal of commercial umbrella or excess policies or contracts.

Section 515.129A - Cancellation of personal lines policies or contracts.

Section 515.129B - Nonrenewal of personal lines policies or contracts.

Section 515.129C - Notice of renewal or nonrenewal of personal lines policies or contracts.

Section 515.130 - Short rates.

Section 515.131 - Policy restored.

Section 515.132 - Right of insured to cancel.

Section 515.133 - Copy of application — duty to provide.

Section 515.134 - Failure to attach — effect.

Section 515.135 - Presumption as to value.

Section 515.136 - Value of building — liability.

Section 515.137 - Prima facie right of recovery.

Section 515.137A - Post-loss assignment of rights or benefits to a residential contractor.

Section 515.138 - Notice of loss of or damage to personal property by hail.

Section 515.139 - Demolition reserve on fire and casualty claims on property.

Section 515.140 - Unlawful combinations — exceptions.

Section 515.141 - Examination of officers and employees.

Section 515.142 - Transfers pending investigation.

Section 515.143 - Revocation of certificate of foreign company.

Section 515.144 - Suspension and summary suspension.

Section 515.145 - Revocation of authority.

Section 515.146 - Certificate refused — administrative penalty.

Section 515.147 - Fees.

Section 515.148 - Expenses of examination.

Section 515.149 - Compliance with law.

Section 515.150 - Violations.

Section 515.151 - Officers punished.

Section 515.152 - Judicial review.

Section 515.153 - Incrimination.