Iowa Code
Section 504.812 - Compensation of directors.

504.812 Compensation of directors.
Unless the articles or bylaws of a corporation provide otherwise, a board of directors may fix the compensation of directors.
2004 Acts, ch 1049, §83, 192

Structure Iowa Code

Iowa Code



Section 504.101 - Short title.

Section 504.102 - Reservation of power to amend or repeal.

Section 504.103 - Limitation on requirements imposed on corporations.

Section 504.111 - Filing requirements.

Section 504.111A - Secretary of state — extra services — surcharge.

Section 504.112 - Forms.

Section 504.113 - Filing, service, and copying fees.

Section 504.114 - Effective date of document.

Section 504.115 - Correcting filed document.

Section 504.116 - Filing duty of secretary of state.

Section 504.117 - Appeal from secretary of state’s refusal to file document.

Section 504.118 - Evidentiary effect of copy of filed document.

Section 504.119 - Certificate of existence.

Section 504.120 - Penalty for signing false document.

Section 504.131 - Powers.

Section 504.132 - Secretary of state — internet site.

Section 504.141 - Chapter definitions.

Section 504.142 - Notice.

Section 504.151 - Judicial relief.

Section 504.201 - Incorporators.

Section 504.202 - Articles of incorporation.

Section 504.203 - Incorporation.

Section 504.204 - Liability for preincorporation transactions.

Section 504.205 - Organization of corporation.

Section 504.206 - Bylaws.

Section 504.207 - Emergency bylaws and powers.

Section 504.208 - Foreign-trade zone corporation.

Section 504.301 - Purposes.

Section 504.302 - General powers.

Section 504.303 - Emergency powers.

Section 504.304 - Ultra vires.

Section 504.401 - Corporate name.

Section 504.402 - Reserved name.

Section 504.403 - Registered name.

Section 504.501 - Registered office and registered agent.

Section 504.502 - Change of registered office or registered agent.

Section 504.503 - Resignation of registered agent.

Section 504.504 - Service on corporation.

Section 504.601 - Admission.

Section 504.602 - Consideration.

Section 504.603 - No requirement of members.

Section 504.611 - Differences in rights and obligations of members.

Section 504.612 - Transfers.

Section 504.613 - Member’s liability to third parties.

Section 504.614 - Member’s liability for dues, assessments, and fees.

Section 504.615 - Creditor’s action against member.

Section 504.621 - Resignation.

Section 504.622 - Termination, expulsion, or suspension.

Section 504.623 - Purchase of memberships.

Section 504.631 - Derivative proceedings — definition.

Section 504.632 - Standing.

Section 504.633 - Demand.

Section 504.634 - Stay of proceedings.

Section 504.635 - Dismissal.

Section 504.636 - Discontinuance or settlement.

Section 504.637 - Payment of expenses.

Section 504.638 - Applicability to foreign corporations.

Section 504.641 - Delegates.

Section 504.701 - Annual and regular meetings.

Section 504.702 - Special meeting.

Section 504.702A - Remote participation in meetings of members.

Section 504.703 - Court-ordered meeting.

Section 504.704 - Action by written consent.

Section 504.705 - Notice of meeting.

Section 504.706 - Waiver of notice.

Section 504.707 - Record date — determining members entitled to notice and vote.

Section 504.708 - Action by written ballot.

Section 504.709 - Conduct of meetings.

Section 504.711 - Members’ list for meeting.

Section 504.712 - Voting entitlement generally.

Section 504.713 - Quorum requirements.

Section 504.714 - Voting requirements.

Section 504.715 - Proxies.

Section 504.716 - Cumulative voting for directors.

Section 504.717 - Other methods of electing directors.

Section 504.718 - Corporation’s acceptance of votes.

Section 504.719 - Inspectors of election.

Section 504.721 - Voting agreements.

Section 504.801 - Requirement for and duties of board.

Section 504.802 - Qualifications of directors.

Section 504.803 - Number of directors.

Section 504.804 - Election, designation, and appointment of directors.

Section 504.805 - Terms of directors generally.

Section 504.806 - Staggered terms for directors.

Section 504.807 - Resignation of directors.

Section 504.808 - Removal of directors elected by members or directors.

Section 504.809 - Removal of designated or appointed directors.

Section 504.810 - Removal of directors by judicial proceeding.

Section 504.811 - Vacancy on board.

Section 504.812 - Compensation of directors.

Section 504.821 - Regular and special meetings.

Section 504.822 - Action without meeting.

Section 504.823 - Call and notice of meetings.

Section 504.824 - Waiver of notice.

Section 504.825 - Quorum and voting.

Section 504.826 - Committees of the board.

Section 504.831 - General standards for directors.

Section 504.832 - Standards of liability for directors.

Section 504.833 - Director conflict of interest.

Section 504.834 - Loans to or guarantees for directors and officers.

Section 504.835 - Liability for unlawful distributions.

Section 504.836 - Business opportunities.

Section 504.841 - Required officers.

Section 504.842 - Duties and authority of officers.

Section 504.843 - Standards of conduct for officers.

Section 504.844 - Resignation and removal of officers.

Section 504.845 - Contract rights of officers.

Section 504.846 - Officers’ authority to execute documents.

Section 504.851 - Definitions.

Section 504.852 - Permissible indemnification.

Section 504.853 - Mandatory indemnification.

Section 504.854 - Advance for expenses.

Section 504.855 - Court-ordered indemnification.

Section 504.856 - Determination and authorization of indemnification.

Section 504.857 - Indemnification of officers.

Section 504.858 - Insurance.

Section 504.859 - Application of part.

Section 504.860 - Exclusivity of part.

Section 504.901 - Personal liability.

Section 504.1001 - Authority to amend.

Section 504.1002 - Amendment by directors.

Section 504.1003 - Amendment by directors and members.

Section 504.1004 - Class voting by members on amendments.

Section 504.1005 - Articles of amendment.

Section 504.1006 - Restated articles of incorporation.

Section 504.1007 - Amendment pursuant to judicial reorganization.

Section 504.1008 - Effect of amendment and restatement.

Section 504.1021 - Amendment by directors.

Section 504.1022 - Amendment by directors and members.

Section 504.1023 - Class voting by members on amendments.

Section 504.1031 - Approval by third persons.

Section 504.1032 - Amendment terminating members or redeeming or canceling memberships.

Section 504.1101 - Approval of plan of merger.

Section 504.1102 - Limitations on mergers by public benefit or religious corporations.

Section 504.1103 - Action on plan by board, members, and third persons.

Section 504.1104 - Articles of merger.

Section 504.1105 - Effect of merger.

Section 504.1106 - Merger with foreign corporation or foreign unincorporated entity.

Section 504.1107 - Bequests, devises, and gifts.

Section 504.1108 - Conversion.

Section 504.1201 - Sale of assets in regular course of activities and mortgage of assets.

Section 504.1202 - Sale of assets other than in regular course of activities.

Section 504.1301 - Prohibited distributions.

Section 504.1302 - Authorized distributions.

Section 504.1401 - Dissolution by incorporators or directors and third persons.

Section 504.1402 - Dissolution by directors, members, and third persons.

Section 504.1403 - Articles of dissolution.

Section 504.1404 - Revocation of dissolution.

Section 504.1405 - Effect of dissolution.

Section 504.1406 - Known claims against dissolved corporation.

Section 504.1407 - Unknown claims against dissolved corporation.

Section 504.1421 - Grounds for administrative dissolution.

Section 504.1422 - Procedure for and effect of administrative dissolution.

Section 504.1423 - Reinstatement following administrative dissolution.

Section 504.1424 - Appeal from denial of reinstatement.

Section 504.1431 - Grounds for judicial dissolution.

Section 504.1432 - Procedure for judicial dissolution.

Section 504.1433 - Receivership or custodianship.

Section 504.1434 - Decree of dissolution.

Section 504.1441 - Deposit with state treasurer.

Section 504.1501 - Authority to transact business required.

Section 504.1502 - Consequences of transacting business without authority.

Section 504.1503 - Application for certificate of authority.

Section 504.1504 - Amended certificate of authority.

Section 504.1505 - Effect of certificate of authority.

Section 504.1506 - Corporate name of foreign corporation.

Section 504.1507 - Registered office and registered agent of foreign corporation.

Section 504.1508 - Change of registered office or registered agent of foreign corporation.

Section 504.1509 - Resignation of registered agent of foreign corporation.

Section 504.1510 - Service on foreign corporation.

Section 504.1521 - Withdrawal of foreign corporation.

Section 504.1531 - Grounds for revocation.

Section 504.1532 - Procedure for and effect of revocation.

Section 504.1533 - Appeal from revocation.

Section 504.1601 - Corporate records.

Section 504.1602 - Inspection of records by members.

Section 504.1603 - Scope of inspection right.

Section 504.1604 - Court-ordered inspection.

Section 504.1605 - Limitations on use of corporate records.

Section 504.1606 - Inspection of records by directors.

Section 504.1607 - Exception to notice requirement.

Section 504.1611 - Financial statements for members.

Section 504.1612 - Report of indemnification to members.

Section 504.1613 - Biennial report for secretary of state.

Section 504.1701 - Application to existing domestic corporations.

Section 504.1702 - Application to qualified foreign corporations.

Section 504.1703 - Savings provisions.

Section 504.1704 - Severability.

Section 504.1705 - Public benefit, mutual benefit, and religious corporations.