Iowa Code
Section 501A.807 - Remote communications for members’ meetings.

501A.807 Remote communications for members’ meetings.
1. Construction and application. This section shall be construed and applied to all of the following:
a. To facilitate remote communication consistent with other applicable law.
b. To be consistent with reasonable practices concerning remote communication and with the continued expansion of those practices.
2. Members’ meetings held solely by means of remote communication. To the extent authorized in the articles, a member control agreement, the bylaws, or a board resolution, and determined by the board, a regular or special meeting of members may be held solely by any combination of means of remote communication through which the members may participate in the meeting, if notice of the meeting is given to every owner of membership interests entitled to vote as would be required by this chapter for a meeting, and if the membership interests held by the members participating in the meeting would be sufficient to constitute a quorum at a meeting. Participation by a member by that means constitutes presence at the meeting in person or by proxy if all the other requirements of this chapter for the meeting are met.
3. Participation in members’ meetings by means of remote communication. To the extent authorized in the articles, the bylaws, or a board resolution, and determined by the board, a member not physically present in person or by proxy at a regular or special meeting of members may, by means of remote communication, participate in a meeting of members held at a designated place. Participation by a member by that means constitutes presence at the meeting in person or by proxy if all the other requirements of this chapter for the meeting are met.
4. Requirements for meetings held solely by means of remote communication and for participation by means of remote communication. In any meeting of members held solely by means of remote communication under subsection 2 or in any meeting of members held at a designated place in which one or more members participate by means of remote communication under subsection 3, all of the following shall apply:
a. The cooperative shall implement reasonable measures to verify that each person deemed present and entitled to vote at the meeting by means of remote communication is a member.
b. The cooperative shall implement reasonable measures to provide each member participating by means of remote communication with a reasonable opportunity to participate in the meeting, including an opportunity to do all of the following:
(1) Read or hear the proceedings of the meeting substantially concurrently with those proceedings.
(2) If allowed by the procedures governing the meeting, have the member’s remarks heard or read by other participants in the meeting substantially concurrently with the making of those remarks.
(3) If otherwise entitled, vote on matters submitted to the members.
5. Notice to members.
a. Any notice to members given by the cooperative under any provision of this chapter, the articles, or the bylaws by a form of electronic communication consented to by the member to whom the notice is given is effective when given. The notice is deemed given upon any of the following:
(1) If by facsimile communication, when directed to a telephone number at which the member has consented to receive notice.
(2) If by electronic mail, when directed to an electronic mail address at which the member has consented to receive notice.
(3) If by a posting on an electronic network on which the member has consented to receive notice, together with separate notice to the member of the specific posting, upon the later of any of the following:
(a) The posting.
(b) The giving of the separate notice.
(4) If by any other form of electronic communication by which the member has consented to receive notice, when directed to the member.
b. An affidavit of the secretary, other authorized officer, or authorized agent of the cooperative that the notice has been given by a form of electronic communication is, in the absence of fraud, prima facie evidence of the facts stated in the affidavit.
c. Consent by a member to notice given by electronic communication may be given in writing or by authenticated electronic communication. The cooperative is entitled to rely on any consent so given until revoked by the member, provided that no revocation affects the validity of any notice given before receipt by the cooperative of revocation of the consent.
6. Revocation. Any ballot, vote, authorization, or consent submitted by electronic communication under this chapter may be revoked by the member submitting the ballot, vote, authorization, or consent so long as the revocation is received by a director or the chief executive officer of the cooperative at or before the meeting or before an action without a meeting is effective.
7. Waiver. Waiver of notice by a member of a meeting by means of authenticated electronic communication may be given in the manner provided for the regular or special meeting. Participation in a meeting by means of remote communication described in subsections 2 and 3 is a waiver of notice of that meeting, except where the member objects at the beginning of the meeting to the transaction of business because the meeting is not lawfully called or convened, or objects before a vote on an item of business because the item cannot lawfully be considered at the meeting and does not participate in the consideration of the item at that meeting.
2005 Acts, ch 135, §57; 2021 Acts, ch 165, §241, 248
Referred to in §501A.814
Subsections 2 and 3 amended

Structure Iowa Code

Iowa Code



Section 501A.101 - Short title.

Section 501A.102 - Definitions.

Section 501A.103 - Requirements for signatures on documents.

Section 501A.201 - General filing requirements.

Section 501A.201A - Secretary of state — extra services — surcharge.

Section 501A.202 - Filing duty of secretary of state.

Section 501A.203 - Effective time and date of documents.

Section 501A.204 - Correcting filed documents.

Section 501A.205 - Fees.

Section 501A.206 - Forms.

Section 501A.207 - Appeal from secretary of state’s refusal to file document.

Section 501A.208 - Evidentiary effect of copy of filed document.

Section 501A.209 - Certificate of existence.

Section 501A.210 - Penalty for signing false document.

Section 501A.211 - Secretary of state — powers.

Section 501A.221 - Certificate of authority.

Section 501A.222 - Cancellation of certificate of authority.

Section 501A.231 - Biennial report for secretary of state.

Section 501A.301 - Name.

Section 501A.302 - Reserved name.

Section 501A.401 - Registered office and registered agent.

Section 501A.402 - Change of registered office or registered agent.

Section 501A.403 - Resignation of registered agent — discontinuance of registered office — statement.

Section 501A.404 - Service on domestic cooperatives.

Section 501A.405 - Service on foreign cooperative.

Section 501A.501 - Organizational purpose.

Section 501A.502 - Organizers.

Section 501A.503 - Articles of organization.

Section 501A.504 - Amendment of articles.

Section 501A.505 - Existence.

Section 501A.506 - Bylaws.

Section 501A.507 - Cooperative records.

Section 501A.601 - Powers.

Section 501A.602 - Emergency powers.

Section 501A.603 - Agricultural commodities and products — marketing contracts.

Section 501A.701 - Board governs cooperative.

Section 501A.702 - Number of directors.

Section 501A.703 - Election of directors.

Section 501A.704 - Filling vacancies.

Section 501A.705 - Removal of directors.

Section 501A.706 - Board of directors’ meetings.

Section 501A.707 - Quorum.

Section 501A.708 - Action of board of directors.

Section 501A.709 - Action without a meeting.

Section 501A.710 - Audit committee.

Section 501A.711 - Committees.

Section 501A.712 - Standard of conduct.

Section 501A.713 - Director conflicts of interest.

Section 501A.714 - Limitation of liability of directors, officers, employees, members, and volunteers.

Section 501A.715 - Indemnification.

Section 501A.716 - Officers.

Section 501A.801 - Members.

Section 501A.802 - Member liability.

Section 501A.803 - Regular members’ meetings.

Section 501A.804 - Special members’ meetings.

Section 501A.805 - Certification of meeting notice.

Section 501A.806 - Quorum.

Section 501A.807 - Remote communications for members’ meetings.

Section 501A.808 - Action of members.

Section 501A.809 - Action without a meeting.

Section 501A.810 - Member voting rights.

Section 501A.811 - Patron member voting based on patronage.

Section 501A.812 - Voting rights.

Section 501A.813 - Voting by organizations and legal representatives.

Section 501A.814 - Proxies.

Section 501A.815 - Sale of property and assets.

Section 501A.816 - Vote of ownership interests held by cooperative.

Section 501A.901 - Membership interests.

Section 501A.902 - Assignment of financial rights.

Section 501A.903 - Nature of a membership interest and statement of interest owned.

Section 501A.904 - Certificated and uncertificated membership interests.

Section 501A.905 - Lost certificates — replacement.

Section 501A.906 - Restriction on transfer or registration of membership interests.

Section 501A.1001 - Authorization, form, and acceptance of contributions.

Section 501A.1002 - Restatement of value of previous contributions.

Section 501A.1003 - Contribution agreements.

Section 501A.1004 - Contribution rights agreements.

Section 501A.1005 - Allocations and distributions — profits, losses, cash, or other assets.

Section 501A.1006 - Allocations and distributions — net income.

Section 501A.1007 - Member control agreements.

Section 501A.1008 - Reversion of disbursements.

Section 501A.1101 - Merger and consolidation.

Section 501A.1102 - Merger of subsidiary.

Section 501A.1103 - Abandonment.

Section 501A.1104 - Conversion — amendment of organizational documents to be governed by this chapter.

Section 501A.1201 - Methods of dissolution.

Section 501A.1202 - Winding up.

Section 501A.1203 - Revocation of dissolution proceedings.

Section 501A.1204 - Statute of limitations.

Section 501A.1205 - Articles of dissolution.

Section 501A.1206 - Application for court-supervised voluntary dissolution.

Section 501A.1207 - Court-ordered remedies for dissolution.

Section 501A.1208 - Procedure in involuntary or court-supervised voluntary dissolution.

Section 501A.1209 - Receiver qualifications and powers.

Section 501A.1210 - Dissolution action by attorney general — administrative dissolution.

Section 501A.1211 - Filing claims in court-supervised dissolution proceedings.

Section 501A.1212 - Discontinuance of court-supervised dissolution proceedings.

Section 501A.1213 - Court-supervised dissolution order.

Section 501A.1214 - Filing court’s dissolution order.

Section 501A.1215 - Barring of claims.

Section 501A.1216 - Right to sue or defend after dissolution.