Iowa Code
Section 490.1104 - Action on a plan of merger or share exchange.

490.1104 Action on a plan of merger or share exchange.
In the case of a domestic corporation that is a party to a merger or the acquired entity in a share exchange, the plan of merger or share exchange shall be adopted in the following manner:
1. The plan of merger or share exchange shall first be adopted by the board of directors.
2. a. Except as provided in subsections 8, 10, and 12, and in section 490.1105, the plan of merger or share exchange shall then be approved by the shareholders. In submitting the plan of merger or share exchange to the shareholders for approval, the board of directors shall recommend that the shareholders approve the plan, or, in the case of an offer referred to in subsection 10, paragraph “b”, that the shareholders tender their shares to the offeror in response to the offer, unless any of the following apply:
(1) The board of directors makes a determination that because of conflicts of interest or other special circumstances it should not make such a recommendation.
(2) Section 490.826 applies.
b. If either paragraph “a”, subparagraph (1) or (2), applies, the board shall inform the shareholders of the basis for its so proceeding.
3. The board of directors may set conditions for the approval of the plan of merger or share exchange by the shareholders or the effectiveness of the plan of merger or share exchange.
4. If the plan of merger or share exchange is required to be approved by the shareholders, and if the approval is to be given at a meeting, the corporation shall notify each shareholder, regardless of whether entitled to vote, of the meeting of shareholders at which the plan is to be submitted for approval. The notice must state that the purpose, or one of the purposes, of the meeting is to consider the plan and must contain or be accompanied by a copy or summary of the plan. If the corporation is to be merged into an existing foreign or domestic corporation or eligible entity, the notice must also include or be accompanied by a copy or summary of the articles of incorporation and bylaws or the organic rules of that corporation or eligible entity. If the corporation is to be merged with a domestic or foreign corporation or eligible entity and a new domestic or foreign corporation or eligible entity is to be created pursuant to the merger, the notice must include or be accompanied by a copy or a summary of the articles of incorporation and bylaws or the organic rules of the new corporation or eligible entity.
5. Unless the articles of incorporation, bylaws, or the board of directors acting pursuant to subsection 3, require a greater vote or a greater quorum, approval of the plan of merger or share exchange requires the approval of the shareholders at a meeting at which a quorum exists consisting of a majority of the votes entitled to be cast on the plan, and, if any class or series of shares is entitled to vote as a separate group on the plan of merger or share exchange, the approval of each such separate voting group at a meeting at which a quorum of the voting group is present consisting of a majority of the votes entitled to be cast on the merger or share exchange by that voting group.
6. Subject to subsection 7, separate voting by voting groups is required for each of the following:
a. On a plan of merger, by each class or series of shares that are any of the following:
(1) To be converted under the plan of merger into shares, other securities, eligible interests, obligations, rights to acquire shares, other securities or eligible interests, cash, other property, or any combination of the foregoing.
(2) Entitled to vote as a separate group on a provision in the plan that constitutes a proposed amendment to the articles of incorporation of a surviving corporation that requires action by separate voting groups under section 490.1004.
b. On a plan of share exchange, by each class or series of shares included in the exchange, with each class or series constituting a separate voting group.
c. On a plan of merger or share exchange, if the voting group is entitled under the articles of incorporation to vote as a voting group to approve a plan of merger or share exchange, respectively.
7. The articles of incorporation may expressly limit or eliminate the separate voting rights provided in subsection 6, paragraph “a”, subparagraph (1), and subsection 6, paragraph “b”, as to any class or series of shares, except when all of the following apply:
a. The plan of merger or share exchange includes what is or would be in effect an amendment subject to subsection 6, paragraph “a”, subparagraph (2).
b. The plan of merger or share exchange will not effect a substantive business combination.
8. Unless the articles of incorporation otherwise provide, approval by the corporation’s shareholders of a plan of merger is not required if all of the following conditions are satisfied:
a. The corporation will survive the merger.
b. Except for amendments permitted by section 490.1005, its articles of incorporation will not be changed.
c. Each shareholder of the corporation whose shares were outstanding immediately before the effective date of the merger or share exchange will hold the same number of shares, with identical preferences, rights, and limitations, immediately after the effective date of the merger.
d. The issuance in the merger of shares or other securities convertible into or rights exercisable for shares does not require a vote under section 490.621, subsection 6.
9. a. If, as a result of a merger or share exchange, one or more shareholders of a domestic corporation would become subject to new interest holder liability, approval of the plan of merger or share exchange requires the signing in connection with the transaction, by each such shareholder, of a separate written consent to become subject to such new interest holder liability.
b. Paragraph “a” does not apply in the case of a shareholder that already has interest holder liability with respect to such domestic corporation, if all of the following apply:
(1) The new interest holder liability is with respect to a domestic or foreign corporation, which may be a different or the same domestic corporation in which the person is a shareholder.
(2) The terms and conditions of the new interest holder liability are substantially identical to those of the existing interest holder liability, other than for changes that eliminate or reduce such interest holder liability.
10. Unless the articles of incorporation otherwise provide, approval by the shareholders of a plan of merger or share exchange is not required if all of the following apply:
a. The plan of merger or share exchange expressly permits or requires the merger or share exchange to be effected under this subsection and provides that, if the merger or share exchange is to be effected under this subsection, the merger or share exchange will be effected as soon as practicable following the satisfaction of the requirement set forth in paragraph “f”.
b. Another party to the merger, the acquiring entity in the share exchange, or a parent of another party to the merger or the acquiring entity in the share exchange, makes an offer to purchase, on the terms provided in the plan of merger or share exchange, any and all of the outstanding shares of the corporation that, absent this subsection, would be entitled to vote on the plan of merger or share exchange, except that the offer may exclude shares of the corporation that are owned at the commencement of the offer by the corporation, the offeror, or any parent of the offeror, or by any wholly owned subsidiary of any of the foregoing.
c. The offer discloses that the plan of merger or share exchange provides that the merger or share exchange will be effected as soon as practicable following the satisfaction of the requirement set forth in paragraph “f” and that the shares of the corporation that are not tendered in response to the offer will be treated as set forth in paragraph “h”.
d. The offer remains open for at least ten days.
e. The offeror purchases all shares properly tendered in response to the offer and not properly withdrawn.
f. The shares listed below are collectively entitled to cast at least the minimum number of votes on the merger or share exchange that, absent this subsection, would be required by this subchapter and by the articles of incorporation for the approval of the merger or share exchange by the shareholders and by any other voting group entitled to vote on the merger or share exchange at a meeting at which all shares entitled to vote on the approval were present and voted:
(1) Shares purchased by the offeror in accordance with the offer.
(2) Shares otherwise owned by the offeror or by any parent of the offeror or any wholly owned subsidiary of any of the foregoing.
(3) Shares subject to an agreement that they are to be transferred, contributed, or delivered to the offeror, any parent of the offeror, or any wholly owned subsidiary of any of the foregoing in exchange for shares or eligible interests in such offeror, parent, or subsidiary.
g. The offeror or a wholly owned subsidiary of the offeror merges with or into, or effects a share exchange in which it acquires shares of, the corporation.
h. Each outstanding share of each class or series of shares of the corporation that the offeror is offering to purchase in accordance with the offer, and that is not purchased in accordance with the offer, is to be converted in the merger into, or into the right to receive, or is to be exchanged in the share exchange for, or for the right to receive, the same amount and kind of securities, eligible interests, obligations, rights, cash, or other property to be paid or exchanged in accordance with the offer for each share of that class or series of shares that is tendered in response to the offer, except that shares of the corporation that are owned by the corporation or that are described in paragraph “f”, subparagraph (2) or (3), need not be converted into or exchanged for the consideration described in this paragraph “h”.
11. As used in subsection 10:
a. “Offer” means the offer referred to in subsection 10, paragraph “b”.
b. “Offeror” means the person making the offer.
c. “Parent” of an entity means a person that owns, directly or indirectly, through one or more wholly owned subsidiaries, all of the outstanding shares of or eligible interests in that entity.
d. Shares tendered in response to the offer shall be deemed to have been “purchased” in accordance with the offer at the earliest time as of which the following applies:
(1) The offeror has irrevocably accepted those shares for payment.
(2) Either of the following applies:
(a) In the case of shares represented by certificates, the offeror, or the offeror’s designated depository or other agent, has physically received the certificates representing those shares.
(b) In the case of shares without certificates, those shares have been transferred into the account of the offeror or its designated depository or other agent, or an agent’s message relating to those shares has been received by the offeror or its designated depository or other agent.
e. “Wholly owned subsidiary” of a person means an entity of or in which that person owns, directly or indirectly, through one or more wholly owned subsidiaries, all of the outstanding shares or eligible interests.
12. Unless the articles of incorporation otherwise provide, all of the following applies:
a. Approval of a plan of share exchange by the shareholders of a domestic corporation is not required if the corporation is the acquiring entity in the share exchange.
b. Shares not to be exchanged under the plan of share exchange are not entitled to vote on the plan.
89 Acts, ch 288, §124; 2002 Acts, ch 1154, §68, 125; 2013 Acts, ch 31, §46, 82; 2021 Acts, ch 165, §151, 230
Referred to in §490.1105, 490.1302, 490.1320, 490.1321, 508B.2, 515G.2, 524.1402
2021 amendment effective January 1, 2022; 2021 Acts, ch 165, §230
Section stricken and rewritten

Structure Iowa Code

Iowa Code



Section 490.101 - Short title.

Section 490.102 - Reservation of power to amend or repeal.

Section 490.120 - Requirements for documents — extrinsic facts.

Section 490.120A - Secretary of state — extra services — surcharge.

Section 490.121 - Forms.

Section 490.122 - Filing, service, and copying fees.

Section 490.123 - Effective date of filed document.

Section 490.124 - Correcting filed document.

Section 490.125 - Filing duty of secretary of state.

Section 490.126 - Appeal from secretary of state’s refusal to file document.

Section 490.127 - Evidentiary effect of certified copy of filed document.

Section 490.128 - Certificate of existence or registration.

Section 490.129 - Penalty for signing false document.

Section 490.130 - Powers.

Section 490.135 - Secretary of state — powers.

Section 490.140 - Chapter definitions.

Section 490.141 - Notices and other communications.

Section 490.142 - Number of shareholders.

Section 490.143 - Qualified director.

Section 490.144 - Householding.

Section 490.145 - Part definitions.

Section 490.146 - Defective corporate actions.

Section 490.147 - Ratification of defective corporate actions.

Section 490.148 - Action on ratification.

Section 490.149 - Notice requirements.

Section 490.150 - Effect of ratification.

Section 490.151 - Filings.

Section 490.152 - Judicial proceedings regarding validity of corporate actions.

Section 490.153 - Reserved.

Section 490.154 - Reserved.

Section 490.155 - Reserved.

Section 490.156 - Reserved.

Section 490.157 - Reserved.

Section 490.158 - Reserved.

Section 490.159 - Reserved.

Section 490.160 - Reserved.

Section 490.161 - Reserved.

Section 490.162 - Reserved.

Section 490.163 - Reserved.

Section 490.164 - Reserved.

Section 490.165 - Reserved.

Section 490.166 - Reserved.

Section 490.167 - Reserved.

Section 490.168 - Reserved.

Section 490.169 - Reserved.

Section 490.170 - Reserved.

Section 490.171 - Reserved.

Section 490.172 - Reserved.

Section 490.173 - Reserved.

Section 490.174 - Reserved.

Section 490.175 - Reserved.

Section 490.176 - Reserved.

Section 490.177 - Reserved.

Section 490.178 - Reserved.

Section 490.179 - Reserved.

Section 490.180 - Reserved.

Section 490.181 - Reserved.

Section 490.182 - Reserved.

Section 490.183 - Reserved.

Section 490.184 - Reserved.

Section 490.185 - Reserved.

Section 490.186 - Reserved.

Section 490.187 - Reserved.

Section 490.188 - Reserved.

Section 490.189 - Reserved.

Section 490.190 - Reserved.

Section 490.191 - Reserved.

Section 490.192 - Reserved.

Section 490.193 - Reserved.

Section 490.194 - Reserved.

Section 490.195 - Reserved.

Section 490.196 - Reserved.

Section 490.197 - Reserved.

Section 490.198 - Reserved.

Section 490.199 - Reserved.

Section 490.200 - Reserved.

Section 490.201 - Incorporators.

Section 490.202 - Articles of incorporation.

Section 490.203 - Incorporation.

Section 490.204 - Liability for preincorporation transactions.

Section 490.205 - Organization of corporation.

Section 490.206 - Bylaws.

Section 490.207 - Emergency bylaws.

Section 490.208 - Forum selection provisions.

Section 490.209 - Foreign-trade zone corporation.

Section 490.210 - Reserved.

Section 490.211 - Reserved.

Section 490.212 - Reserved.

Section 490.213 - Reserved.

Section 490.214 - Reserved.

Section 490.215 - Reserved.

Section 490.216 - Reserved.

Section 490.217 - Reserved.

Section 490.218 - Reserved.

Section 490.219 - Reserved.

Section 490.220 - Reserved.

Section 490.221 - Reserved.

Section 490.222 - Reserved.

Section 490.223 - Reserved.

Section 490.224 - Reserved.

Section 490.225 - Reserved.

Section 490.226 - Reserved.

Section 490.227 - Reserved.

Section 490.228 - Reserved.

Section 490.229 - Reserved.

Section 490.230 - Reserved.

Section 490.231 - Reserved.

Section 490.232 - Reserved.

Section 490.233 - Reserved.

Section 490.234 - Reserved.

Section 490.235 - Reserved.

Section 490.236 - Reserved.

Section 490.237 - Reserved.

Section 490.238 - Reserved.

Section 490.239 - Reserved.

Section 490.240 - Reserved.

Section 490.241 - Reserved.

Section 490.242 - Reserved.

Section 490.243 - Reserved.

Section 490.244 - Reserved.

Section 490.245 - Reserved.

Section 490.246 - Reserved.

Section 490.247 - Reserved.

Section 490.248 - Reserved.

Section 490.249 - Reserved.

Section 490.250 - Reserved.

Section 490.251 - Reserved.

Section 490.252 - Reserved.

Section 490.253 - Reserved.

Section 490.254 - Reserved.

Section 490.255 - Reserved.

Section 490.256 - Reserved.

Section 490.257 - Reserved.

Section 490.258 - Reserved.

Section 490.259 - Reserved.

Section 490.260 - Reserved.

Section 490.261 - Reserved.

Section 490.262 - Reserved.

Section 490.263 - Reserved.

Section 490.264 - Reserved.

Section 490.265 - Reserved.

Section 490.266 - Reserved.

Section 490.267 - Reserved.

Section 490.268 - Reserved.

Section 490.269 - Reserved.

Section 490.270 - Reserved.

Section 490.271 - Reserved.

Section 490.272 - Reserved.

Section 490.273 - Reserved.

Section 490.274 - Reserved.

Section 490.275 - Reserved.

Section 490.276 - Reserved.

Section 490.277 - Reserved.

Section 490.278 - Reserved.

Section 490.279 - Reserved.

Section 490.280 - Reserved.

Section 490.281 - Reserved.

Section 490.282 - Reserved.

Section 490.283 - Reserved.

Section 490.284 - Reserved.

Section 490.285 - Reserved.

Section 490.286 - Reserved.

Section 490.287 - Reserved.

Section 490.288 - Reserved.

Section 490.289 - Reserved.

Section 490.290 - Reserved.

Section 490.291 - Reserved.

Section 490.292 - Reserved.

Section 490.293 - Reserved.

Section 490.294 - Reserved.

Section 490.295 - Reserved.

Section 490.296 - Reserved.

Section 490.297 - Reserved.

Section 490.298 - Reserved.

Section 490.299 - Reserved.

Section 490.300 - Reserved.

Section 490.301 - Purposes.

Section 490.302 - General powers.

Section 490.303 - Emergency powers.

Section 490.304 - Ultra vires.

Section 490.305 - Reserved.

Section 490.306 - Reserved.

Section 490.307 - Reserved.

Section 490.308 - Reserved.

Section 490.309 - Reserved.

Section 490.310 - Reserved.

Section 490.311 - Reserved.

Section 490.312 - Reserved.

Section 490.313 - Reserved.

Section 490.314 - Reserved.

Section 490.315 - Reserved.

Section 490.316 - Reserved.

Section 490.317 - Reserved.

Section 490.318 - Reserved.

Section 490.319 - Reserved.

Section 490.320 - Reserved.

Section 490.321 - Reserved.

Section 490.322 - Reserved.

Section 490.323 - Reserved.

Section 490.324 - Reserved.

Section 490.325 - Reserved.

Section 490.326 - Reserved.

Section 490.327 - Reserved.

Section 490.328 - Reserved.

Section 490.329 - Reserved.

Section 490.330 - Reserved.

Section 490.331 - Reserved.

Section 490.332 - Reserved.

Section 490.333 - Reserved.

Section 490.334 - Reserved.

Section 490.335 - Reserved.

Section 490.336 - Reserved.

Section 490.337 - Reserved.

Section 490.338 - Reserved.

Section 490.339 - Reserved.

Section 490.340 - Reserved.

Section 490.341 - Reserved.

Section 490.343 - Reserved.

Section 490.344 - Reserved.

Section 490.345 - Reserved.

Section 490.346 - Reserved.

Section 490.347 - Reserved.

Section 490.348 - Reserved.

Section 490.349 - Reserved.

Section 490.350 - Reserved.

Section 490.351 - Reserved.

Section 490.352 - Reserved.

Section 490.353 - Reserved.

Section 490.354 - Reserved.

Section 490.355 - Reserved.

Section 490.356 - Reserved.

Section 490.357 - Reserved.

Section 490.358 - Reserved.

Section 490.359 - Reserved.

Section 490.360 - Reserved.

Section 490.361 - Reserved.

Section 490.362 - Reserved.

Section 490.363 - Reserved.

Section 490.364 - Reserved.

Section 490.365 - Reserved.

Section 490.366 - Reserved.

Section 490.367 - Reserved.

Section 490.368 - Reserved.

Section 490.369 - Reserved.

Section 490.370 - Reserved.

Section 490.371 - Reserved.

Section 490.372 - Reserved.

Section 490.373 - Reserved.

Section 490.374 - Reserved.

Section 490.375 - Reserved.

Section 490.376 - Reserved.

Section 490.377 - Reserved.

Section 490.378 - Reserved.

Section 490.379 - Reserved.

Section 490.380 - Reserved.

Section 490.381 - Reserved.

Section 490.382 - Reserved.

Section 490.383 - Reserved.

Section 490.384 - Reserved.

Section 490.385 - Reserved.

Section 490.386 - Reserved.

Section 490.387 - Reserved.

Section 490.388 - Reserved.

Section 490.389 - Reserved.

Section 490.390 - Reserved.

Section 490.391 - Reserved.

Section 490.392 - Reserved.

Section 490.393 - Reserved.

Section 490.394 - Reserved.

Section 490.395 - Reserved.

Section 490.396 - Reserved.

Section 490.397 - Reserved.

Section 490.398 - Reserved.

Section 490.399 - Reserved.

Section 490.400 - Reserved.

Section 490.401 - Corporate name.

Section 490.402 - Reserved name.

Section 490.403 - Registered name.

Section 490.404 - Reserved.

Section 490.405 - Reserved.

Section 490.406 - Reserved.

Section 490.407 - Reserved.

Section 490.408 - Reserved.

Section 490.409 - Reserved.

Section 490.410 - Reserved.

Section 490.411 - Reserved.

Section 490.412 - Reserved.

Section 490.413 - Reserved.

Section 490.414 - Reserved.

Section 490.415 - Reserved.

Section 490.416 - Reserved.

Section 490.417 - Reserved.

Section 490.418 - Reserved.

Section 490.419 - Reserved.

Section 490.420 - Reserved.

Section 490.421 - Reserved.

Section 490.422 - Reserved.

Section 490.423 - Reserved.

Section 490.424 - Reserved.

Section 490.425 - Reserved.

Section 490.426 - Reserved.

Section 490.427 - Reserved.

Section 490.428 - Reserved.

Section 490.429 - Reserved.

Section 490.430 - Reserved.

Section 490.431 - Reserved.

Section 490.432 - Reserved.

Section 490.433 - Reserved.

Section 490.434 - Reserved.

Section 490.435 - Reserved.

Section 490.436 - Reserved.

Section 490.437 - Reserved.

Section 490.438 - Reserved.

Section 490.439 - Reserved.

Section 490.440 - Reserved.

Section 490.441 - Reserved.

Section 490.442 - Reserved.

Section 490.443 - Reserved.

Section 490.444 - Reserved.

Section 490.445 - Reserved.

Section 490.446 - Reserved.

Section 490.447 - Reserved.

Section 490.448 - Reserved.

Section 490.449 - Reserved.

Section 490.450 - Reserved.

Section 490.451 - Reserved.

Section 490.452 - Reserved.

Section 490.453 - Reserved.

Section 490.454 - Reserved.

Section 490.455 - Reserved.

Section 490.456 - Reserved.

Section 490.457 - Reserved.

Section 490.458 - Reserved.

Section 490.459 - Reserved.

Section 490.460 - Reserved.

Section 490.461 - Reserved.

Section 490.462 - Reserved.

Section 490.463 - Reserved.

Section 490.464 - Reserved.

Section 490.465 - Reserved.

Section 490.466 - Reserved.

Section 490.467 - Reserved.

Section 490.468 - Reserved.

Section 490.469 - Reserved.

Section 490.470 - Reserved.

Section 490.471 - Reserved.

Section 490.472 - Reserved.

Section 490.473 - Reserved.

Section 490.474 - Reserved.

Section 490.475 - Reserved.

Section 490.476 - Reserved.

Section 490.477 - Reserved.

Section 490.478 - Reserved.

Section 490.479 - Reserved.

Section 490.480 - Reserved.

Section 490.481 - Reserved.

Section 490.482 - Reserved.

Section 490.483 - Reserved.

Section 490.484 - Reserved.

Section 490.485 - Reserved.

Section 490.486 - Reserved.

Section 490.487 - Reserved.

Section 490.488 - Reserved.

Section 490.489 - Reserved.

Section 490.490 - Reserved.

Section 490.491 - Reserved.

Section 490.492 - Reserved.

Section 490.493 - Reserved.

Section 490.494 - Reserved.

Section 490.495 - Reserved.

Section 490.496 - Reserved.

Section 490.497 - Reserved.

Section 490.498 - Reserved.

Section 490.499 - Reserved.

Section 490.500 - Reserved.

Section 490.501 - Registered office and agent of domestic and registered foreign corporations.

Section 490.502 - Change of registered office or registered agent.

Section 490.503 - Resignation of registered agent.

Section 490.504 - Service on corporation.

Section 490.505 - Reserved.

Section 490.506 - Reserved.

Section 490.507 - Reserved.

Section 490.508 - Reserved.

Section 490.509 - Reserved.

Section 490.510 - Reserved.

Section 490.511 - Reserved.

Section 490.512 - Reserved.

Section 490.513 - Reserved.

Section 490.514 - Reserved.

Section 490.515 - Reserved.

Section 490.516 - Reserved.

Section 490.517 - Reserved.

Section 490.518 - Reserved.

Section 490.519 - Reserved.

Section 490.520 - Reserved.

Section 490.521 - Reserved.

Section 490.522 - Reserved.

Section 490.523 - Reserved.

Section 490.524 - Reserved.

Section 490.525 - Reserved.

Section 490.526 - Reserved.

Section 490.527 - Reserved.

Section 490.528 - Reserved.

Section 490.529 - Reserved.

Section 490.530 - Reserved.

Section 490.531 - Reserved.

Section 490.532 - Reserved.

Section 490.533 - Reserved.

Section 490.534 - Reserved.

Section 490.535 - Reserved.

Section 490.536 - Reserved.

Section 490.537 - Reserved.

Section 490.538 - Reserved.

Section 490.539 - Reserved.

Section 490.540 - Reserved.

Section 490.541 - Reserved.

Section 490.542 - Reserved.

Section 490.543 - Reserved.

Section 490.544 - Reserved.

Section 490.545 - Reserved.

Section 490.546 - Reserved.

Section 490.547 - Reserved.

Section 490.548 - Reserved.

Section 490.549 - Reserved.

Section 490.550 - Reserved.

Section 490.551 - Reserved.

Section 490.552 - Reserved.

Section 490.553 - Reserved.

Section 490.554 - Reserved.

Section 490.555 - Reserved.

Section 490.556 - Reserved.

Section 490.557 - Reserved.

Section 490.558 - Reserved.

Section 490.559 - Reserved.

Section 490.560 - Reserved.

Section 490.561 - Reserved.

Section 490.562 - Reserved.

Section 490.563 - Reserved.

Section 490.564 - Reserved.

Section 490.565 - Reserved.

Section 490.566 - Reserved.

Section 490.567 - Reserved.

Section 490.568 - Reserved.

Section 490.569 - Reserved.

Section 490.570 - Reserved.

Section 490.571 - Reserved.

Section 490.572 - Reserved.

Section 490.573 - Reserved.

Section 490.574 - Reserved.

Section 490.575 - Reserved.

Section 490.576 - Reserved.

Section 490.577 - Reserved.

Section 490.578 - Reserved.

Section 490.579 - Reserved.

Section 490.580 - Reserved.

Section 490.581 - Reserved.

Section 490.582 - Reserved.

Section 490.583 - Reserved.

Section 490.584 - Reserved.

Section 490.585 - Reserved.

Section 490.586 - Reserved.

Section 490.587 - Reserved.

Section 490.588 - Reserved.

Section 490.589 - Reserved.

Section 490.590 - Reserved.

Section 490.591 - Reserved.

Section 490.592 - Reserved.

Section 490.593 - Reserved.

Section 490.594 - Reserved.

Section 490.595 - Reserved.

Section 490.596 - Reserved.

Section 490.597 - Reserved.

Section 490.598 - Reserved.

Section 490.599 - Reserved.

Section 490.600 - Reserved.

Section 490.601 - Authorized shares.

Section 490.602 - Terms of class or series determined by board of directors.

Section 490.603 - Issued and outstanding shares.

Section 490.604 - Fractional shares.

Section 490.620 - Subscription for shares before incorporation.

Section 490.621 - Issuance of shares.

Section 490.622 - Liability of shareholders.

Section 490.623 - Share dividends.

Section 490.624 - Share rights, options, warrants, and awards.

Section 490.624A - Poison pill defense authorized.

Section 490.625 - Form and content of certificates.

Section 490.626 - Shares without certificates.

Section 490.627 - Restriction on transfer of shares.

Section 490.628 - Reversion of disbursements to cooperative associations.

Section 490.629 - Reversion of disbursements to cooperative associations.

Section 490.630 - Shareholders’ preemptive rights.

Section 490.631 - Corporation’s acquisition of its own shares.

Section 490.632 - Reacquired shares as issued but not outstanding shares.

Section 490.640 - Distribution to shareholders.

Section 490.641 - Reserved.

Section 490.642 - Reserved.

Section 490.643 - Reserved.

Section 490.644 - Reserved.

Section 490.645 - Reserved.

Section 490.646 - Reserved.

Section 490.647 - Reserved.

Section 490.648 - Reserved.

Section 490.649 - Reserved.

Section 490.650 - Reserved.

Section 490.651 - Reserved.

Section 490.652 - Reserved.

Section 490.653 - Reserved.

Section 490.654 - Reserved.

Section 490.655 - Reserved.

Section 490.656 - Reserved.

Section 490.657 - Reserved.

Section 490.658 - Reserved.

Section 490.659 - Reserved.

Section 490.660 - Reserved.

Section 490.661 - Reserved.

Section 490.662 - Reserved.

Section 490.663 - Reserved.

Section 490.664 - Reserved.

Section 490.665 - Reserved.

Section 490.666 - Reserved.

Section 490.667 - Reserved.

Section 490.668 - Reserved.

Section 490.669 - Reserved.

Section 490.670 - Reserved.

Section 490.671 - Reserved.

Section 490.672 - Reserved.

Section 490.673 - Reserved.

Section 490.674 - Reserved.

Section 490.675 - Reserved.

Section 490.676 - Reserved.

Section 490.677 - Reserved.

Section 490.678 - Reserved.

Section 490.679 - Reserved.

Section 490.680 - Reserved.

Section 490.681 - Reserved.

Section 490.682 - Reserved.

Section 490.683 - Reserved.

Section 490.684 - Reserved.

Section 490.685 - Reserved.

Section 490.686 - Reserved.

Section 490.687 - Reserved.

Section 490.688 - Reserved.

Section 490.689 - Reserved.

Section 490.690 - Reserved.

Section 490.691 - Reserved.

Section 490.692 - Reserved.

Section 490.693 - Reserved.

Section 490.694 - Reserved.

Section 490.695 - Reserved.

Section 490.696 - Reserved.

Section 490.697 - Reserved.

Section 490.698 - Reserved.

Section 490.699 - Reserved.

Section 490.700 - Reserved.

Section 490.701 - Annual meeting.

Section 490.702 - Special meeting.

Section 490.703 - Court-ordered meeting.

Section 490.704 - Action without meeting.

Section 490.705 - Notice of meeting.

Section 490.706 - Waiver of notice.

Section 490.707 - Record date for meeting.

Section 490.708 - Conduct of meeting.

Section 490.709 - Remote participation in shareholders’ meetings.

Section 490.720 - Shareholders’ list for meeting.

Section 490.721 - Voting entitlement of shares.

Section 490.722 - Proxies.

Section 490.723 - Shares held by intermediaries and nominees.

Section 490.724 - Acceptance of votes and other instruments.

Section 490.725 - Quorum and voting requirements for voting groups.

Section 490.726 - Action by single or multiple voting groups.

Section 490.727 - Modifying quorum or voting requirements.

Section 490.728 - Voting for directors — cumulative voting.

Section 490.729 - Inspectors of election.

Section 490.730 - Voting trusts.

Section 490.731 - Voting agreement.

Section 490.732 - Shareholder agreement.

Section 490.740 - Part definitions.

Section 490.741 - Standing.

Section 490.742 - Demand.

Section 490.743 - Stay of proceedings.

Section 490.744 - Dismissal.

Section 490.745 - Discontinuance or settlement.

Section 490.746 - Payment of expenses.

Section 490.747 - Applicability to foreign corporations.

Section 490.748 - Shareholder action to appoint custodian or receiver.

Section 490.749 - Judicial determination of corporate offices and review of elections and shareholder votes.

Section 490.750 - Reserved.

Section 490.751 - Reserved.

Section 490.752 - Reserved.

Section 490.753 - Reserved.

Section 490.754 - Reserved.

Section 490.755 - Reserved.

Section 490.756 - Reserved.

Section 490.757 - Reserved.

Section 490.758 - Reserved.

Section 490.759 - Reserved.

Section 490.760 - Reserved.

Section 490.761 - Reserved.

Section 490.762 - Reserved.

Section 490.763 - Reserved.

Section 490.764 - Reserved.

Section 490.765 - Reserved.

Section 490.766 - Reserved.

Section 490.767 - Reserved.

Section 490.768 - Reserved.

Section 490.769 - Reserved.

Section 490.770 - Reserved.

Section 490.771 - Reserved.

Section 490.772 - Reserved.

Section 490.773 - Reserved.

Section 490.774 - Reserved.

Section 490.775 - Reserved.

Section 490.776 - Reserved.

Section 490.777 - Reserved.

Section 490.778 - Reserved.

Section 490.779 - Reserved.

Section 490.780 - Reserved.

Section 490.781 - Reserved.

Section 490.782 - Reserved.

Section 490.783 - Reserved.

Section 490.784 - Reserved.

Section 490.785 - Reserved.

Section 490.786 - Reserved.

Section 490.787 - Reserved.

Section 490.788 - Reserved.

Section 490.789 - Reserved.

Section 490.790 - Reserved.

Section 490.791 - Reserved.

Section 490.792 - Reserved.

Section 490.793 - Reserved.

Section 490.794 - Reserved.

Section 490.795 - Reserved.

Section 490.796 - Reserved.

Section 490.797 - Reserved.

Section 490.798 - Reserved.

Section 490.799 - Reserved.

Section 490.800 - Reserved.

Section 490.801 - Requirement for and functions of board of directors.

Section 490.802 - Qualifications of directors.

Section 490.803 - Number and election of directors.

Section 490.804 - Election of directors by certain classes of series of shares.

Section 490.805 - Terms of directors generally.

Section 490.806 - Staggered terms for directors.

Section 490.806A - Public corporations — staggered terms.

Section 490.806B - Public corporations — nonstaggered terms.

Section 490.807 - Resignation of directors.

Section 490.808 - Removal of directors by shareholders.

Section 490.809 - Removal of directors by judicial proceeding.

Section 490.810 - Vacancy on board of directors.

Section 490.811 - Compensation of directors.

Section 490.820 - Meetings.

Section 490.821 - Action without meeting.

Section 490.822 - Notice of meeting.

Section 490.823 - Waiver of notice.

Section 490.824 - Quorum and voting.

Section 490.825 - Committees of the board.

Section 490.826 - Submission of matters for shareholder vote.

Section 490.830 - Standards of conduct for directors.

Section 490.831 - Standards of liability for directors.

Section 490.832 - Directors’ liability for unlawful distributions.

Section 490.833 - Liability for unlawful distribution.

Section 490.840 - Officers.

Section 490.841 - Functions of officers.

Section 490.842 - Standards of conduct for officers.

Section 490.843 - Resignation and removal of officers.

Section 490.844 - Contract rights of officers.

Section 490.850 - Part definitions.

Section 490.851 - Permissible indemnification.

Section 490.852 - Mandatory indemnification.

Section 490.853 - Advance for expenses.

Section 490.854 - Court-ordered indemnification and advance for expenses.

Section 490.855 - Determination and authorization of indemnification.

Section 490.856 - Indemnification of officers.

Section 490.857 - Insurance.

Section 490.858 - Variation by corporate action — application of part.

Section 490.859 - Exclusivity of part.

Section 490.860 - Part definitions.

Section 490.861 - Judicial action.

Section 490.862 - Directors’ action.

Section 490.863 - Shareholders’ action.

Section 490.870 - Business opportunities.

Section 490.871 - Reserved.

Section 490.872 - Reserved.

Section 490.873 - Reserved.

Section 490.874 - Reserved.

Section 490.875 - Reserved.

Section 490.876 - Reserved.

Section 490.877 - Reserved.

Section 490.878 - Reserved.

Section 490.879 - Reserved.

Section 490.880 - Reserved.

Section 490.881 - Reserved.

Section 490.882 - Reserved.

Section 490.883 - Reserved.

Section 490.884 - Reserved.

Section 490.885 - Reserved.

Section 490.886 - Reserved.

Section 490.887 - Reserved.

Section 490.888 - Reserved.

Section 490.889 - Reserved.

Section 490.890 - Reserved.

Section 490.891 - Reserved.

Section 490.892 - Reserved.

Section 490.893 - Reserved.

Section 490.894 - Reserved.

Section 490.895 - Reserved.

Section 490.896 - Reserved.

Section 490.897 - Reserved.

Section 490.898 - Reserved.

Section 490.899 - Reserved.

Section 490.900 - Reserved.

Section 490.901 - Subchapter definitions.

Section 490.902 - Excluded transactions.

Section 490.903 - Required approvals.

Section 490.904 - Relationship of subchapter to other laws.

Section 490.905 - Foreign insurance companies becoming domestic.

Section 490.906 - Reserved.

Section 490.907 - Reserved.

Section 490.908 - Reserved.

Section 490.909 - Reserved.

Section 490.910 - Reserved.

Section 490.911 - Reserved.

Section 490.912 - Reserved.

Section 490.913 - Reserved.

Section 490.914 - Reserved.

Section 490.915 - Reserved.

Section 490.916 - Reserved.

Section 490.917 - Reserved.

Section 490.918 - Reserved.

Section 490.919 - Reserved.

Section 490.920 - Domestication.

Section 490.921 - Action on a plan of domestication.

Section 490.922 - Articles of domestication — effectiveness.

Section 490.923 - Amendment of plan of domestication — abandonment.

Section 490.924 - Effect of domestication.

Section 490.925 - Reserved.

Section 490.926 - Reserved.

Section 490.927 - Reserved.

Section 490.928 - Reserved.

Section 490.929 - Reserved.

Section 490.930 - Conversion.

Section 490.931 - Plan of conversion.

Section 490.932 - Action on a plan of conversion.

Section 490.933 - Articles of conversion — effectiveness.

Section 490.934 - Amendment of plan of conversion — abandonment.

Section 490.935 - Effect of conversion.

Section 490.936 - Reserved.

Section 490.937 - Reserved.

Section 490.938 - Reserved.

Section 490.939 - Reserved.

Section 490.940 - Reserved.

Section 490.941 - Reserved.

Section 490.942 - Reserved.

Section 490.943 - Reserved.

Section 490.944 - Reserved.

Section 490.945 - Reserved.

Section 490.946 - Reserved.

Section 490.947 - Reserved.

Section 490.948 - Reserved.

Section 490.949 - Reserved.

Section 490.950 - Reserved.

Section 490.951 - Reserved.

Section 490.952 - Reserved.

Section 490.953 - Reserved.

Section 490.954 - Reserved.

Section 490.955 - Reserved.

Section 490.956 - Reserved.

Section 490.957 - Reserved.

Section 490.958 - Reserved.

Section 490.959 - Reserved.

Section 490.960 - Reserved.

Section 490.961 - Reserved.

Section 490.962 - Reserved.

Section 490.963 - Reserved.

Section 490.964 - Reserved.

Section 490.965 - Reserved.

Section 490.966 - Reserved.

Section 490.967 - Reserved.

Section 490.968 - Reserved.

Section 490.969 - Reserved.

Section 490.970 - Reserved.

Section 490.971 - Reserved.

Section 490.972 - Reserved.

Section 490.973 - Reserved.

Section 490.974 - Reserved.

Section 490.975 - Reserved.

Section 490.976 - Reserved.

Section 490.977 - Reserved.

Section 490.978 - Reserved.

Section 490.979 - Reserved.

Section 490.980 - Reserved.

Section 490.981 - Reserved.

Section 490.982 - Reserved.

Section 490.983 - Reserved.

Section 490.984 - Reserved.

Section 490.985 - Reserved.

Section 490.986 - Reserved.

Section 490.987 - Reserved.

Section 490.988 - Reserved.

Section 490.989 - Reserved.

Section 490.990 - Reserved.

Section 490.991 - Reserved.

Section 490.992 - Reserved.

Section 490.993 - Reserved.

Section 490.994 - Reserved.

Section 490.995 - Reserved.

Section 490.996 - Reserved.

Section 490.997 - Reserved.

Section 490.998 - Reserved.

Section 490.999 - Reserved.

Section 490.1000 - Reserved.

Section 490.1001 - Amendment of articles of incorporation — authority to amend.

Section 490.1002 - Amendment before issuance of shares.

Section 490.1003 - Amendment by board of directors and shareholders.

Section 490.1004 - Voting on amendments by voting groups.

Section 490.1005 - Amendment by board of directors.

Section 490.1005A - Public corporation — amendment by board of directors.

Section 490.1006 - Articles of amendment.

Section 490.1007 - Restated articles of incorporation.

Section 490.1008 - Amendment pursuant to reorganization.

Section 490.1009 - Effect of amendment.

Section 490.1020 - Authority to amend.

Section 490.1021 - Bylaw increasing quorum or voting requirement for directors.

Section 490.1022 - Bylaw provisions relating to the election of directors.

Section 490.1023 - Reserved.

Section 490.1024 - Reserved.

Section 490.1025 - Reserved.

Section 490.1026 - Reserved.

Section 490.1027 - Reserved.

Section 490.1028 - Reserved.

Section 490.1029 - Reserved.

Section 490.1030 - Reserved.

Section 490.1031 - Reserved.

Section 490.1032 - Reserved.

Section 490.1033 - Reserved.

Section 490.1034 - Reserved.

Section 490.1035 - Reserved.

Section 490.1036 - Reserved.

Section 490.1037 - Reserved.

Section 490.1038 - Reserved.

Section 490.1039 - Reserved.

Section 490.1040 - Reserved.

Section 490.1041 - Reserved.

Section 490.1042 - Reserved.

Section 490.1043 - Reserved.

Section 490.1044 - Reserved.

Section 490.1045 - Reserved.

Section 490.1046 - Reserved.

Section 490.1047 - Reserved.

Section 490.1048 - Reserved.

Section 490.1049 - Reserved.

Section 490.1050 - Reserved.

Section 490.1051 - Reserved.

Section 490.1052 - Reserved.

Section 490.1053 - Reserved.

Section 490.1054 - Reserved.

Section 490.1055 - Reserved.

Section 490.1056 - Reserved.

Section 490.1057 - Reserved.

Section 490.1058 - Reserved.

Section 490.1059 - Reserved.

Section 490.1060 - Reserved.

Section 490.1061 - Reserved.

Section 490.1062 - Reserved.

Section 490.1063 - Reserved.

Section 490.1064 - Reserved.

Section 490.1065 - Reserved.

Section 490.1066 - Reserved.

Section 490.1067 - Reserved.

Section 490.1068 - Reserved.

Section 490.1069 - Reserved.

Section 490.1070 - Reserved.

Section 490.1071 - Reserved.

Section 490.1072 - Reserved.

Section 490.1073 - Reserved.

Section 490.1074 - Reserved.

Section 490.1075 - Reserved.

Section 490.1076 - Reserved.

Section 490.1077 - Reserved.

Section 490.1078 - Reserved.

Section 490.1079 - Reserved.

Section 490.1080 - Reserved.

Section 490.1081 - Reserved.

Section 490.1082 - Reserved.

Section 490.1083 - Reserved.

Section 490.1084 - Reserved.

Section 490.1085 - Reserved.

Section 490.1086 - Reserved.

Section 490.1087 - Reserved.

Section 490.1088 - Reserved.

Section 490.1089 - Reserved.

Section 490.1090 - Reserved.

Section 490.1091 - Reserved.

Section 490.1092 - Reserved.

Section 490.1093 - Reserved.

Section 490.1094 - Reserved.

Section 490.1095 - Reserved.

Section 490.1096 - Reserved.

Section 490.1097 - Reserved.

Section 490.1098 - Reserved.

Section 490.1099 - Reserved.

Section 490.1100 - Reserved.

Section 490.1101 - Subchapter definitions.

Section 490.1102 - Merger.

Section 490.1103 - Share exchange.

Section 490.1104 - Action on a plan of merger or share exchange.

Section 490.1105 - Merger between parent and subsidiary or between subsidiaries.

Section 490.1106 - Articles of merger or share exchange.

Section 490.1107 - Effect of merger or share exchange.

Section 490.1108 - Abandonment of a merger or share exchange.

Section 490.1108A - Consideration of acquisition proposals — community interests.

Section 490.1109 - Qualified merger — corporation and cooperative association.

Section 490.1110 - Business combinations with interested shareholders.

Section 490.1111 - Conversion.

Section 490.1112 - Action on plan of conversion by converting domestic corporation.

Section 490.1113 - Filings required for conversion — effective date.

Section 490.1114 - Effect of conversion.

Section 490.1115 - Reserved.

Section 490.1116 - Reserved.

Section 490.1117 - Reserved.

Section 490.1118 - Reserved.

Section 490.1119 - Reserved.

Section 490.1120 - Reserved.

Section 490.1121 - Reserved.

Section 490.1122 - Reserved.

Section 490.1123 - Reserved.

Section 490.1124 - Reserved.

Section 490.1125 - Reserved.

Section 490.1126 - Reserved.

Section 490.1127 - Reserved.

Section 490.1128 - Reserved.

Section 490.1129 - Reserved.

Section 490.1130 - Reserved.

Section 490.1131 - Reserved.

Section 490.1132 - Reserved.

Section 490.1133 - Reserved.

Section 490.1134 - Reserved.

Section 490.1135 - Reserved.

Section 490.1136 - Reserved.

Section 490.1137 - Reserved.

Section 490.1138 - Reserved.

Section 490.1139 - Reserved.

Section 490.1140 - Reserved.

Section 490.1141 - Reserved.

Section 490.1142 - Reserved.

Section 490.1143 - Reserved.

Section 490.1144 - Reserved.

Section 490.1145 - Reserved.

Section 490.1146 - Reserved.

Section 490.1147 - Reserved.

Section 490.1148 - Reserved.

Section 490.1149 - Reserved.

Section 490.1150 - Reserved.

Section 490.1151 - Reserved.

Section 490.1152 - Reserved.

Section 490.1153 - Reserved.

Section 490.1154 - Reserved.

Section 490.1155 - Reserved.

Section 490.1156 - Reserved.

Section 490.1157 - Reserved.

Section 490.1158 - Reserved.

Section 490.1159 - Reserved.

Section 490.1160 - Reserved.

Section 490.1161 - Reserved.

Section 490.1162 - Reserved.

Section 490.1163 - Reserved.

Section 490.1164 - Reserved.

Section 490.1165 - Reserved.

Section 490.1166 - Reserved.

Section 490.1167 - Reserved.

Section 490.1168 - Reserved.

Section 490.1169 - Reserved.

Section 490.1170 - Reserved.

Section 490.1171 - Reserved.

Section 490.1172 - Reserved.

Section 490.1173 - Reserved.

Section 490.1174 - Reserved.

Section 490.1175 - Reserved.

Section 490.1176 - Reserved.

Section 490.1177 - Reserved.

Section 490.1178 - Reserved.

Section 490.1179 - Reserved.

Section 490.1180 - Reserved.

Section 490.1181 - Reserved.

Section 490.1182 - Reserved.

Section 490.1183 - Reserved.

Section 490.1184 - Reserved.

Section 490.1185 - Reserved.

Section 490.1186 - Reserved.

Section 490.1187 - Reserved.

Section 490.1188 - Reserved.

Section 490.1189 - Reserved.

Section 490.1190 - Reserved.

Section 490.1191 - Reserved.

Section 490.1192 - Reserved.

Section 490.1193 - Reserved.

Section 490.1194 - Reserved.

Section 490.1195 - Reserved.

Section 490.1196 - Reserved.

Section 490.1197 - Reserved.

Section 490.1198 - Reserved.

Section 490.1199 - Reserved.

Section 490.1200 - Reserved.

Section 490.1201 - Disposition of assets not requiring shareholder approval.

Section 490.1202 - Shareholder approval of certain dispositions.

Section 490.1203 - Reserved.

Section 490.1204 - Reserved.

Section 490.1205 - Reserved.

Section 490.1206 - Reserved.

Section 490.1207 - Reserved.

Section 490.1208 - Reserved.

Section 490.1209 - Reserved.

Section 490.1210 - Reserved.

Section 490.1211 - Reserved.

Section 490.1212 - Reserved.

Section 490.1213 - Reserved.

Section 490.1214 - Reserved.

Section 490.1215 - Reserved.

Section 490.1216 - Reserved.

Section 490.1217 - Reserved.

Section 490.1218 - Reserved.

Section 490.1219 - Reserved.

Section 490.1220 - Reserved.

Section 490.1221 - Reserved.

Section 490.1222 - Reserved.

Section 490.1223 - Reserved.

Section 490.1224 - Reserved.

Section 490.1225 - Reserved.

Section 490.1226 - Reserved.

Section 490.1227 - Reserved.

Section 490.1228 - Reserved.

Section 490.1229 - Reserved.

Section 490.1230 - Reserved.

Section 490.1231 - Reserved.

Section 490.1232 - Reserved.

Section 490.1233 - Reserved.

Section 490.1234 - Reserved.

Section 490.1235 - Reserved.

Section 490.1236 - Reserved.

Section 490.1237 - Reserved.

Section 490.1238 - Reserved.

Section 490.1239 - Reserved.

Section 490.1240 - Reserved.

Section 490.1241 - Reserved.

Section 490.1242 - Reserved.

Section 490.1243 - Reserved.

Section 490.1244 - Reserved.

Section 490.1245 - Reserved.

Section 490.1246 - Reserved.

Section 490.1247 - Reserved.

Section 490.1248 - Reserved.

Section 490.1249 - Reserved.

Section 490.1250 - Reserved.

Section 490.1251 - Reserved.

Section 490.1252 - Reserved.

Section 490.1253 - Reserved.

Section 490.1254 - Reserved.

Section 490.1255 - Reserved.

Section 490.1256 - Reserved.

Section 490.1257 - Reserved.

Section 490.1258 - Reserved.

Section 490.1259 - Reserved.

Section 490.1260 - Reserved.

Section 490.1261 - Reserved.

Section 490.1262 - Reserved.

Section 490.1263 - Reserved.

Section 490.1264 - Reserved.

Section 490.1265 - Reserved.

Section 490.1266 - Reserved.

Section 490.1267 - Reserved.

Section 490.1268 - Reserved.

Section 490.1269 - Reserved.

Section 490.1270 - Reserved.

Section 490.1271 - Reserved.

Section 490.1272 - Reserved.

Section 490.1273 - Reserved.

Section 490.1274 - Reserved.

Section 490.1275 - Reserved.

Section 490.1276 - Reserved.

Section 490.1277 - Reserved.

Section 490.1278 - Reserved.

Section 490.1279 - Reserved.

Section 490.1280 - Reserved.

Section 490.1281 - Reserved.

Section 490.1282 - Reserved.

Section 490.1283 - Reserved.

Section 490.1284 - Reserved.

Section 490.1285 - Reserved.

Section 490.1286 - Reserved.

Section 490.1287 - Reserved.

Section 490.1288 - Reserved.

Section 490.1289 - Reserved.

Section 490.1290 - Reserved.

Section 490.1291 - Reserved.

Section 490.1292 - Reserved.

Section 490.1293 - Reserved.

Section 490.1294 - Reserved.

Section 490.1295 - Reserved.

Section 490.1296 - Reserved.

Section 490.1297 - Reserved.

Section 490.1298 - Reserved.

Section 490.1299 - Reserved.

Section 490.1300 - Reserved.

Section 490.1301 - Subchapter definitions.

Section 490.1302 - Right to appraisal.

Section 490.1303 - Assertion of rights by nominees and beneficial shareholders.

Section 490.1320 - Notice of appraisal rights.

Section 490.1321 - Notice of intent to demand payment and consequences of voting or consenting.

Section 490.1322 - Appraisal notice and form.

Section 490.1323 - Perfection of rights — right to withdraw.

Section 490.1324 - Payment.

Section 490.1325 - After-acquired shares.

Section 490.1326 - Procedure if shareholder dissatisfied with payment or offer.

Section 490.1327

Section 490.1328

Section 490.1330 - Court action.

Section 490.1331 - Court costs and expenses.

Section 490.1340 - Other remedies limited.

Section 490.1341 - Reserved.

Section 490.1342 - Reserved.

Section 490.1343 - Reserved.

Section 490.1344 - Reserved.

Section 490.1345 - Reserved.

Section 490.1346 - Reserved.

Section 490.1347 - Reserved.

Section 490.1348 - Reserved.

Section 490.1349 - Reserved.

Section 490.1350 - Reserved.

Section 490.1351 - Reserved.

Section 490.1352 - Reserved.

Section 490.1353 - Reserved.

Section 490.1354 - Reserved.

Section 490.1355 - Reserved.

Section 490.1356 - Reserved.

Section 490.1357 - Reserved.

Section 490.1358 - Reserved.

Section 490.1359 - Reserved.

Section 490.1360 - Reserved.

Section 490.1361 - Reserved.

Section 490.1362 - Reserved.

Section 490.1363 - Reserved.

Section 490.1364 - Reserved.

Section 490.1365 - Reserved.

Section 490.1366 - Reserved.

Section 490.1367 - Reserved.

Section 490.1368 - Reserved.

Section 490.1369 - Reserved.

Section 490.1370 - Reserved.

Section 490.1371 - Reserved.

Section 490.1372 - Reserved.

Section 490.1373 - Reserved.

Section 490.1374 - Reserved.

Section 490.1375 - Reserved.

Section 490.1376 - Reserved.

Section 490.1377 - Reserved.

Section 490.1378 - Reserved.

Section 490.1379 - Reserved.

Section 490.1380 - Reserved.

Section 490.1381 - Reserved.

Section 490.1382 - Reserved.

Section 490.1383 - Reserved.

Section 490.1384 - Reserved.

Section 490.1385 - Reserved.

Section 490.1386 - Reserved.

Section 490.1387 - Reserved.

Section 490.1388 - Reserved.

Section 490.1389 - Reserved.

Section 490.1390 - Reserved.

Section 490.1391 - Reserved.

Section 490.1392 - Reserved.

Section 490.1393 - Reserved.

Section 490.1394 - Reserved.

Section 490.1395 - Reserved.

Section 490.1396 - Reserved.

Section 490.1397 - Reserved.

Section 490.1398 - Reserved.

Section 490.1399 - Reserved.

Section 490.1400 - Reserved.

Section 490.1401 - Dissolution by incorporators or initial directors.

Section 490.1402 - Dissolution by board of directors and shareholders.

Section 490.1403 - Articles of dissolution.

Section 490.1404 - Revocation of dissolution.

Section 490.1405 - Effect of dissolution.

Section 490.1406 - Known claims against dissolved corporation.

Section 490.1407 - Other claims against dissolved corporation.

Section 490.1408 - Court proceedings.

Section 490.1409 - Director duties.

Section 490.1420 - Grounds for administrative dissolution.

Section 490.1421 - Procedure for and effect of administrative dissolution.

Section 490.1422 - Reinstatement following administrative dissolution.

Section 490.1423 - Appeal from denial of reinstatement.

Section 490.1430 - Grounds for judicial dissolution.

Section 490.1431 - Procedure for judicial dissolution.

Section 490.1432 - Receivership or custodianship.

Section 490.1433 - Decree of dissolution.

Section 490.1434 - Election to purchase in lieu of dissolution.

Section 490.1440 - Deposit with state treasurer.

Section 490.1441 - Reserved.

Section 490.1442 - Reserved.

Section 490.1443 - Reserved.

Section 490.1444 - Reserved.

Section 490.1445 - Reserved.

Section 490.1446 - Reserved.

Section 490.1447 - Reserved.

Section 490.1448 - Reserved.

Section 490.1449 - Reserved.

Section 490.1450 - Reserved.

Section 490.1451 - Reserved.

Section 490.1452 - Reserved.

Section 490.1453 - Reserved.

Section 490.1454 - Reserved.

Section 490.1455 - Reserved.

Section 490.1456 - Reserved.

Section 490.1457 - Reserved.

Section 490.1458 - Reserved.

Section 490.1459 - Reserved.

Section 490.1460 - Reserved.

Section 490.1461 - Reserved.

Section 490.1462 - Reserved.

Section 490.1463 - Reserved.

Section 490.1464 - Reserved.

Section 490.1465 - Reserved.

Section 490.1466 - Reserved.

Section 490.1467 - Reserved.

Section 490.1468 - Reserved.

Section 490.1469 - Reserved.

Section 490.1470 - Reserved.

Section 490.1471 - Reserved.

Section 490.1472 - Reserved.

Section 490.1473 - Reserved.

Section 490.1474 - Reserved.

Section 490.1475 - Reserved.

Section 490.1476 - Reserved.

Section 490.1477 - Reserved.

Section 490.1478 - Reserved.

Section 490.1479 - Reserved.

Section 490.1480 - Reserved.

Section 490.1481 - Reserved.

Section 490.1482 - Reserved.

Section 490.1483 - Reserved.

Section 490.1484 - Reserved.

Section 490.1485 - Reserved.

Section 490.1486 - Reserved.

Section 490.1487 - Reserved.

Section 490.1488 - Reserved.

Section 490.1489 - Reserved.

Section 490.1490 - Reserved.

Section 490.1491 - Reserved.

Section 490.1492 - Reserved.

Section 490.1493 - Reserved.

Section 490.1494 - Reserved.

Section 490.1495 - Reserved.

Section 490.1496 - Reserved.

Section 490.1497 - Reserved.

Section 490.1498 - Reserved.

Section 490.1499 - Reserved.

Section 490.1500 - Reserved.

Section 490.1501 - Governing law.

Section 490.1502 - Registration to do business in this state.

Section 490.1503 - Foreign registration statement.

Section 490.1504 - Amendment of foreign registration statement.

Section 490.1505 - Activities not constituting doing business.

Section 490.1506 - Noncomplying name of foreign corporation.

Section 490.1507 - Withdrawal of registration of registered foreign corporation.

Section 490.1508 - Deemed withdrawal upon domestication or conversion to certain domestic entities.

Section 490.1509 - Withdrawal upon dissolution or conversion to certain nonfiling entities.

Section 490.1510 - Transfer of registration.

Section 490.1511 - Administrative termination of registration.

Section 490.1512 - Action by attorney general.

Section 490.1520 - Withdrawal of foreign corporation.

Section 490.1523 - Transfer of authority.

Section 490.1530 - Grounds for revocation.

Section 490.1531 - Procedure for and effect of revocation.

Section 490.1532 - Appeal from revocation.

Section 490.1533 - Reserved.

Section 490.1534 - Reserved.

Section 490.1535 - Reserved.

Section 490.1536 - Reserved.

Section 490.1537 - Reserved.

Section 490.1538 - Reserved.

Section 490.1539 - Reserved.

Section 490.1540 - Reserved.

Section 490.1541 - Reserved.

Section 490.1542 - Reserved.

Section 490.1543 - Reserved.

Section 490.1544 - Reserved.

Section 490.1545 - Reserved.

Section 490.1546 - Reserved.

Section 490.1547 - Reserved.

Section 490.1548 - Reserved.

Section 490.1549 - Reserved.

Section 490.1550 - Reserved.

Section 490.1551 - Reserved.

Section 490.1552 - Reserved.

Section 490.1553 - Reserved.

Section 490.1554 - Reserved.

Section 490.1555 - Reserved.

Section 490.1556 - Reserved.

Section 490.1557 - Reserved.

Section 490.1558 - Reserved.

Section 490.1559 - Reserved.

Section 490.1560 - Reserved.

Section 490.1561 - Reserved.

Section 490.1562 - Reserved.

Section 490.1563 - Reserved.

Section 490.1564 - Reserved.

Section 490.1565 - Reserved.

Section 490.1566 - Reserved.

Section 490.1567 - Reserved.

Section 490.1568 - Reserved.

Section 490.1569 - Reserved.

Section 490.1570 - Reserved.

Section 490.1571 - Reserved.

Section 490.1572 - Reserved.

Section 490.1573 - Reserved.

Section 490.1574 - Reserved.

Section 490.1575 - Reserved.

Section 490.1576 - Reserved.

Section 490.1577 - Reserved.

Section 490.1578 - Reserved.

Section 490.1579 - Reserved.

Section 490.1580 - Reserved.

Section 490.1581 - Reserved.

Section 490.1582 - Reserved.

Section 490.1583 - Reserved.

Section 490.1584 - Reserved.

Section 490.1585 - Reserved.

Section 490.1586 - Reserved.

Section 490.1587 - Reserved.

Section 490.1588 - Reserved.

Section 490.1589 - Reserved.

Section 490.1590 - Reserved.

Section 490.1591 - Reserved.

Section 490.1592 - Reserved.

Section 490.1593 - Reserved.

Section 490.1594 - Reserved.

Section 490.1595 - Reserved.

Section 490.1596 - Reserved.

Section 490.1597 - Reserved.

Section 490.1598 - Reserved.

Section 490.1599 - Reserved.

Section 490.1600 - Reserved.

Section 490.1601 - Corporate records.

Section 490.1602 - Inspection rights of shareholders.

Section 490.1603 - Scope of inspection right.

Section 490.1604 - Court-ordered inspection.

Section 490.1605 - Inspection of records by directors.

Section 490.1606 - Exception to notice requirement.

Section 490.1620 - Financial statements for shareholders.

Section 490.1621 - Biennial report for secretary of state.

Section 490.1622 - Biennial report for secretary of state.

Section 490.1623 - through

Section 490.1624 - through

Section 490.1625 - through

Section 490.1626 - through

Section 490.1627 - through

Section 490.1628 - through

Section 490.1629 - through

Section 490.1630 - through

Section 490.1631 - through

Section 490.1632 - through

Section 490.1633 - through

Section 490.1634 - through

Section 490.1635 - through

Section 490.1636 - through

Section 490.1637 - through

Section 490.1638 - through

Section 490.1639 - through

Section 490.1640 - through

Section 490.1641 - through

Section 490.1642 - through

Section 490.1643 - through

Section 490.1644 - through

Section 490.1645 - through

Section 490.1646 - through

Section 490.1647 - through

Section 490.1648 - through

Section 490.1649 - through

Section 490.1650 - through

Section 490.1651 - through

Section 490.1652 - through

Section 490.1653 - through

Section 490.1654 - through

Section 490.1655 - through

Section 490.1656 - through

Section 490.1657 - through

Section 490.1658 - through

Section 490.1659 - through

Section 490.1660 - through

Section 490.1661 - through

Section 490.1662 - through

Section 490.1663 - through

Section 490.1664 - through

Section 490.1665 - through

Section 490.1666 - through

Section 490.1667 - through

Section 490.1668 - through

Section 490.1669 - through

Section 490.1670 - through

Section 490.1671 - through

Section 490.1672 - through

Section 490.1673 - through

Section 490.1674 - through

Section 490.1675 - through

Section 490.1676 - through

Section 490.1677 - through

Section 490.1678 - through

Section 490.1679 - through

Section 490.1680 - through

Section 490.1681 - through

Section 490.1682 - through

Section 490.1683 - through

Section 490.1684 - through

Section 490.1685 - through

Section 490.1686 - through

Section 490.1687 - through

Section 490.1688 - through

Section 490.1689 - through

Section 490.1690 - through

Section 490.1691 - through

Section 490.1692 - through

Section 490.1693 - through

Section 490.1694 - through

Section 490.1695 - through

Section 490.1696 - through

Section 490.1697 - through

Section 490.1698 - through

Section 490.1699 - through

Section 490.1700 - through

Section 490.1701 - Application of subchapter — definitions.

Section 490.1702 - Name — share certificates.

Section 490.1703 - Certain amendments and transactions — votes required.

Section 490.1704 - Duties of directors.

Section 490.1705 - Annual benefit report.

Section 490.1706 - Rights of action.

Section 490.1801 - Application to existing domestic corporations.

Section 490.1802 - Application to existing foreign corporations.

Section 490.1803 - Savings provisions.

Section 490.1804 - Severability.